WARNING! Intellectual Content: Read at Your Own Risk


Bluelight Crew
Oct 21, 1999
Ya know, I was initially prepared to write a rather long post in which I used sociological theory to break down the stage of evolution the Social community was undegoing at this point in time, but then it occurred to me: this is Social, not Spirituality and Personal Philosophy.

So I'll make this a medium-length post instead:

There are generally three main purposes for which people use Bluelight Social.

1)For simple voyeuristic amusement's sake, and as a platform to express their ideas.

2)To be able to catch up on the day-to-day activities of people they know and care about.

3)To be able to, in a virtual form, jump up and down and say "Look at me! Look at me!"

Of the three, the third is, in my experience, often utterly futile due to volume of posting here and the (generally) vacuous nature of the threads. If people aren't already watching for your name because of either contribution s to another, less high traffic form, participation in IRC, or personal contact with other Bluelighters via a meetup, it is VERY unlikely that anyone will ever distinguish you from 'the crowd' unless you posess either extraordinary wit or post at an astonishing rate...in other words, only extreme quantity or extreme quality gain recognition in Social based on posting alone. These extremes become larger and larger as the Bluelight community in general grows...bear in mind that Bluelight has over 25,000 registered members and is still growing at an astonishing rate.

People like to use 'high school' as a metaphor for the social structure of the board, but it would be much more accurate to compare it to a large public university, which is, based on scale and intellectual environment, a MUCH different place.
I realize that I probably just wasted about thirty minutes of my life trying to examine this issue in any sort of intellectual depth...people will still perceive what they want to perceive, and that fact compounded by the emotional reaction people have to 'being ignored' (in their perception) makes this doubly difficult to look at in any other way other than through the lens of personal myopia.

Perhaps those that are seeking personal recognition through their participation in this forum will achieve it through bemoaning their lack of personal recognition. If this is so, perhaps all this useless dithering will have achieved something, rather than being just another contribution to the negativity of the world we unfortunately have made for ourselves to live in.

If your primary motivation for posting in the Social forum is some sort of personal validation, then I suggest that you are wasting your time, and would be better served investing your efforts in a more potentially fruitful manner.

If this post offends anyone I apologize, but I've been silent on this issue for way too long.
If it's orange and fuzzy, it's FoXy....
"Ed Meese should be ass-fucked by an acid-crazed elk."-Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
"This is what you get,
When you mess with Us."-Radiohead, "Karma Police"

[This message has been edited by FoX (edited 26 September 2001).]
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Look at Me! Look At ME!!!

I think you've made a good start on a sociological theory of bluelight social. And yes, in doing so you have wasted 30 minutes of your life. From my standpoint the main reason I post in social is for a laugh. It's not so much about me (though that is a part of it... stroke that ego), but just for the sake of creating laughter. It makes me happy to know I made someone laugh.
Another reason I post is to make a statement. On occasion someone will post something that I feel strongly about. At those times I post what I think and feel regardless of what people may think of me.
I also post because I like writing and this gives me an outlet for creative expression.
I think there are many more reasons we could explore for why people post in social.
So, why did you post this?
We all seek validation. The feedback that we glean from others on Bluelight is the sole purpose of having an interactive environment such as this.
My point is that any positive response to your idea (post) is, in itself, a form of validation. How many of us would continute to play sports, DJ, go to work or post on Bluelight without the encouragement and feedback of our peers? None.
We all need validation. Some of us, however, lack the social aptitude to do this tactfully. When a sloppy effort at seeking validation is made, it forces us to reflect back on ourselves and recognize our own reasons for posting much of what we do. This can make us uncomfortable.
So, we cut that person down for exploiting what we gloss over with charisma, humour and insight.
Cool, huh?
FoX - Good reasoning, but you missed a fourth possibility. If people want to be entertained for hours on end, they don't watch a painting - they watch a television set.
Many participate here throughout their workday or during periods of boredom not because they want validation, or because they necessarily want to hear about the lives of others, but because the continuously moving spectrum that is Bluelight provides endless opportunites to contribue on many subjects.
Do truckers that use cb's during their workday only participate online because they seek validation? Of course not.
Thelazer said:
While there is a share of people who post on here only to be "Valadated".. I don't think it's that large of a number to even be overly concerned with. In fact, I don't really see the point of asking them to go away as you did above.
I think that's a mischaracterization of what I was saying. I was merely suggesting that people should examine their motivation for posting in Social if they dislike the environment in Social. If their reason for posting is incompatible with what Social is, perhaps they would be happier doing something else with the time they spend complaining about the environment. Perhaps not.
I think we all are well served by examing our motivations for the things we do from time to time.
In response to Blue Lava's post above: when I listed the three 'reasons' for posting in Social I did not mean to exclude other motivations, but to paint a broad picture.
There are of course other motivations, including the ones you mention, but these tend to be more centered around why we make a particular post, not around why we post in general.
Why did I make this post? To start a discussion of just the sort we are engaging in...I don't think Social has to be utterly vacuous, and it isn't...and only through trying to evoke thoughtful discussion can we keep it that way.
Also, this began as a response to http://www2.bluelight.ru/ubb/Forum18/HTML/015944.html?reload=71 , but I believed it had validity outside the confines of the rather thoroughly beaten dead horse discussed in that thread, so I replicated it here.
Kyk said:
We all seek validation. The feedback that we glean from others on Bluelight is the sole purpose of having an interactive environment such as this.
Note that nowhere did I say that using this forum to seek validation was necessarily a bad thing. I merely stated that, if your motivation for posting is to get validation and you are not receiving validation from your posts, prehaps seeking an outlet for which you will receive what you seek would be productive.
If what you want is validation and that's what you get, everything is hunky dory.
I seek my primary validation from myself. As long as I like my posts to hell with all the rest of youse.

