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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(LSD / 80ug) + (MDMA / 160mg) : My second attempt on Candyflipping


Dec 9, 2013
A major EDM event was arriving to the town and I had plans to candyflip there. Initially my plan had been for just MDMA, but due to the long duration of the event (6 hrs), thought I could use LSD to lengthen the high. And I've been interested in candyflipping in general.

Due to various reasons, my main meal was delayed to late afternoon. As the EDM set was to be 6 hours, I planned on big pasta meal. when I finally got home for the meal and other preparations, I took approx 80-90ug of LSD to (very) empty stomach. Then cooked the pasta (15 mins) and ate it with a glass of wine. 10 minutes later I had already finnished my meal and thought: "Oh, the wine really shoot to my head." Five minutes later I realized it wasn't the wine :). Having the LSD to empty stomach, even for just 10 minutes prior the huge meal allowed enough it to absord to start kicking in.

fast forward 2 hours...
I'm at the venue and feel the LSD kick in to settle. Ie, starting to feel more clear headed, yet certainly under the influence.
add 20 more minutes of waiting and finally the set starts. I take 120mg of MDMA.
After 1 hour of waiting I still don't feel anything from the MDMA, so I assume that either my stomach full of pasta dampens the MDMA effect or that there might be measuring error with the capsule. I decide to take my booster of 40mg which I originally didn't plan on taking.
some 15-20 minutes later I feel the MDMA kicking in. It's the longest delay I've ever had, some 80 minutes since the initial dose.

Don't know if it was the setting or if I've "lost the magic", but I didn't feel the huge euforia I usually do during the initial 30-60 minutes of MDMA high. I just got "basic" MDMA high. And boy did I get high. Though taken in two parts, the high was comparable to the time when I took 160mg at one go. Had nice time and at some point started to get slight MDMA type distortion to my vision. At some point my friend who had taken the same amounts at the same time, told me things were getting too intense for him. So we left the dance area for a more calmer place. At that point I was very high and could easily understand him wanting a small break. After some 5 minutes of cooling off back to the dance area for some more fun.

Ever since the acid had kicked in, I had been sweating somewhat. With the MDMA bit more. Not excessive, but more than normal. I wasn't that worried about it as I didn't feel that hot and on the other hand, it's more dangerous if one is not sweating. We took care of our hydration by drinking regulary. At one point I decided to get orange soda instead of mineral water. Wow, the orange soda was like a mini hit of MDMA! After drinking it, there was a short surge of being more high, lasting like a minute or so. Note to self: Orange soda is the stuff to have! :).

the MDMA high started to wear off after about 3-4 hours. At that point it had been 7 hours since I took the LSD and it appeared to have wore off too.
Still continued enjoying the event for the total event duration of 6 hours. Tired, but satisfied.

As candyflipping experience, I would consider this as partial failure. Failure because this wasn't a single trip where LSD and MDMA merged together, but more like two separate trips:
A short LSD trip followed by an MDMA trip. I Didn't notice any synergy between the substances. That could have been because the ratio between LSD and MDMA was highly towards MDMA. Thus, next time more acid, less MDMA. Perhaps 120ug of LSD + 120mg MDMA (forgetting the boosters...)

On the other hand, this was a success:
my main concern was that I won't feel MDMA at all. Well, I definately did :). and I had great time too.
I too have never quite gotten the two to work together, I wonder if this is down to what MDMA tends to be cut with..
In my area we enjoy having high quality MDMA. Mine was reagent tested (Marquis, mandelin & mecke). It was crystal form, estimated at about 80% pure (by the vendor). The values in my post reflect to the estimated 100% pure amount of MDMA. Ie. I took 150mg + 50 mg, which equals 120mg + 40mg as pure MDMA.

I've been considering acetone washing the MDMA to raise the purity, but not sure if it's worth it on this purity level. I mean, if I mess up, I might just lose lot of MDMA and be left with tiny amount of "pure" MDMA.

Thanks for your reply. Kind of comforting to know that I'm not the only person in the world who has not succeeded in getting into the candyflipping bliss.
you need more acid and maybe more mdma. that sounds like half a trip and an mdma high without a rush.

how often have you been using mdma?
The amount of MDMA was definately enough, even bit to the extreme side. I've used MDMA 3 times in last 3 months. I aim for 1 month pause, b ut perhaps I need to have even longer pause to get the "magic back. My previous LSD (not combined with MDMA) was also about 1 month ago, at that time the total amount during the evening was about 300-350ug taken in 3-4 hour timespan (nice evening btw ;) .
I say not enough acid and the full stomach obviously delay your mdma absorption. That happened to me one time. Moar drug. Less food, and I bet you'd nail it correctly.
I think the amound of LSD taken was too close to the treshold area. During my recent experimenting I've noticed half a hit (~60-70ug) to give some 2 hour of "oncoming rush" (for the lack of better word). After the rush settles, I feel quite clear headed and most of the effect just fades away in the next 4-6 or so hours. With one hit (120-140ug), the rush is noticeable and lasts perhaps a bit longer. But even after it settles down and things clear up, I definately feel the influence and that lasts about 6 hours before it starts to fade away compared to the immeadate start of fading post "oncoming rush" when taken just half the amount.

-> Next time: full hit of LSD to go with the MDMA. Stay tuned :).
Full hit (~140ug) taken in two parts: 80ug to start with and 60ug at about 1-2hours later. MDMA at T +4.5hours. The LSD "oncoming rush" had settled about 30 minutes prior taking the MDMA. To put it short: Still bit like 2 individual trips. Once the MDMA hit in, I could not tell anything about LSD. Next time: either more LSD or taking the MDMA earlier.
For what it's worth, I have never experienced the magical synergy that people report between MDMA and LSD, it has always felt like just being high on both at the same time, much to my disappointment.

I always make sure to eat several hours before I dose psychedelics, so I am fueled but the food in my stomach doesn't dampen the drugs. With LSD it actually doesn't really matter, it's absorbed fundally (pre-stomach). However for MDMA it is certainly an issue. Every time I eat shortly before I dose something, the effects are dramatically reduced and take forever to occur.
I myself noticed that they did seem to go together well during points, but at various times through the trip it just felt like I was either rolling or tripping, e.g. one moment I was gurning pretty bad from the MD and it didn't seem as visual, then I'd suddenly feel a lot more peaceful and less stimulated but the visuals would come on harder.
I always make sure to eat several hours before I dose psychedelics, so I am fueled but the food in my stomach doesn't dampen the drugs. With LSD it actually doesn't really matter, it's absorbed fundally (pre-stomach).

I had dinner during the early part of the trip. I'm sure normally the food would have been very nice and delicious, but not this time. it was quite repulsing...

Note to self: if eating is mandatory, food first, LSD second :).