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Parents warned of alarming new trend of students snorting Smarties


Jan 22, 2012
Parents warned of alarming new trend of students snorting Smarties that can lead to NASAL MAGGOTS

Parents in Rhode Island are being warned that their children could succumb to horrifying infestations of nasal maggots worming in their noses, internal bleeding and lung infections if they continue snorting Smarties candies.

The skin-crawling consequences of the unusual trend which seeks to imitate cocaine users seen on television, are caused by a condition called nasal myiasis - which occurs when flies lay larvae eggs inside the nose - attracted by the rotting candy rammed up inside the lining.

According to officials in Portsmouth Middle School, the trend is a 'widespread phenomenon' that has been sweeping YouTube in recent years and has involved over a dozen students in the area.

Parents have been warned to watch their children to see if they develop a tickling sensation inside their noses and ask them if they begin to smell a foul stench from inside their nasal passage.

Symptoms of nasal maggots are sneezing and a gooey discharge that can lead to mucus emanating from the patient's eyelids - and in worse cases can lead to septicemia and serious infection.
A search of theYouTube has revealed hundreds of clips where kids are seen crushing the beloved round candies into powder before sniffing them.

The Smarties snorting trend is by no means a new phenomenon; some of the YouTube videos date back to at least 2007.

In one video posted in 2010, young boys are seen making lines of Smarties dust similar to cocaine and snorting the sugary powder through a rolled up dollar bill.

The clip, which has drawn more than 12,000 views, shows the kids coughing and gasping for air as the residue fills their nasal passages and lungs.

On Thursday, parents at Portsmouth Middle School were shocked to receive an email from the administration warning them of the risks their kids could face when snorting Smarties, including lung infections; nose-wedged maggots; bleeding and nasal passage scarring; allergic reactions and even smoker's cough.

Side effects of Smarties snorting:

Cuts: if the Smarties have not been finely crushed, pieces may act like razor blades cutting the tissue

Infection: sugar residue may remain in the nasal cavity, sinuses and/or lungs, leading to infections, cough, wheezing, and respiratory arrest

Scarring: anything snorted can lead to scarring of the nasal passages

Irritation of the lungs: smoking or snorting Smarties can lead to a smoker’s cough

Allergic reaction: if the child is allergic to sugar, snorting or smoking Smarties can lead to an immediate allergic reaction

Possible maggots: frequent snorting could rarely lead to maggots feeding on the sugary dust inside the nose

Source: Newport Patch

According to the letter made public by local blogger and parent John McDaid, kids who inhale crushed-up candies could be more susceptible to drug and nicotine addiction later in life compared to their peers.

Some kids prefer to 'smoke' Smarties by pouring the powdered sweets into their mouths and then exhaling through the nose.

It is important to note that Smarties - made up of dextrose, citric acid, calcium stearate, flavoring and coloring agents - do not provide any high.

Rebecca Boss, of the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, told the station ABC6 that parents should always be on the lookout for changes in behavior in their children.

The Sun News reported that Portsmouth Middle School parents were alerted to the trend after 15 students at Frontier Middle School in Hamburg, New York, were discovered sniffing Smarties, according to Interim Superintendent of Schools Paul Hashem.

The craze is not limited to the Northeast. In Atlanta, Georgia, a 9-year-old boy has been suspended for allegedly inhaling Smarties dust through his nose.

WTF is this shit? Talk about sensational journalism. Reminds me of the cheese incident in Texas
^ Explain. (about the cheese incident in Texas)

But yeah, I have never heard of this, but it is weird as shit that young kids can actually copy the stupidest shit they see from the internet...and as expected, these Smarties don't even provide a high, which makes this pretty dumb...almost childish...
In order for maggots to get into your nose you need a fly to land and lay an egg.

It appears the parents are as stupid as their kids if they believe that shit
'widespread phenomenon' or something a few dumb ass kids did at recess?

I'm sure glad no one had camera phones when I was a kid... snorting smarties was probably the SMARTEST thing I did 8o
Well I just dont know what to say about this? It sounds so crazy I going to accept it as true. That is that some kids are snorting smarties. About the maggots.. what are they also snorting flies or fly eggs? ROFL...

This shit is sensationalized media for sure..

Allergic reaction: if the child is allergic to sugar, snorting or smoking Smarties can lead to an immediate allergic reaction

Im not sure if its even possible to be allergic to sugar?

According to the letter made public by local blogger and parent John McDaid, kids who inhale crushed-up candies could be more susceptible to drug and nicotine addiction later in life compared to their peers.

Local bloggers and parent should look at the media he is allowing his child to watch. kids emulate adults. Im not sure if snorting smarties will lead to higher rates of drug us but allowing impressionable kids to watch movies that show allot of hard core drug use could.

It is important to note that Smarties - made up of dextrose, citric acid, calcium stearate, flavoring and coloring agents - do not provide any high.

Rebecca Boss, of the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, told the station ABC6 that parents should always be on the lookout for changes in behavior in their children.
Since it doesn't get you high.. what are we supposed to be looking for.. sticky dribble on their pillow cases.. large piles of brightly colored snot rags.. Im fucking loosing it.. rolled up bills so saturated with smarty dust they cant be unrolled.

Maybe we should start harm reduction realier.. Im sure these kids are sharing smarty tooters.. they need to use their own.

It is important to note that Smarties - made up of dextrose, citric acid, calcium stearate, flavoring and coloring agents - do not provide any high.

Rebecca Boss, of the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, told the station ABC6 that parents should always be on the lookout for changes in behavior in their children.

How about we talk to our children and explain that snorting candy is retarded.. an if they use dirty old bills they can get hep and if they share bills they can get each other sick.

Wow, WTF8(.. I guess I dont know what the shit this is about.. maybe we should parent more and work less.
So does that mean there are maggot eggs in smarties?
I just bought a gram of smarties and mainlined it. This is beyond stupid...i guess there was nothing else remotely newsworthy that day. Maybe there was a cat fashion show somewhere they could of reported on instead of this shit.
Kids have always snorted smarties..... I remember people doing just this 10+ years ago. my kid just said something about snorting smarties fucking around, said it burned like hell and was the dumbest thing ever. They don't think they're going to get high on them though, they do it for attention or something.... sigh, kids are stupid.
lol yes, it was a growing trend in american teens at one point in one of these articles ^^
Ive heard and seen the smoking smarties thing which doesn't even involve smoking just inhaling dud from them.

This is a ridiculous and factor article tho sensationalism and media hysteria at its finest.

Do parents really believe this shit?
when i was a kid and my brother was slightly older - my brother's friend (close enough a classmate ending up marrying him. lol marriage lol to someone you knew in high school) mentioned how kids were snorting "happy crack" in the car with my mother and brother and i there. happy crack was a mixture of koolaide and sugar all the kids thought was cool before they had the balls or resources to get real drugs-

and my mother proceeded to explain to everyone in the car what auto-erotic asphyxiation is.
my mother was fucked up.

'teen sensation' stories will indeed move along a slow days news day til the end of time.

i recall being particularly offended by a dr.phil episode spouting borderline retarded hysteria about cough syrupz when i was in high school....the word dextromethorphan was not once uttered let alone the fact that kids die because the consume the wrong kind or what that entails...hysteria $$$$ not harm reduction. fuck that pig
I'm told that strawberry meth is being marketed to children in the Midwest. Terrible. TERRIBLE.
Haha in highschool me and a buddy snorted wasabi for laughs/to see who handles the burn better. Everybody cracked up because we were like rolling on the floor in pain.