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RCs New stimulant, Methylnaphthidate or HDMP-28

Lol that's fine, believe what you want, my low post count is such because I invariably delete the bulk of my posts after a sufficient number of people weigh in, I don't really like posting my personal experiences online but man did I enjoy this stuff and thought it deserved sharing.

I'm sure there are drawbacks but I've only had one g and wasted a good portion in failed saline experiments, shared more still. I ordered another sample today and will expand on things if I deem it necessary at a later date.

Also I should mention I default to using etizolam after any stimulants so I can't really speak to insomnia effects, etc.
You should see what happens when people take phenobarbital.

Sorry that this has little to do with the actual thread topic, but up until 5 minutes ago I had no idea phenobarbital had any liver toxicity issues. I just did a little bit of quick research but I was wondering if someone could enlighten me more about what sekio meant by this post.

I am interested because 14 months ago I was in a treatment program for my alcohol addiction and their drug of choice to control withdrawals was phenobarb. A couple days after I got there, after the bad withdrawals had subsided they made a point of it to sit me down and show me the readout of my liver enzymes which were very high (I'm about 120 lbs and was consuming at least a fifth of 80 proof vodka a day for about 2 years, so it's not surprising). If phenobarbital truly is terrible for your liver then it seems it would be a very poor choice in controlling alcohol withdrawal. The treatment center I went to is one of the most known and highly praised in my immediate region.

Sorry for the off-topic post; this just didn't seem important enough to warrant a new thread.
Sorry that this has little to do with the actual thread topic, but up until 5 minutes ago I had no idea phenobarbital had any liver toxicity issues. I just did a little bit of quick research but I was wondering if someone could enlighten me more about what sekio meant by this post.

I am interested because 14 months ago I was in a treatment program for my alcohol addiction and their drug of choice to control withdrawals was phenobarb. A couple days after I got there, after the bad withdrawals had subsided they made a point of it to sit me down and show me the readout of my liver enzymes which were very high (I'm about 120 lbs and was consuming at least a fifth of 80 proof vodka a day for about 2 years, so it's not surprising). If phenobarbital truly is terrible for your liver then it seems it would be a very poor choice in controlling alcohol withdrawal. The treatment center I went to is one of the most known and highly praised in my immediate region.

Sorry for the off-topic post; this just didn't seem important enough to warrant a new thread.

Alcoholics or people with bad livers aren't even supposed to take tylenol for fuck sakes.
It's a case of what's worse, full on withdrawals from alcohol, like opiates and benzos can cause cascading failures in your health, seizures, strokes, etcetera..your liver being taxed is probably the least of their concerns when quitting that much alcohol cold turkey.
I am interested because 14 months ago I was in a treatment program for my alcohol addiction and their drug of choice to control withdrawals was phenobarb. A couple days after I got there, after the bad withdrawals had subsided they made a point of it to sit me down and show me the readout of my liver enzymes which were very high (I'm about 120 lbs and was consuming at least a fifth of 80 proof vodka a day for about 2 years, so it's not surprising). If phenobarbital truly is terrible for your liver then it seems it would be a very poor choice in controlling alcohol withdrawal.

I went through the exact same thing, it's the standard for alcohol detox and possibly for benzos as well. Anyone whose liver is still functioning after years of alcoholism doesn't need to worry about the effects of a few days on phenobarbital. Hepatotoxicity varies tremendously from one person to another. The first response you got was that blast about not taking tylenol, which is true, but my liver was fine during 10 years of daily heavy drinking while taking soma (hepatotoxic) and vicodin (contains acetaminophen) every day for chronic pain. Someone else doing the same thing could end up dead from liver disease. But the main point is that a few days of phenobarbital isn't going to kill anyone's liver.

To make this post topical, problems with HDMP-28 will be more likely to show up after prolonged chronic use, or extremely large doses. This message is brought to you by Obvious: "When you want to say something without really saying anything, state the Obvious."
Noteworthy is that 3,4-ctmp has somewhat significant serotonin reuptake inhibition and I could feel that during my 3,4-dcmp experiments as it was much less pushy for how much energy I had then similar energy amounts on MPH.

3,4-CTMP has little serotonergic activity, perhaps you had a tainted batch? Opinions about this RC vary widely but most negative ones are related to overindulgence caused by its long delay of onset which lead many users dealing with the consequences of having ingested toxic levels whose effects hit them like a freight train when it kicked in. Happened to me the first few times but I eventually managed to tame the beast by sticking to the protocol: 7-10mg and don't expect anything to really hit the spot before 2 or 3 hours, not just one like many people do. Also it's strictly a working stim, ment to enhance productivity and non-artistic creativity, makes you very focused and meticulous but not in an OCD fashion, provided you plan ahead what you want to get done and in what order. Anyway CTMP is an acquired taste, not love at first sight.

