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Is Meth and Morphine THAT dangerous of a combo?


Sep 15, 2012
so i swallowed 100mg of morphine (i know the BA is low but i am not able to plug or shoot) and i plan on snorting a decent sized line of meth at least a point. is this going to cause any significant interactions?
I'm NOT a medical professional.

I have, however, mixed opiates and meth. I think the biggest concern is opposing forces on your CNS/circulatory system, right? On the one hand you're cranking up the speed of everything, and at the same time the morphine is trying to slow it all down. I don't want to go so far as to compare it to a speedball, though. That seems more intense and you're not plugging or shooting. People do speedballs and sometimes it's hairy, sometimes its all Jesus.

In short, I think you'll be ok. Just make sure to drink water and not exert yourself too, too much. I'm sure someone else can really give you the pharmacology of it, though.
Thank you i appreciate the feedback. yeah i have a tolerance to both opiates and crystal. more to opiates tho.
The danger with speedballs is that the cocaine is metabolized so much faster you can OD on the heroin afterwards. This combo is likely a lot safer.
yeah it wasnt to bad of a mix the euphoria from the morphine mixed with all the dopamine being released made for a good high. i was also able to sleep alot sooner and didnt have a crazy urge to redose on the Dope
As one poster indicated, the danger lies in the fact that a speedball can allow for the user to assume he has not taken too much of the opioid, where in fact he has, but does not know this on account of the given stimulant's counter-effects, which stimulate the CNS. When the stimulant wears off, the counter-effects wear off, too, and the CNS stimulation which was keeping the user from respiratory or cardiac problems/arrest is no longer there to 'protect' the user from the large dose of the opioid. Often, the danger can be thought to be particularly present when the user re-doses while still affected by the stimulant, and the user miscalculates how much of the opioid he is using is safe for he feels subjectively 'okay' to dose again, when in reality he is not. With almost any upper-downer mix, the danger is not so much in any 'stress' or 'strain' on the CNS itself or the heart or some such, not that many drugs cannot strain the heart, for they can obviously, but that would be done anyhow otherwise, in combination or alone.
The danger with speedballs is that the cocaine is metabolized so much faster you can OD on the heroin afterwards. This combo is likely a lot safer.

Exactly. Apart from possibly shooting up too much of a stimulant in its own right (which is usually really unpleasant with amphetamines, but a lot more dangerous on cocaine), the thing that kills most people is that when the stimulant stops acting while the opioid is still in full force, they find that without the stimulant to counteract it, they have in fact taken too much of the opioid and it leads to respiratory depression.
Meth will outlast the morphine, so without trying to endorse this as all, it is not THAT dangerous - certainly not as much as cocaine and morphine/heroin.
I used to do both with each other. Not so bad if the doses are small, but if you have a tolerance to them high doses can quickly lead to OD. Almost happened to my twice, started turning pale and my breathing got really hard and I just felt wrong. just have to make sure to watch the doseage
Yes it is very dangerous. I overdosed on that combo I smoked meth during two days and on the third day took 120 mg of morphine and I don't remember anything until the next morning I woke up with EMT's all around me cuz my mom found me unconscious and I spent 4 days in the hospital and had to get a heart catheterization because my heart wasn't working right. So please learn from my mistakes and don't mix those two drugs
I'm going to go ahead and move this to the archive, and let an old thread sleep.