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Marijuana Not Linked To Lung Cancer


Aug 4, 2010
As marijuana becomes more accepted -- and in some places, legal -- a UCLA researcher has reexamined the question: does smoking marijuana cause lung cancer?

In the June edition of Annals of the American Thoracic Society, Donald P. Tashkin, MD, emeritus professor of medicine at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, says that light to moderate marijuana use does not cause increased lung cancer risk and that the verdict is not out on heavy use.

"Findings from a limited number of well-designed epidemiological studies do not suggest an increased risk for the development of either lung or upper airway cancer from light or moderate use, although evidence is mixed concerning possible carcinogenic risks of heavy, long-term use," Tashkin said in a summary of his article.

Marijuana does, however, "cause visible and microscopic injury to the large airways that is consistently associated with an increased likelihood of symptoms of chronic bronchitis that subside after cessation of use," according to Tashkin.

But even heavy marijuana use has "far lower risks for pulmonary complications" than the consequences of tobacco use, Tashkin said.

Tashkin authored a similar paper in 2006 that also found no link between marijuana use and risk of lung cancer.

He's among several researchers who have published recently on the topic of marijuana and cancer. Last year, a pair of scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco found that a compound derived from marijuana could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancers, potentially altering the fatality of the disease forever.

Earlier this year, Kaiser Permanente researchers found that people who smoke marijuana may be less likely to get bladder cancer than those who smoke cigarettes.


i got told only yesterday at the hospital that smoking weed will increase your chances of getting oral cancer because of the smoke burning a lot hotter then cigarette smoke so i would guess the same goes for your lungs
Smoking is cancerous...

This makes no sense...

It does make sense if you consider that THC (and other cannabinoids) is anti-cancer.
Smoking anything should cause cancer, but the anti-cancer benefits of the THC (etc.) cancel this out.
Therefore, if you vaporize weed, you will be getting an anti-cancer treatment, but if you smoke it, it cancels out.
i got told only yesterday at the hospital that smoking weed will increase your chances of getting oral cancer because of the smoke burning a lot hotter then cigarette smoke so i would guess the same goes for your lungs

This is a total fabrication. Smoke of tobacco and cannabis are the same temperature.

Admittedly not lung cancer but it's cancer protecting benefits are over rated none the less
Well the study did make reference to light to moderate use, not the six times a day evry day for 20 yrs type. Remember to eat your weed for best health results, no bronchitis:)
If you are suggesting that Marley did not under go chemotherapy for his cancer then you are surely mistaken.
Lol, inhaling burning plant matter will always cause cancer. And less than tobacco... No shit... If it was more, that'd be some serious shit
If you are suggesting that Marley did not under go chemotherapy for his cancer then you are surely mistaken.

If you're familiar with Marley's death and are suggesting that he did not deny proper medical care due to his religious beliefs, then you are willfully lying.
If you're familiar with Marley's death and are suggesting that he did not deny proper medical care due to his religious beliefs, then you are willfully lying.

^This. It's a cool religion and all in regards to bud and spirituality...until you need major surgery or transfusion.
Smoking is cancerous...

This makes no sense...

Let them keep telling you smoking is ok...

Thought the exact same thing. Smoke - not matter what kind, is cancerous. Studies have proven that over and over.

Crazy drug religion forbids it.

Huh, didn't know that...

That's really ironic if you think about it though. I wonder was what going through his head! I mean really?! "Lets take drugs that are bad for your health, but not the ones that can save your life." Makes a lot of sense doesn't it?

If you are suggesting that Marley did not under go chemotherapy for his cancer then you are surely mistaken.

He did, but by the time he did - it was far too late.
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It does make sense if you consider that THC (and other cannabinoids) is anti-cancer.
Smoking anything should cause cancer, but the anti-cancer benefits of the THC (etc.) cancel this out.
Therefore, if you vaporize weed, you will be getting an anti-cancer treatment, but if you smoke it, it cancels out.

Keep them letting you think that.

Smoking any plant is cancerous... No amount of THC will save you putting it in your body the wrong way.

Smoking causes release of free radicals... They are robust carcinogens.
Smoking causes release of free radicals... They are robust carcinogens.

Exactly. This is what bothers me about the world. People are misinformed enough to believe that Tobacco is extremely poisonous, but Weed smoke isn't. Tobacco (for instance) actually has very little to no additives in it, the actual reason why Tobacco is smoke is so poisonous due to the fact that when burned, chemicals are created that are toxic. Nothing in the Tobacco is going to be poisonous relative to other drugs.

Weed smoke is actually thicker and this is due to the fact that Marijuana burns at a much higher temperature than Tobacco. Was causes the thicker smoke is the fact that there is more carbon in the smoke. If anything, due to this fact alone - it leads me to believe that Marijuana smoke would actually be MUCH worse for you than Tobacco smoke.

But anyways, my point is, the poison is the smoke, pure and simple. Doesn't matter what "kind" of smoke it is - smoke is smoke. It's all equally as poisonous (if not more so for some chemicals) and it is therefore always going to be cancerous.
So is anyone going to read the article, or are we all just going to hold uncritically to our predictions?
If you're familiar with Marley's death and are suggesting that he did not deny proper medical care due to his religious beliefs, then you are willfully lying.

That is not what the documentary I saw most recently said. The newest one. Can't think of the name right now
It said that he trusted a doctor who told him that he didn't need to remove his toe, and that decision was the wrong one.
Nothing about Rastafarianism being the principles underlying his choice not to remove the toe.