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Christie: The War on Drugs Failed


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Christie: The War on Drugs Failed
Jennifer Fernicola Ronay on October 1, 2014


New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says the “War on Drugs” has failed. His solution to the drug problem would involve sending offenders to treatment, not jail.

Christie has said that the war on drugs failed, not because of any bad intentions on the part of those who launched it many years ago, but because it focused on the wrong kind of punishment. Despite what many lawmakers think, when laws are imposed to make the punishment for drug crimes harsher and harsher, it does not actually teach the users a lesson, Christie says. Instead, the punishment for non-violent offenders should be drug treatment. Christie, himself, passed a law in New Jersey abolishing mandatory prison sentences for first-time, non-violent offenders. Instead, those types of drug offenders must submit to mandatory, inpatient treatment.

While Christie’s solution focuses on changing the way drug users are punished, he does not support changing the criminalization of drug use. He is a strong opponent to legalizing any drugs, especially marijuana, as he points out marijuana is often a gateway drug to heavier, more serious drug use. Also, he states it is a slippery slope in terms of deciding what drugs to legalize next. Further, he believes decriminalization and legalization of any drugs sends the wrong message to children. His view is that all drugs should remain illegal and the punishment should aid in fixing the problem of addiction.

The issue of addiction actually hits home for the governor since one of his friends from law school died of a drug overdose in 2014. As Christie describes him, the friend had “it all,” it would seem – a wife who was a doctor, three beautiful daughters, a great job at a top New Jersey law firm. But, eventually, the friend’s addiction to alcohol and prescription painkillers led to a divorce, the loss of his job, the loss of his driver’s license and, ultimately, death.

The friend, who Christie did not name, was found alone in a hotel room, dead at the age of 52 and surrounded by alcohol and prescription pill bottles. While the families of both men were close and would often vacation together, now Christie simply says he misses his friend. He also points out that his friend is an example of how the problem of addiction has no socioeconomic boundaries and is a disease that can strike anyone.

Christie’s viewpoint on how to solve the drug problem may set him apart from his fellow Republicans who take a stricter stance on the issue. However, Christie believes his position is actually in line with his conservative pro-life position. He argues that requiring treatment for the problem of addiction is simply another form of valuing life. He says he values life at every phase and his views on addiction and treatment are no different, but are actually in line with his belief in cherishing a human being’s life.

continued at http://guardianlv.com/2014/10/christie-the-war-on-drugs-failed/#pXYoGrwofjWDE1Tq.99
"His solution to the drug problem would involve sending offenders to treatment, not jail."

Honestly I stopped reading right there.. Basically what this sentence tells me is that Christie is being given donations by huge companies that run "rehab/detox facilities" that want all those drug offenders caught to go to their rehab centers so they can make money off these PRISONERS. You think they will be given a choice whether or not they go to rehab? Hell no they will be sent to these rehab places as prisoners and probably locked inside. What needs to be done is go back to the drug laws of 1776, which of course means NO DRUG LAWS what so ever. That is the only way to stop the destruction the war on drugs is causing people. The biggest thing that hurts people is not the drugs but the punishment that comes from being caught with the drugs! Christie is a fat POS
To bad you would have read this nonsense.

"While Christie’s solution focuses on changing the way drug users are punished, he does not support changing the criminalization of drug use. He is a strong opponent to legalizing any drugs, especially marijuana, as he points out marijuana is often a gateway drug to heavier, more serious drug use. Also, he states it is a slippery slope in terms of deciding what drugs to legalize next. Further, he believes decriminalization and legalization of any drugs sends the wrong message to children"

So he is saying he wants to stick with a war he knows has failed utterly. Chris you have received the highly coveted assclown award. Enjoy it you certainly have earned it.


Still playing the save the children card. I will let you in on a little secrete, the message you have been sending has not made a shit of difference for the children. That and when the children grow up they are being locked away in the greatest mass incarceration in history. The childrens parents are also being rounded up and having their lives destroyed. What message does that send to the children. Idiots. The drug war has not saved any children, in fact it has forced tens of thousands to throw themselves at our borders in utter desperation.

But I would rather end up in rehab than prison. The war on drugs will be abandoned in many other countries before the US screws its head on right. I love how self righteous uncle sam is always down on other countries human rights when "Although the United States only accounts for 5 percent of the total global population, it has nearly a quarter of the world’s prisoners." What a joke America I mean look at us.. we are one of the biggest human rights violators on the planet.

I agree with you gh0st. Looks like what they are going to try and do is force people to go to thousand dollar a day rehabs. This will make those dirty places rich. So instead of locking drug users and addicts away they are going to exploit and bleed them dry and still leave them with a permanent record. More of the same old bullshit without having to pay to lock these people up. Provide treatment for the people who need or want it and leave the rest of the people alone. Focus on real crime idiots. Legalize drugs so that bad batches of fentanyl laced shit from scummy mexican drug lords don't cause mass death. Make Big Pharma responsible for the consequences of the products they produce.

"Land of the free".. ROFL.
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To bad you would have read this nonsense.

Still playing the save the children card. I will let you in on a little secrete, the message you have been sending has not made a shit of difference for the children. That and when the children grow up they are being locked away in the greatest mass incarceration in history. The childrens parents are also being rounded up and having their lives destroyed. What message does that send to the children. Idiots. The drug war has not saved any children, in fact it has forced tens of thousands to throw themselves at our borders in utter desperation.

But I would rather end up in rehab than prison. The war on drugs will be abandoned in many other countries before the US screws its head on right. I love how self righteous uncle sam is always down on other countries human rights when "Although the United States only accounts for 5 percent of the total global population, it has nearly a quarter of the world’s prisoners." What a joke America I mean look at us.. we are one of the biggest human rights violators on the planet.