[This message has been edited by FoX (edited 26 September 2001).]
In order to better respond to fox's post, I deleted my orgianl one above and added this one in.
Fox, I do agree with you on that. I just don't feel that it's worth any time discussing it.. bluelight, is what it is and there will always be those who don't like it and such. I just think that if anything we should ignore them, rather than suggest they rexam what they post.. giving them yet another oppertuinty to accuse us {Bluelight} to not conforming to what they expect of us.
"The youth of america, blissed out on E and ready to fuck!"
"Do you have stairs in your house? please go by the stairs we must protect you by pushing you down the stairs.. we are here..to... protect you"
"Roads, where we're going we don't need any roads."
"fuck morals, it's all about getting off"
Social has always struck me as online mutual masturbation......
First, Fox and Kyk: Very nicely put

I just think that if anything we should ignore them, rather than suggest they rexam what they post.. giving them yet another oppertuinty to accuse us {Bluelight} to not conforming to what they expect of us.
<--- playing devil's advocate here...
Us and them? One of the points Fox was alluding to was that there is NO us and them situation here, save for those who CHOOSE to see it that way.
I come here, I post.
You come here, you post.
Look at that! We have something in common! We must be part of a clique!

I'm not about to apologize for being part of a group of people who share a common interest. That's ridiculous. How many of you are friends with people/hang around with people/talk to people who have NOTHING in common with you? I'm willing to bet that doesn't happen often. What would you talk about?
Yes, we gravitate towards people who are like ourselves - not just on this board, but in life. Church groups, athletic teams, "ravers" etc. It's only natural to want to be around people who are similar to yourself. And here, in the SOCIAL forum... *gasp* people who are similar behave in a social manner! They joke around, they flirt, they tease each other... my my... what is the world coming to?
I tried, I truly did, to imagine a clique-free social forum (despite the fact that its such an obvious oxymoron). No one talking TO anyone... no one agreeing on anything (cuz then they'd have a "common view"). Seems to me it would make for a pretty boring place.
What would one post about... and to whom? And really... what would be the point?
We come here for a common purpose: contact with people who are like ourselves. Who is ANYONE to judge how that contact should be displayed? I'm not going to feel bad because I joke around or say hello to my friends - that's why I'm here! I enjoy this, I have fun here, and frankly, I'm pretty fucking sick of being made to feel guilty about it. Never in my life have I been elitist, choosing select people over others.
How ironic that people remark about how wonderful it is that this board has brought so many people together.... then complain when that togetherness is displayed.
*sigh* I'm not trying to sound harsh. I am merely trying to point out the ridiculousness of being upset over people behaving as friends. It UPSETS me. I didn't have friends growing up, and now I do. And damnit, I am not about to feel BAD about that.
the whole reason i joined bl was to get info. but since all my friends have left me here by myself, i've been looking for new friends. and bl has helped me get a little more focused on who i am. i prob don't have a lot of friends here. but i know that i don't have any enemies here, either.
the reason why i am addicted. well, there is nothing else to do in the stix.

