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Unexpected come down for an experienced user.


Mar 12, 2014
Hey fellow Bluelighters

Finally I decided to join this forum. I have been reading a lot here for the past few years.

If you don't like reading long stories just scroll down to THE POINT :)

I would like to warn users as myself for not letting your guard down at any time.
I am a 27 year old guy, eat very healthy, live an active lifestyle and go to the gym for the past 5 years.
My experience with drugs started almost 10 years ago. From that time I have consumed pills (95% tested) maybe from 1 up to 3 times a year.
I have had at least three pauses lasting for almost 24 months. So that means that I don't do a lot of drugs and not very often.
A rarely smoke weed (almost never), have done cocaine so many times, that I can count them on one arms fingers. Never tried anything else.
Each time I prepare my pills very carefully (dosage, source, in advance etc etc)
So I consider myself as an experienced user who uses his head when I want to get to that special place. I am sure that there are others like me, who are reading this forum and like myself, would never imagine themselves in any bad situation, before it happens.
Last thing you should know for pre-story is that since the beginning I have a high tolerance, but I put it to my good physical health and healthy lifestyle.
Last time consumed pills was in July 2013.

So one and a half weeks ago on Saturday I went to a massive indoor party with 40 000 tickets sold with one top DJ headlining the event. As usual, I prepared my stuff already at home. I figured that 5 pills (100-120 mg each) would be a good amount to bring along. I made 3 little bags with spreading of 1.5, 1.5 and two pills (makes it easier to consume while inside). Because back at home I cut two pills in two halves, I got two nice halves and two crumbled halves. Those crumbled halves I put i a bag with one whole pill. So I think the spread in the bags was something like 1.6 , 1.6 and 1.8 pills. Now that I think about it, I don't know why I did not consume the "bigger" bag first. But that does not make much difference.

I got in at 18:00 and consumed the first 1.5 pills in T+0:30. Second 1.5 in T+1:40 and the last bag maybe at T+3:00. The high was great, I felt great. Did not feel that I "overdid" at all. Was drinking water as much as I needed. Everything was just f i n e. Before going to bed I drank ate two oranges and almost a liter of fresh orange juice to make the next day better.

Had a good 8-9 hour sleep and felt fine the next day. Little spaced out, but did my usual stuff, even some work, cooked dinner and ate it - so in general OK.

Then came Monday. At 12:00 ish o'clock at work I started to feel weird. Like something was bothering me, like wanted to puke, but when tried, nothing came out. I have never felt like this before. Next day was the same, maybe 10% less. I had lower body temperature than I usually have. Third day the feeling was still there and I noticed something that scared me - I could not feel happy. Nothing was going for me, I had to force myself and my mind, that everything is fine. That was scary for me because I am a very good friend with my self in my own mind, but now somehow I could not convince myself that everything is fine. I did not know, what was going on. I did not want to believe that this could be caused by pills I have taken, because I have done them before and the amount was OK for me.

Fourth-Fifth-Sixth day's were the worst mentally and that was more frustrating for me. I would rather have physical pane or puke everywhere than have this negative feeling in my mind. I was very sensitive to mood changes, I had to force myself to be in a better mood. I also noticed that my mind was not thinking that fast or sometimes I would do or say something that I would not do or say. My body temperature was sometimes little bit higher than usual but I could not feel it. Also I noticed that the feeling was with me from the second I opened my eyes in the morning until going to sleep in the evening. Only thing that kept me from the lowest point was my girlfriend and family (last ones did not know I took pills, of course). Lowest point was on Saturday (so one week from taking pills), when I was thinking that I could have a serious disease and could be dying (OK, I had a couple of drink at that point, but still.. I would never think that before). What made if even more strange for me is that at that period of time I had many things happening for me, that should make me happy as I can be (we made arrangements for our wedding in June, bought wedding rings, celebrated 8 of march with family, went to a great party with my best friends - just to name a few).

I fully recovered only yesterday, so that is 9 days after taking pills. And my usual feeling came back to me very suddenly, like a come down from pills .. ? I am so relieved, my mind is strait again, I even smile when I think about things that were in my head for the past week. I would never think or feel that way.

Sorry for taking so much of your time, who have been reading the whole story (although I could make it even more detailed, but that would be a time killer).

My POINT is: even a balanced, experienced and smart consumer can get in trouble. Don't let your guard down even if you consume rarely and only the best substance. Even if you are healthy, think strait and so on ... it CAN happen to you as well. I have learned a lesson. Less is more.
I hope it helps other people like me, who can be in a situation when the fact that they are so healthy and think things throe, that it could lead to letting your guard down and experience this horrible come down. Stay safe, don't do too much.

I love ecstasy and respect the drug, I find it a wonderful experience - when you do it RIGHT. Among other nasty things that went throe my head was the idea, that I will never do it again. I hope I will be able to do it in the future but for now I will rest at least until July.

