• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Random WHAT are you thankful for?

My parents for being so undeniably forgiving and supportive, and my brother for being the best mate and brother, I could ever ask for.

I've taken so much for granted. I'm really thankful for everything all of them have done
ThAnK yOu!

i'M so GrAtEfuL fOr EvErYtHinG aNd foR EvErYoNe tHaT hAs puT uP wiTh Me aNd sTucK bY mE thRoUgH aLL oF mY sHiTTy PrObLeMs aNd nEvA gAvE uP oN mE..

iTs jUs Me aNd mY mUm aNd i LoVe hEr sO mUcH :)

aNd mY fRiEnDs fOr puTtiNg a SmILe oN mY fAcE anD foR bEiNg thErE foR mE..

iM a MuCh hApPiEr PeRsOn coZ i HaVe fRiEnDs anD mY muM..

also i need money...and food..so im grateful that i have that!
for the parties, for the drugs.

for the escape, for the reality.

for the friends and the family.

for thought and for life.
I'm thankful for my bf..
For computers also;)
For sunny days @ the beach
For horses & dogs and almost all animals
For all my friends and family who have been so amazing to me
For my country that I think stand well with most people in the world, espeically since their known as peace keepers!
For everything.. I feel so lucky!

Great thread by the way!
one thing i am thankful for are the friends i've made off of this website....incredibly supportive and caring....

i'm so glad i have met some of you!!! =D
TypeRLotus said:
one thing i am thankful for are the friends i've made off of this website....incredibly supportive and caring....

i'm so glad i have met some of you!!! =D

^^ totally agreed...did I mention this is an inspiring thread if not it is and thanks for starting it nephil!!!

I am thankful for all the men and women of our armed forces who are risking their lives for us and our country!


*Bless them all*
- my horoscope today :) (i'm supposed to write a love letter, wheee!)
- friends in far away places that visit me for a night of pure bowling green craziness
- every brand of cigarette is "on sale" ...2.59 for camels, that's a blessing!
- NATTY!!!!!
- mardi gras beads and fake flower leis
- strong drunk and rowdy boys that watch out for us helpless and drunk girls in the wee hours of the AM in dark parking lots behind apartment buildings when there's crazy guys standing by our car who address us as "m'am" and put thier hands in the air as if we're about to arrest them... um, wow...
- sublime... especially the songs get ready and jailhouse ;)
- burts bees lip stuff... mmmm
- summertime memories
- free parking on campus on the weekends
- chocolate covered strawberries... no, chocolate covered ANYTHING!
- 21st birthdays and 11 kegs of empty calories that i'm gonna forget about, waiting to be consumed by me and all my favorite bg people tonight
- shaggy haired college guys with 5 o'clock shadow and turntables... ::swoon::
- life... even if the days are cloudy and rainy :D
im thankful for everyone whose forgiven me throughout the past months
im thankful that my parents have the funds to send me across the country for school, for no other reason than, they know how i hate this place
im thankful for my sobriety, even if im the only person who believes it will last, and even im in doubt of it
im thankful, believe it or not, that the state took away my license. i believe whole heartedly that i wouldve killed someone driving under the influence.
im thankful for having hope, that i will not always be like this
im thankful for having known true love, even if it was lost.
im thankful for my family, whom i cannot stand most of the time.
im thankful that ive never been arrested for all those bad things i used to do
i am thankful for being well off, im the least deserving of it. i am grateful.
Random Acts of Kindness

I'm very thankful for the guy who gave me a stamp at the post office yesterday :) The line was rediculous (day before tax day) and I was bummed to see how busy it was in there. I got in line to buy stamps and expected to be there a long time. Next thing I know, some guy comes up to me and says, "Hey, you need a stamp?" My face lit up, I snatched it up and thanked him. Out of all the 20 people in line he picked me to give it to :)
It made my day =D