The Lounge now a hidden subforum

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Mar 18, 2009
Hello everyone,

It has been decided by Senior Staff, in consultation with moderators from The Lounge, that The Lounge will now be a hidden subforum, with its own usergroup. If you wish to opt-in to participate in The Lounge, you must go to "Usergroup Permissions" in "Settings" (at the top right corner) and request to join the usergroup "Lounge Rats". The Lounge's moderators will then decide if they will approve your request. Anyone who does not successfully join the usergroup will no longer be able to access The Lounge.

We believe that this is the best way to keep alive certain traditions in The Lounge, such as its higher degree of free speech, while giving Bluelighters the option to keep its content hidden during their forum browsing.

Bluelight's Admin team will give The Lounge moderation team a lot of autonomy over who gets in and who gets kicked out. Participants may be removed from the usergroup by The Lounge's moderators instead of receiving warnings or infractions for breaking Lounge rules. Bluelighters who don't join the The Lounge usergroup or who are removed from the usergroup will still be able to participate in the rest of Bluelight, but won't be able to see The Lounge on their main forum homepage.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to post them in this thread. Thank you! :)
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wow great this is awesome im so happy what the fuck does this mean?
Has it been implemented yet ? My request hasn't been approved yet but I can still see The Lounge...
How the fuck?? Whwres it at i dont seeusergroup permissions.
wow great this is awesome im so happy what the fuck does this mean?

Lmao fuc you now gotta request to be added in the Lounge. Are all the same Lounge rules still applying or is it now back to being very raw?
that sounds like a nice place can i be fuckin opinionated there
Let's make the lounge a private forum.
So innovative....
Let's have it go back to it's old ways (yay just more racism so 1950s)
Did people really get that butthurt over it?
Its ok Fuc Aus Social will treat you nicely as well

I'm just keen to let rip on a stooge doesn't matter the colour of their skin if they get me going like a bro at sydney stereo then I'm keen but I cannot for the life of me see this request thang
This will mean less naïve, transient noobs for me to stick my penis into.

DROPEM....prepare your anus, son.

Now we won't ever hear from methadone84.
He won't have a clue on what to do.
and they aren't going to accept us black folk
*hits reject button*
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Will our post counts change when posting in a private forum?
Will you guys realize this is pretty lame?
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I don't think it's such a bad idea. I mean, there is some value to bl as a whole...and there is no denying that the lounge is a putrid cesspool filled to the brim with degenerate shitbags.

Burn it to ze ground!!!!!!!!!
Geez NURSEE, I was just pretending. So rude.
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