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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Please participate in new Bluelight-supported research on why ppl use new drugs!

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Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002

You may have noticed a new banner up advertising a research project 'the motivation for using Novel Psychoactive Substances'. The research is run from Karlstad University, Sweden. After some discussions with Bluelight, the researchers agreed to donate to us in exchange for site-wide promotion of their survey.

The survey is reasonably quick to complete, and I'd say a fair proportion of our community may be eligible - anyone who has used a novel substance ('legal high', 'research chemical', etc) in the last 2 years.

While it is always an individual decision whether or not to participate in research, Bluelight admin recommends that those of you who have used NPS in the last 2 years do consider participating in this survey as a way of rewarding our supporters.

Link: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads...or-using-Novel-Psychoactive-Substances-Survey

Thanks :)

Tronica, on behalf of Bluelight Admin
The name NPS threw me too, it's Novel Psychoactive Substances also known as RC's. So if anyone has taken them in the past two years you still have time to take the survey. It doesn't take long at all and helping support Bluelight!
Around the world they are called different things but essential they are novel or new drugs. The terminology in this area is challenging. Some are legal, some are prohibited / some are synthetic, some are plant based. If it's new on the scene in the last 5 years, it's probably an NPS. Hope that makes some sense!
I am not sure if I qualify. Only new thing i've tried is Kratom. Oh what a wonderfu thing the Lord has given us. Other then that I did once sip a glass of wine with a cigarette ash in it... Very NOT reccommended.
This survey was completed some time ago. However, if you're interested in helping out Bluelight/MAPS and doing some surveys, there are usually some in which you can participate in the MAPS forums. :)
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