As for methylnaphtidate my favorite RC supplier in Canada let me know that he sent me a 500mg sample but it's not arrived yet and I'm not sure it'll make it here, depends if Customs will let in, or hold it for months, or confiscate it as an analog of Schedule II methylphenidate. Crossing my fingers. On the positive side no crime was committed because A) I didn't order it and B) in my vendor's country (Canada) methylphenidate is Schedule III and thus not covered by their analog rules which only apply to Schedule I and II substances. Worst case scenario is one of Custom's sniffer dogs could be bouncing off the walls for a few hours.
I should read the BLUA and OD guidelines so this doesn't happen again!
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in any event this is not a forum for you to post reviews of companies. but thanks for sharing. are you in the US?
i love this stuff. Figured it was like 3 4-CTMP and not soluble in water. 10-20mg snorted repeated until 'good' provides clear euphoria, motivation and focus. It's not as rushy or fiendish as EPH but that's a good thing. I really have enjoyed my time with it. Note: i do mix it with etizolam but noticed i dont dose as much etizolam ie. less anxiety than normal.

Binging is problematic of course, shadows are lurking me atm. :D
I'm not sure what to mAke of this. Snorting sucks Imo but have high tolerance to eph and yet to try oral I'd assume it'd take more. Can this be vaped? The chemical make up seems weird and haven't tested much
Yeah that's what I figured out although some insist they get fx nasally. But after so much shit I've put up my nose I only Will use that roa with drugs that call for very little. So vaping is my new roa for most next to capping.Can we ask what dose most use vaped? Does yours sizzle and bubble?From what I read it's suppose to be "much "more potent than eph but yet to agree. Can't find shit on this substance
Yea I've shelved mine also. Will test more eventually. Nothing Too great I'm pretty sure what I got is what it's suppose to be but nothing about it lived up to the hype. I don't think it's very euphoric at all
@kosmerkramer: Mine matches your description.

Although it doesn't appear very soluble, I've noticed that it still has a very rapid onset snorted. Actually, in my opinion, the oral onset is incredible fast as well.

I enjoyed my first test with this one (two doses of 20mg insufflated, separated by about an hour, but I've noticed that it can be a bit hit-or-miss. Also the residual stimulation builds up considerably with repeated dosing--to the point where my veins felt uncomfortable. I would be worried about a blood-pressure effect.

Overall, I do like how this one feels, but I also think it should be approached rather carefully. My general impression is that it may be too much on the serontonergic side of things--which is probably why it doesn't feel much like a stim to some of you.

I made a significantly lengthier report of my first experiences with this drug and some other impressions in the thread that popped up a while ago in NPD, if anyone cares to look for it.
Mine is close to yours no granules very fine white powder might vape a small amount now but also on a php
I'm wondering if anyone has tried this one as a study aid. Good focus & memory for reading? What dose would you recommend? Oral best I assume?
I sampled this at 30mg oral today hoping to use it as a work aid. At this dose I experienced very little in the way of obvious stimulation. I noticed effects starting pretty quickly and peaking at perhaps the 2 hour mark. There was subtle buzz going that was mildly pleasant, but not much more than that. I was able to work fine, but didn't really feel particularly focused. Instead I felt more relaxed.

Are the effects really that subtle at 30mg oral, or do I have weak stuff?

Is the dose-response linear? I.e. if I try 60mg next time, should I expect a doubling of effect, or should increase more slowly?


PS: Just in case it's relevant, I did a 5mg test before taking the other 25mg an hour later.
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Ordered 1 gram. Then 3 grams. I function better on this then on MPA, and 34ctmp.
MPA is better for productivity but MPA is less in a way for maintaining its use long term.
34ctmp is better for price+strength but I found it to have a different set of effects that are less desirable.
Less come down then on 34ctmp. I am sticking to this one for a while.. It may cost more but its worth it for less comedown.
I'm wondering if anyone has tried this one as a study aid. Good focus & memory for reading? What dose would you recommend? Oral best I assume?
I used this for studying for about two weeks, a few months back. I didn't think it was particularly suited for this, I just used it because I was in between prescriptions for vyvanse and ran out of Ethylphenidate. It was very motivating--moreso than most other stims I've tried--but it didn't help very much with focus, and it didn't counter sleep deprivation. The motivational effect was pretty cool, but of course would disappear as soon as any health anxiety would manifest.

I find oral to be MUCH stronger than nasal, and also much more serotonergic--so much so that it was sedating rather than stimulating. 40mg insufflated was enjoyable (although not necessarily "recreational", it was still fairly mild) as a stand alone dose. You get lots of residual stimulation and side effects with redoses.

The drug itself gave me a very calm stimulation. Not tweaky, and not energetic, but it conferred a sense of centered confidence. I haven't tried cocaine, but I was reminded of the way people frequently describe cocaine as hugely boosting the ego/making you feel on top of the world/etc. that being said, the "high" was always mild.

I quickly found that side effects overwhelmed any positives to the drug. It just "felt" toxic, and it tended to make my peripheral arteries balloon in size-- I was constantly paranoid about my blood pressure while on it--the health anxiety I mentioned earlier. In retrospect, I don't know whether it actually had a significant effect on blood pressure--that may have just been deep tissue vasoconstriction and drug-induced paranoia. That being said, I don't generally have issues with health anxiety on stimulants--though I do psychedelics, so maybe the serotonergic component had something to do with it.

My first few trials with it were pretty positive, but overall I doubt I'll get it again.

I suspect it would combine well with a more dopaminergic stimulant. That being said, the combination with ethylphenidate, even in low doses, mostly resulted in amplification of both drugs' side effects. If I still had some around I would probably try combining it with 3-fpm.

It's also worth mentioning that I never noticed a comedown. Pretty damn nice feature, actually.
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