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Gibberings CLIV: Fecking Finally

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really in the mood for some junk food but mcdonalds is a mile away and I'm drunk and tired.

It could be worse, Hex. It's ~30 miles to the nearest MuckyD's from me. Actually a bit more I think. I saw a MuckyD's bag in the road t'other day. Must be tourists about :sus:

I did pass the kebab shop earlier though and was soooooooooooooooo tempted by the delicious waftings of... whatever it was cooking at the time. Wasn't donner. One of their skewered chook ones it smelt like and they're actually bloody tasty. It's actually quite hard to find proper junk food out here in the boonies. I should probably take advantage of this fact :eek:
Depends what he's doing I suppose. I basically see it as devaluing your art, and that of other professional musicians. If the guy is impressed by the videos enough to offer him a slot, he should be impressed enough to part with a few quid.

In a very general way I concur. It's gonna be hard to really explain my position on this particular matter without running the risk of sounding a dick though so will leave it at that. But basically, if a person has some talent but no particular interest in being a professional musician I really don't see the problem.
Fair enough. I'm basically speaking from what I enjoy, djing, where it's all too common for promoters to offer to play for exposure to new djs, or djs in general. Problem being, it's not gonna get better if people keep accepting it. Still, I'm sure dans happy at being given the chance to play a few tunes
If he was asked to do a DJ set I'd completely agree, Dan.*

If (as wot I thought from wot woz posted here) he was being asked to play gee-tar riffs like he posts on PooToob I'd have to go with free entry and a few beers or summat. Not cos he's bad at guitar (cos he's good) but simply cos I can't see how that could be made into a show.

Either way, I'm sure the man himself can think for himself and work it our for himself :)

*hmm... Dan and Dan. That could get confusing. You may have to be Mr 88 if you don't object. Otherwise we're heading far too deep into dandandan territory 8(
It could be worse, Hex. It's ~30 miles to the nearest MuckyD's from me. Actually a bit more I think. I saw a MuckyD's bag in the road t'other day. Must be tourists about :sus:

I did pass the kebab shop earlier though and was soooooooooooooooo tempted by the delicious waftings of... whatever it was cooking at the time. Wasn't donner. One of their skewered chook ones it smelt like and they're actually bloody tasty. It's actually quite hard to find proper junk food out here in the boonies. I should probably take advantage of this fact :eek:

haha, it also cuts through one of the roughest places in the city, and at this time, on a Saturday night, I'd probably get my middle class student head kicked in.

just ordered pizza, gonna eat this then neck a few etiz and sleep.
If he was asked to do a DJ set I'd completely agree, Dan.*

If (as wot I thought from wot woz posted here) he was being asked to play gee-tar riffs like he posts on PooToob I'd have to go with free entry and a few beers or summat. Not cos he's bad at guitar (cos he's good) but simply cos I can't see how that could be made into a show.

Either way, I'm sure the man himself can think for himself and work it our for himself :)

*hmm... Dan and Dan. That could get confusing. You may have to be Mr 88 if you don't object. Otherwise we're heading far too deep into dandandan territory 8(

Yep, different circumstances I spose... Just got my "you must be paid if your playing" hat on. Ha Mr 88 suits me fine. Or dan 2 as my school teachers used to identify me!
I've taken some DOC, not sure if that's a good idea or not, but I've done it.

Downfall is excellent!
isn't DOC the trippiest of the DOx series?

I quite liked DOM, no where near as intense as acid with it's own distinct visuals. And isn't DOB meant to be a lot like 2cb?

would like to try DOC, that and 2c-i are on my want to try list.
prefer trippiness to anything else. Maybe I prefer opiatedness to everything but trippy is good :D
I've taken some DOC, not sure if that's a good idea or not, but I've done it.!

Probably the single most respected PD mod of all time had DOC down as his... well... his DOC (or DoC as it should actually be but convention insists I use the shonky version :p). I've never actually tried any of the DOx series myself. I was gifted a sample of the "special" isomer of DOM (same stuff what was behind a rather epic f&b/B9-based thread a while back which appears to have been since culled :() which I somehow managed to lose to a pool of dutty bongwater many moons ago. Man was I gutted to see the open baggie sat in a pool if filthwatter. I very nearly just lapped it up straight from the floor but there was significantly more than I felt safe lapping up no matter how crystal clear any fluids involved may (or may not) have been :!

That aside, have a good 'un =D<3=D

And do please report back cos have been considering DOC for a while now purely on the basis of said ex-PD mod's recommendation.

Oh, and yes, Downfall is excellent. Glad you enjoyed it :)
I only had a wee bit DOC so I'm not sure how it will go. I tried to measure out 3mg but my scales were not up to it.
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Is Downfall the film about Hitlers last days? Have it on DVD somewhere, remember it being good.

however, now I can only think of those damn meme videos, haha.
I only had a wee bit DOC so I'm not sure how it will go. I tried to measure out 3mg but my scales were not up to it. So I don't know exactly how much I've taken. Less than 5mg surely, as they register 5mg.

Far be it to drag a lil HR kicking and screaming into this thread but do please be careful with the DOx series, Knock. They iz dosed in single digit mg for a reason ;)

That aside, have fun <3

For future reference (and yes I know you obviously know this, but for lesser mortals...) liquid/volumetric measurement is your friend :)
I'm laughing inappropriately. Guess that means it's working <3
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I'm laughing inappropriately. Guess that means it's working <3


Bonus part being that it last for-fekkin-ever (technically just shy of forever but not far off) so it's all good from now on in, Mr Ando :D

(okay, until sometime this afternoon anyway)

okay I'm not sure what to think now :)

I've eaten too much and I'm thinking about puking. I'd rather not! But that might happen.

If I'm up all night I'll have to beg forgiveness from family but I've already worked that out in my head. "Sorry I can't be bothered today! I will see you on monday. Love you mum!" seems about right =D

My mouse pointer is leaving trails. I think that's a sign.
I don't intend to die! But I wrote my suicide note anyway :D

It says:

If I'm dead

it's all for the best!

I love you all, but you really are very fucking STUPID!

Sorry! It's true.. Oh well! Ha ha ha.

But they have to talk! There is
no time for talking as things stand.


Don't worry I don't think I'm going to die.

Better to write my suicide note when I'm not going to die, that way I can back it up!
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