hey pop'n fresh, i've been dyin' to hand out light shows. need one?
AIM- djsmiles828
"Drugs Are Fast."->M.K.
I am a d0nuth0e.
Maybe I am wrong for taking this approach, but it's the approach I have taken since the beginning. I came to this board as a prevention site. I came here to learn and help others learn once I have acquired adequate knowledge. The overflow from specific topics finds its way into the social forum. That's all well and good.
I started to learn about ecstasy, and I stayed because of the people. I stayed to contribute to others philosophies and ideas. I have since built on my original ideas from what I have gained here.
It seems that too often people are under the assumption that if you dislike the cliqueish behavior, it is because you haven't been well received into the group. Or furthermore, that you're trying to be in said group. This board holds so much potential to help. It also holds a lot of potential to hurt; therein lies the problem.
Though these are not my words, I feel they are demonstrative of my point:
People forget this is an IBB, not e-mail, so it undermines the social element of Social, turning it instead into public showing off of private conversations.
when posts are taken over people are forced to shut up and leave against their will.
New users serve as laughing stock, just because they ask the same questions that the self-proclaimed old schoolers once asked. Appeals for help or advice from lesser-known visitors, equal in content and quality, are simply being ignored.
this site was set up with the intent to provide information as good as possible. The clique forming scares new users away and deeply conflicts with the goal of the site. The openness to new people and new ideas is virtually nonexistent
In summary, the immortal words of skydancer:
Social is turning into a very uniform mass of non-discussion, aimed at a selected group of people
Wake your mind up. Clear your eyes up. Move and rise up before your times up. Clock is tickin'. You're caught slippin'. Stop to realize. Look and listen.
[This message has been edited by gmni13 (edited 26 September 2001).]
"I am merely trying to point out the ridiculousness of being upset over people behaving as friends. It UPSETS me. I didn't have friends growing up, and now I do. And damnit, I am not about to feel BAD about that."
That is what I am saying! Why a post from fox, pointing that out. Saying to people if you post on here because you want the attention, that you should reconsider why your posting on here and get the attention you need. Fox is upset at how people on her behave, while that's fine. What is the point of it? These people do not have freands, and they are trying to make them.. maybe not in the best way, but maybe they don't know any other way to meet people. So the put up a post to be noticed.. to say "hey, notice me, I want to have freand, I want to be populer like that Mr Sticky guy"
Is fox able to rope in and control all those who disobey and don't post just for the attention? No, those people who post that way, are what makes up bluelight. To change that, is to change bluelight and we all know that you can't change bluelight. So my point is, what's the point of discussing it, what is the point of fox posting that. He posted it just to vent his feelings, and in doing so, he got quite alot of attention. If anything I'd almost accuse him of doing the exact same thing he said he hated seeing other do... post for the purpse of getting some look at me, look at me attention.
"The youth of america, blissed out on E and ready to fuck!"
"Do you have stairs in your house? please go by the stairs we must protect you by pushing you down the stairs.. we are here..to... protect you"
"Roads, where we're going we don't need any roads."
"fuck morals, it's all about getting off"
[This message has been edited by Thelazer (edited 26 September 2001).]
gmni: Let me preface by saying that I am not trying to be harsh by any means, merely facilitating conversation on this subject. Your point of view is MUCH appreciated.
when posts are taken over people are forced to shut up and leave against their will.
People choose whether to post or not. There is no "forcing" about it. Yes, I will agree that there have been times in the past where people have "assraped" other people's posts. People got upset, rightfully so, and it was taken care of. The talking back and forth is kept to perhaps one thread a day, and yet the complaints continue.
If someone wants to start a thread and talk to their friends within that thread (not saying that anyone else CAN'T respond, mind you) what's the harm? So long as people aren't imposing in OTHER peoples threads (which as I said, has been brought up and handled) then why are people still getting upset?
I'm actually curious, here, not just trying to be argumentative.
this site was set up with the intent to provide information as good as possible. The clique forming scares new users away and deeply conflicts with the goal of the site. The openness to new people and new ideas is virtually nonexistent
Yes, this SITE was set up to provide information. The social, forum, however was not. In fact... it's against social forum rules to even DISCUSS drugs, so perhaps I'm missing your point here. If people were assraping threads in say the New to XTC forum, yeah, I'd have beef with it too. But in social? As far as I'm aware of, it's a place where people can goof off, be silly, and enjoy themselves.
Jay: I think I understand where you are coming from, but I think you're missing a major point of Fox's post. It wasn't to CONTROL what people do, merely to pose a question in a way that makes us all think of why we do what we do. What's the point of discussing it? For the simple fact that it is obviously bothering some people. Thus, should be discussed, IMO.
Finally: I have been hearing about this for quite some time, which is why I've decided to be so vocal about it now. I've even been admonished for being an administrator and failing to "set an example." My only response is this: I am setting an example for what this site is about for me. Make friends, and have fun. Long ago are the days I came here to ask drug-related questions. I come here now for my friends, for the people that matter to me. And I'm not about to be made to feel bad about that. This site has provided me with roommates, best friends, a family, and the-most-incredible-man-in-the-world...... I owe all that I am today to this site, and yeah, I'm going to defend that.