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xxAPB Comparison Chart


Sep 28, 2003
What would be a summary of the comparable differences between the xxAPB's?
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6-eapb is already available, only ones that aren't are 5&6 mapdb and 5&6 eapdb

of the ones in ops chart 5-apb and 6-apb are very similar as are 5-mapb and 6-mapb

both 5 and 6 apb have a similar duration which is greater than 5 and 6 mapb which again have a similar duration

5 and 6 apb are more visual, while the mapbs have practically zero visuals

5 apb is more sedating while 6 apb is more stimulating, same goes for the mapbs
No problem, I love the benzofurans and have tried just about all of them (except 6-apdb (next time I order), 5&6 eapb (probably never as most reports say they are crap) and 5&6 mapdb (would love to), 5&6 eapdb (idk) which don't exist as far as I know).
Haha probably get enough funds and commission a Chinese RC provider lol. They'd have a batch of 5/6 mapdb of in no time if they haven't already come up with it. They have to explore all the options available to circumvent UK law. :) 6eapb... 5eapb was sad enough dunno If I wan't to bother. My fav was 6 apb but loved those 60/70?? or whatever 5 and 6 apb mixed "RC pellet" (not for human consumption). Effective summary black53. :)
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Already promised to do so (and the bk versions of the benzofurans, mda/mdma with one or two of the oxygens replaced by sulfur, same sulfur thing with the benzofurans al-lsz, maybe more if someone gives me more ideas) if I ever got a huge amount of money. At least some should turn out good right?

5&6 apb combo was, for me, better than each on their own (mine was 75mg of each because I was making my own and that way I'd run out of both at the same time).

Yeah, the eapbs sound a bit crappy from most reports I've read... maybe the eapdbs would be better?

And lol at the whole not for human consumption thing... the vendors know people intend to take it, buyers know they intend to take it, police know both know it's intended for human consumption. No officer, this brown powder labeled 5-apb is for my plants, makes them grow better.
Wow, a sulphur analog of MDMA. This has potential considering that doing this to TMA-2 (Pihkal #158) to turn it into ALEPH (Pihkal #3) multiplies the potency by 4.
Lets hope some rc chemists are reading this :) I mean it may turn out to be complete crap, but may also turn out to be great.
I just noticed that when Sweden banned the APBs a few months ago, it banned specifically 5-APB, 6-APB, 5-MAPB and... 4-APB. Why 4-APB?? Has this even been made?

The next benzofurans to be banned one way or another in Sweden are 5-APDB, 6-APDB, and 5-EAPB.

So far, 6-MAPB is legal in Sweden.
I recently got my hands on a 300mg sample of 5-MAPB, and I ended up doing it all in one night. It was very similar to MDMA, with a longer comeup, but I had slight visuals reminiscent of a psychedelic. It also felt very dirty, if that makes sense. Like, I KNEW I was on a drug, where-as on MDMA everything just feels so perfect.

I've been trying to do some research, but there's just too many RC's out now! How do all of these compounds compare? I know there are also some others I missed in the same family, something along the lines of 5-EAPB. Can anybody chime in with their experiences?


I think I figured it out, all of the x-MAPB compounds closely resemble MDMA, where-as the x-APB compounds more closely resemble MDA. Is this correct?

How do the 5- and 6- compounds differ?
Ive always liked each for their own properties.. really just depends what I plan on doing. Ive tried 5/6apb, 5apdb, and have 5mapb due in anyday now , and they all shine in there own way :)
Though I overshot dosage of 5apdb and wound up sitting in a chair for the duration of yhe huge rave I was at lol, despite the amphs I took to counteract that effect. LTer at smaller amounts I found I really loved the sedating roll.

Im geeked about the 5mapb tho, I really hope its more like mdma, ... mda and its counterparts are fun but im more of a photon flippin raver so.. mapb hopefully will suit my needs :]
6-eapb is already available, only ones that aren't are 5&6 mapdb and 5&6 eapdb

of the ones in ops chart 5-apb and 6-apb are very similar as are 5-mapb and 6-mapb

both 5 and 6 apb have a similar duration which is greater than 5 and 6 mapb which again have a similar duration

5 and 6 apb are more visual, while the mapbs have practically zero visuals

5 apb is more sedating while 6 apb is more stimulating, same goes for the mapbs

I've tried 5-mapb and find it very psychedelic. How are you getting no visuals? My source is completely legit and what I have is definitely 5-mapb. Everyone who I share it with say the visuals are lsd like. My girlfriend took nearly 500mg throughout a night and in the morning felt like she was on roughly 250 mics of lsd. Very visual and fucking great chem.
Also 5-apdb and 6-apdb is very visual to me as well.

*Edit* 500mg is a large amount please do not risk taking so much. Person who took is very experienced but still may not be the best option for some, even though she experienced no negative side effects.
I'm surprised none of you mentioned 6-APDB. It's the absolute fucking nuts and it pisses over 6-APB from a great height :D
It's the only one I haven't tried yet (not counting the eapbs which I don't intend to try)
jesus christ, have i missed the boat here or what .................

i bought some 5 eapb other day, first time for me with these apb/apdb/eapb etc etc chemicals
havent really seen much about 5 eapb on here only stuff about the older banned analogues...

i tried a bit last night, didnt want to get too fucked.. just a tester to see what its about..... bombed 70mg and waited...
same kind of time waiting for it to come on as mdma... then started to feel warm an nice........... yawning loads
then my eyes started to roll around my head like fuck, like i had dropped a couple good pills
wacked on the tunes and was loving life......... then it kind of went after about a hour n half .... just clear head but still waves of lovelyness
and the want to do more, so i done another bomb roughly same amount.... an got back up there again but definately not where i was before
it faded out and i was left very stimulated but without all the warmth, rushes an love of music and grinding my teeth like a mother fucker haha....
but to be fair i can see people loving this for a quick mdxx experience then going home an bed... instead of being off it for hours an hours
5 eapb is intense up then down pretty quick.
great i reckon for socialising at home, being able to maintain conversation etc.... but clubs.. hmm not sure as you can feel you are alot hotter than usual
on this shit....

i thought this was a ace drug in all,

what the fuck did i miss in regards to the apbs ????

enlighten me :)
and yeah, this is coming from the same person who claimed the bk 2cb he purchased was crap ........... even though i have now tested it and it
shows up the colour it should............
now im raving about a drug what people wont even touch or wont bother because of what they have had previous

It's the only one I haven't tried yet (not counting the eapbs which I don't intend to try)

sorry, im singling you out here but why wont you try the eapbs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ what am i missing ??
sorry, im singling you out here but why wont you try the eapbs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ what am i missing ??
Perhaps I should rephrase that. I wont pay for the eapbs when I can legally buy (not a UK resident) the original ones at the same price.