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Opioids Does raspberry ketone inhibit the BBB?


Jun 14, 2014
I'll be honest. I do not use drugs in any way beyond alcohol. But four years ago I had an accident where I fell while drinking and woke up the next day and it was too painful to stand. I ended up being put on opioid painkillers. The prescriptions ran out before it completely healed and once I found out that Loperamide was an opioid I became interested in whether it could work as a central acting painkiller. I've honestly used it a lot to stop me up so to speak as going # 2 when you don't have the best fine motor coordination in a country without bidets can be inconvenient. So I do try and schedule them for when I am at home so I can bathe immediately afterwards and remain clean so to speak.

I ultimately decided to not to attempt it mainly because of what I read on this site, and what I read about MPTP, and because I read that report about the metabolites of loperamide. I think you people trying to get high on it are making a dangerous error as there have been no safety studies on this drug. The minute they discovered a pyridinium metabolite there should have immediately been exhaustive testing to ensure that it was safe for public consumption. My guess is Demerol itself actually has such metabolites too because if you look at it it shares the same chemical structure as three other drugs that we know produce such metabolites. I don't care about that though I will say learning about this has placed Demerol on my do not take list.

My concern is that I have begun using raspberry ketones as a weight loss supplement and because I'm being cheap right now and am not eating a high-protein diet (but intend to transfer to one soon) I have been taking DLPA up to about 2500 mg a day to supplement the amino acids I won't get from a pure vegetable diet. I am aware that the L form is the amino acid and the D form is an enkephinalase inhibitor.

My question is this. Last night before I went out to eat I took 4 immodium because I thought at the time I was going to a buffet and did not want to be inconvenienced. Once I got back home I took 1500 mg of DLPA and then I took 400 mg of raspberry ketones. Because I've had injuries twice in four years that have resulted in me being put on painkillers I know what they do. And because I'm someone who always second guesses the doctor I have researched the pharmacological action of how all this works. I was itching last night. Itching would only occur from mu agonism. I also felt this weird tingling in my brain.

So my questions are?

1. Is there anything is raspberry ketones, DLPA, or the dinner I ate last night (tuna and potatoes) that would inhibit the blood-brain barrier, specifically Pgp and any of the other enzymes that keep Loperamide out?

2. Am I on my way to getting Parkinsons?

3. Do any of you know the chemical formula of the supposed LPP+ metabolite?

4. That report mentions that Loperamide seems to have its own tetrahydropyridine in the body. Anyone have the chemical formula on that?

5. It's Saturday and I don't have insurance and I own my home so I have a lot lose by using the ER. I know that cigarette smoke inhibits MAO-B (and I do smoke) so I'm wondering if I smoke a lot and take supplements that we know inhibit MAO will this perhaps reduce any chance I have of developing Parkinson's

6. Would 8 mg of this stuff accidentally getting through be enough to give me Parkinsons? I called the ER this morning asking the simple question of whether raspberry ketone was a pgp inhibitor. Because most of you have a lot of chemical knowledge you might be able to answer this for me.

7. Is it possible that it was simply the DPA that did this and that more of it had an effect in the brain because the immodium would bind to every receptor in the gut and I'm just overreacting about nothing?

I really don't want to get Parkinson's. Im at a point in my life where things are improving. But I do have to take about 8 mg of immodium once every two weeks simply because of digestive problems and because I've found that using the bathroom when I drink is inconvenient I usually take 6-8 before I start and then may take as much as another 4-8 mg while out at the bars just to ensure there are # 2s. And that's never hurt me before.

So basically am I about to become Michael J Fox, so to speak? Or am I worrying about nothing?
Btw, I'm not suggesting that any of you attempt trying to use these supplements to get this crap across the BBB. I'm concerned as hell right now because I feel like I might have accidentally have done so and might be on my way to Parkinsons. I've had something of a tingling sensation in the brain since last night. That normally does not happen. But it's a Saturday and so until Monday my medical options are sort of limited but I figure someone here might be able to answer
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Raspberry ketone is a flavour compound (and an antioxidant), nothing more. You're not gonna just wake up tomorrow and be a Parkinsonian mess. Calm down and stop worrying.

The most likely cause of your troubles is you're getting all wound up over shit that's just simply not happening in your body. I mean, 8mg of loperamide? It wouldn't be approved for OTC sale if people got Parkinsons every time they took it alongside something like cracked black pepper on their eggs in the morning.