I agree with you gh0st. Looks like what they are going to try and do is force people to go to thousand dollar a day rehabs. This will make those dirty places rich. So instead of locking drug users and addicts away they are going to exploit and bleed them dry and still leave them with a permanent record. More of the same old bullshit without having to pay to lock these people up. Provide treatment for the people who need or want it and leave the rest of the people alone. Focus on real crime idiots. Legalize drugs so that bad batches of fentanyl laced shit from scummy mexican drug lords don't cause mass death. Make Big Pharma responsible for the consequences of the products they produce.

"Land of the free".. ROFL.

lol well I am glad i didn't bother to read anymore as I literally figured out what the article would be saying by the first couple sentences and you just confirmed my hypothesis by posting that little paragraph of nonsense. :) .. But I agree neversickanymore, he's trying to appeal to people that have or know people that have a "drug problem" but in actuality Christie is just bleeding these drug offenders dry of their money.. And i bet you anything that Christie is indeed getting donations/money from big rehab facilities..

Honestly I hate to bring conspiracy theory stuff into this forum but some these people that are running this country have to just be plain satanic. Especially those in gov't that are involved in the "War on Drugs" (which is just a War on People). How can you sleep at night thinking its right to put a INNOCENT human being in a cage just for having a substance (drug) on their person deemed illegal by the "government"?!?! They aren't hurting anyone, there is no VICTIM. And NO, not even themselves are victims b/c they are making the choice of ingesting the drug! I mean if you think that is a good/moral idea then you sir are satanic worshiping d-bag that needs to have their soul and all their physical matter evaporated from this reality for we have no room for evil satanic retards in this world. :)
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The problem is that forced treatment will just turn into jail. When the "patients" don't want to be there it's just a prison by a different name. I am glad the conversation is changing but I don't think this is a solution. I like how he is trying to use this issue to help is shaky pro-life position. Say what you want about Christie but he is a solid politician. Him vs ms.clinton is going to be a titanic struggle.
^^^ Christie and Hillary clinton are both cut from the same cloth. Both are just retards with no independent thought.. I would rather see Bernie Sanders or Rand Paul as president any day - though even they aren't perfect.... Its people like you crimsonjunk that just vote in the "right/left paradigm" that are ruining this country. And you probably like to say stupid ass stuff like "Oh well i just vote for the lesser of two evils.." But as KRS-1 said, "voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil." We really need to start voting for people that are not affiliated with any "party."

My presidential slogan would be this: "For the People, Not the Party."
A LOT of treatment out there, if not most of it, is very, very, very similar to jail itself. Unless you have a lot of money and can do at least some of your own research AND care and love those you're "helping" (or to be fair trying to help), are you're lucky to live in very limited certain areas or able to get to these limited areas contain legit treatment centers, getting send to rehab is more like getting sent to county jail or a fire camp like a felon.

The whole state of the treatment industry is fucked, and places that treat "clients" like more like inmates rather than patients is the norm.

Not to mention, look at the extraordinarily high rate of those incarcerated with mental illness, addiction, and other emotional/psychological and physical ailments. Jails and prisons are the new asylums. The sick thing is that it's pretty fucking well known, and it's pretty bluntly stated that the majority of folks, especially those with the most power to begin to redress the situation, couldn't care less - and think things are the best as they are.
^^^ Christie and Hillary clinton are both cut from the same cloth. Both are just retards with no independent thought.. I would rather see Bernie Sanders or Rand Paul as president any day - though even they aren't perfect.... Its people like you crimsonjunk that just vote in the "right/left paradigm" that are ruining this country. And you probably like to say stupid ass stuff like "Oh well i just vote for the lesser of two evils.." But as KRS-1 said, "voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil." We really need to start voting for people that are not affiliated with any "party."

My presidential slogan would be this: "For the People, Not the Party."
I've actually never voted in my life. My personal political leanings fall well to the left of Hillary Clinton. Personally I hope Elizabeth Warren beats Hillary with the "do you want the same old washington bullshit" stick in all the democratic primary debates. God knows there is plenty of ground to cover there.

But I think Clinton vs Christie is almost a forgone conclussion at this point. They both have name appeal with there party's and the general public. Both are fairly popular and electable. And most important they both have the big moneys donors of there parties backing.

After the democrats lose the senate this november it's going to be all hands on deck to prevent the republicans from having a three branch monopoly. This election coming presidential election cycle will make the Obama Romney election seem downright civil. As pure politics for sport goes it should be fun to watch.
Why are food addicts not persecuted like drug addicts. People are allowed to eat themselves to death every day. What message are we sending to the children here?


Can you imagine how large he would be if he had access to the white house kitchen 24/7.. :(
its sad to think that people beleave there vote in this so called democracy actually counts for anything! 8 years democratic party 8 years republican party and so on and so on it go's ! maybe when this country started out it had good intentions; however the only real vote that counts this day and age is $$$$$. Its all about profit ! and so is the drug war. it has nothing to do with people and our rights. all the big wig politicians are puppets to the super pac that got them in office in the first place! that's why i don't vote, because there going to put who they want in office and when they want them there. there is nothing you can do about it and some vote on a computerized system that is easy to hack sure as hell is not going to make a difference.
Why are food addicts not persecuted like drug addicts. People are allowed to eat themselves to death every day. What message are we sending to the children here?

Yeah, following his logic, obese people like him should be forcibly confined in treatment facilities until they are skinny, it's for their own good after all. 8)
Why are food addicts not persecuted like drug addicts. People are allowed to eat themselves to death every day. What message are we sending to the children here?


Can you imagine how large he would be if he had access to the white house kitchen 24/7.. :(
This made my day.