PS: English is not my mother language, so sorry if something is written in a wrong way.
So you did over 500mg of MDMA in one night? Wow :I

Thanks for the post man, these threads keep reminding me that I will never abuse/overdo MDMA. Good thing that you're feeling better now. I will be taking MDMA next saturday, trying to keep it only 120mg with no redoses (if redosing, only one redose with 50mg-ish)
Man you are unlucky. I know many people does 500mg+ in 1 night.
They have weird comedowns like 1-2 days and it goes away.
Maybe you think it was a big depression and make yourself believe it?

Anyway, I agree 100% what you said in "the point" section.
And I believe there has to be a limit for everyone in one night; like 200mg or 300mg tops. More you take it, less you feel.

Now I think that, maybe the breaks between mdma sessions is not enough and there has to be a limit for 1 night usage.
Maybe the breaks are not that important as the amount you take in one night?
Xammy - Yeap, I did over 500 mg, close to 600 in a period of 4 hours. I have done 2 purple party flocks in same amount of time before and it left me wanting a bit more. As I said before - I consider my tolerance as high and there is zero bragging about it. I am glad, that you found my post useful.
More to say - I find that I did not really abuse the drug... at least not that I did it on purpose... the whole outcome came as a surprise for me - that I can say for sure.

Desohigh - "Maybe you think it was a big depression and make yourself believe it?" I think that also plaid a part in what I was experiencing last week. A lot of my bad mood and other bad stuff was partly in my head. The actual feeling plus nasty stuff my brain generated made a bad cocktail - brrrr.

Overall I am smarter now and a little bit more experienced. I am used to saying - A bad experience is also an experience.
Love those party flocks! One had me more then fried though. They're strong!
Try having that feeling of no happiness for over a year and a half that is where I am at. For me I think it was a combination of a bad night, and massive amounts of stress in my life due to various work/school/career/personal life things. Unfortunately the one time I got piped at a festival was enough to "lose the magic" for me. I tried pure tested MDMA 9 months after my incident and there was no happiness element to the roll. So be safe!
How often did you use drugs, in what amounts ? It's hard to believe that you are having such a long come down from only doing too much once.
Hi guys. I took too much mdma once like 700mg by mistake I was so fucking high I though 500mg was 200mg and I think I had a seizure or something. I had to pull myself out of it, sweat was pouring out of me and I started seeing some crazy stuff. The comedown lasted a week. Really scared me. I don't usually double drop it was a stupid decision while high. Really regretted it.
Red Ghost - how long time ago did it happen ? How do you feel now, fully recovered (like I mean 100%?). Have you used mdma after the incident ?
Good to know, you are OK after such a big dose (mine was not so far off tho..).
I feel fine I think lol. It really scared me though. Used it again (same batch) one month later no serious side effects. I can't smoke pot anymore though because I get really weird thoughts and bad anxiety but I've always had paranoia from weed. I'm hypersensitive to weed for some reason. That extreme dose also brought back memories of a high dose couple of pills I had in 1999 that gave me the feeling of schizophrenia for about a week, actually made me stop taking pills, been taking MDMA for two years every 2/3 months. Had a fling with pills again 2003 and in 2006 without any problems at all. I don't blame any other chemicals just MDMA at high dose. Stupid really but anything for science lol.
Btw without martial arts I would not be able to control my thoughts. Being happy is more than it seems. Martial arts have saved my life and mind but I believe things will get better for anyone. I love getting high with my gf but I might have a 2-3year break soon.
Thanks for your story. You are taking way too much. You took 5 100-120mg doses?!?! One would have done it.
With all due respect, it can't be that much of an unexpected comedown considering you took about half a gram. Halve that dose to avoid the shitty side-effects you're experiencing.
Don't know where you are, but by European standards you took far too much.
Recent pills are said to be less cut than in the recent past, so quite a few kids getting more than they bargained for.
Golden rule is caution with pills you don't know. Take half a new pill first and take the rest after an hour if everything is ok.
Dosing again more than an hour (hour and a half) after the first dose is a waste and increases the likelihood of a bad comedown.
epic11 - As I wrote in my story, I took 3 doses - 1.6, 1.6 & 1.8 pills.

JWills20 - Yeap, I did the math... but half of that dose would leave me hanging ...

augustaB - I always test my pills and know if they are high or medium dose. I never test a pill with a half and something later. Same as I am never the first one among someone I know to test the pill. I always source information about dosing, experience, tolerance level etc. And yes, I am in Europe.

Overall the unexpected part was due to my high tolerance level and the feeling which I got during my roll - it was great with 0 feeling of overdosing, I had control all the time.
In any case I learned my lesson and be more careful next time.
Hey Bluelight crew !

I would like to get back to my thread and ask for your opinion.
How many of you here, who had similar short term (why not long term as well) comedowns, recovered, and then consumed again ?
What was the result ? How long time you did not consume before the next roll ?

My "thing" happened during first week of March and I am planning to take 200 - 300 mg in the end of July. Have not been taking anything until now, just continued with my healthy life.

Opinions ?
Took me a good 3months to really feel normal. I'd actually forgotten what it felt like lol. I haven't done anything for ages but plan to again soon.