Button to reward particularly on-point posts?


Feb 26, 2012
I was going to suggest a 'widget' to compliment helpful posts.
As opposed to the reams of wankery and socializing that passes for 'harm reduction' here.

Wow, I sound like a crank, huh? Sorry. Just BL is kinda special as a place that takes harm reduction seriously.
And, I come here for good info and have to wade through pages of juvenilia and chitter chatter.

A little green '+' sign or a thumbs up or something (less generic than a star or a thumb) would be nice.
Whatever. It's kind of tiring PMing people thanking them, and I feel like some people here have too much PMS as it is.
Without people flooding their PM box. Bla bla bla.

Also, how do I erase old messages?

There will be an "Edit" button below your post. Simply click that particular button and below your now editable post you will see a "Delete" button. Click that and you are all set
Okay, yeah that works for PM's too.
I see it now. 'Delete this message'.

There are other sites that use rep. Mods have the exclusive job of monitoring the recipient's complaints when they get a red star. Plus you have the cliques who just keep giving green stars to their friends to boost their reputation. It can get ugly when people gang up on a person negatively and really juvenile in my opinion.
This site is about harm reduction, not popularity contests. People's posts speak for themselves on a case by case basis. Sites that have a points system create the illusion that certain users have more credibility than others, when really their points could have been earned based on popularity of opinion.

Harm reduction is about expertise, not who is liked the most. In the absence of a points system, you will get to know who is credible and who isn't based on their posting contributions. Everyone here is given a chance whether they are a greenlighter or an admin.
There are other sites that use rep. Mods have the exclusive job of monitoring the recipient's complaints when they get a red star. Plus you have the cliques who just keep giving green stars to their friends to boost their reputation. It can get ugly when people gang up on a person negatively and really juvenile in my opinion.

Sounds like Kittyradio.
You can quote the helpful post and reply with a brief thank you, or you can PM the poster.
In reality, a lot of the discussion on BL is about drugs in general. People's experiences with different drugs, just life in general....It's generally discussed in a responsible way that encourages harm reduction, but to strictly limit all discussion to only harm reduction would be incredibly boring!.....The self-righteousness of some of the people who pop up at random times to bitch about HR kind of gets on my nerves at times....

Also, it's sometimes completely random when a thread gets closed because it's "not HR"....It seems at times to be an excuse that some mods use to close threads that people they generally disagree with post in...

Completely robotic, clinical presentation of HR "facts" would be so dry and boring, a lot of the young people that actually need HR information wouldn't stick around long enough to find it!
^I don't really see what that has to do with the rep system but I'll answer some of your questions.

Blues said:
In reality, a lot of the discussion on BL is about drugs in general. People's experiences with different drugs, just life in general

Anecdotes within threads are fine. You'll find them in pretty much every single thread. As long as the discussion doesn't stray too far off-topic, I don't think any moderator has a problem with people sharing their experiences. Unless for example, that certain anecdote is encouraging reckless drug use. An individual may read that experience, and decide that speedballing sounds appetizing even though he never intended to do so in the first place.

Also, there are social threads, which we're somewhat loose about in various parts of the board. If the intention is to carry a long discussion with another individual regarding experiences, those are the perfect places. After all, an original poster wouldn't want to sift through 10 posts of a discussion between me and my pal which has clearly gone on a tangent. And neither do people searching for specific information. It's much easier to contain such discussion in social threads rather than have people sift through back and forth chit-chat in threads.

Blues said:
Completely robotic, clinical presentation of HR "facts" would be so dry and boring

Maybe from your perspective it may seem this seem very clinical, and robotic, but I think it really varies depending on the poster and the forum. Some people will choose to be precise and accurate with their information, others will choose to pass on personal experience, some will be theoretical about certain topics. In my view, I think it's the perfect mix.

Also, different forums vary. In advanced drug discussion, they like hard data while basic drug discussion is on the other end of the spectrum, where data isn't a requirement when presenting some knowledge or information.

Moreover, clinical and robotic, somewhat insinuates that things are accurate and methodological. I personally find nothing wrong with that, because it drives the board into becoming an encyclopedia of precise and immaculate harm reduction information.

Blues said:
Also, it's sometimes completely random when a thread gets closed because it's "not HR"....It seems at times to be an excuse that some mods use to close threads that people they generally disagree with post in...

I think people always complain about such things, yet never take the initiative to discuss them with a staff member once they occur. At the end of the day, staff are regular users of the forum as well. If you feel a post was closed wrongfully, or it has more to offer, send someone a PM, or report the post. No one will have problem with you. On the contrary, it will help us do our jobs because at times, it's important to have someone giving you a perspective from the other side.

Blues said:
a lot of the young people that actually need HR information wouldn't stick around long enough to find it!

That statement is somewhat speculative. I think the fact that the forum is growing at rapid rate is an indication that people (both young and old) value bluelight as a harm reduction tool.

The information, most of the time, is fairly accessible and understandable even to a novice individual. If not, people start their own threads. This is why redundant threads are usually kept open. We take into account that the individual who started a thread about CWE wasn't able to absorb anything else he may have read, and answer their question tailored to their individual needs, and level of understanding.

I see people (staff and members) putting monumental effort and persistence into answering every individuals question to the best possible degree. I rarely see in an individual complain about a question gone unanswered, or not answered to the extent which they would like. If it does happen on occasion, that's only normal.
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Thank you! I wasn't so much complaining about the way BL is run....And I wasn't saying I found it to be "clinical and robotic" at all. I was merely saying that a lot of the time the information is conveyed in a light-hearted and entertaining way, which is why I think BL is so popular!

I do think it's true that some threads are closed that may contain a few posts that may suggest a few things that aren't in the best interest of safety, while at the same time other threads are left open that by virtue of the topic encourage discussion about wildly dangerous combinations and practices!

It's obviously very difficult for even application of standardized "discussion guidelines" on such a large forum with different rules for each one and different mods with their own subjective opinions of each individual issue!

I think it ends up being fine and really have no complaints with the way BL is run!

However, certain users seem to just pop up on threads out of nowhere and play the "That's against HR!" card....And if something was flagrantly encouraging someone to do something dangerous, I'd understand....but it seems like the people that usually do this shit are just looking for "brownie points" or just wanna polish the teachers apple, I don't know the motivation....but it's a pet-peeve of mine....

That's all I'll say....I just write out of habit...If anything, BL just helps me try to keep sharp for the other writing I do....and I happen to have a lot of experience with drugs, so hopefully I can contribute something that helps someone despite my "aggressively negative" writing style!
Blues said:
However, certain users seem to just pop up on threads out of nowhere and play the "That's against HR!" card....And if something was flagrantly encouraging someone to do something dangerous, I'd understand....but it seems like the people that usually do this shit are just looking for "brownie points" or just wanna polish the teachers apple, I don't know the motivation....but it's a pet-peeve of mine....

I certainly agree with you that at times it is overused. However, when HR happens to be the theme of the forum, that's bound to happen. Staff say it because we're assigned with the duty of making sure that theme is carried in our respective forums, and responsible users are encouraged to report a non-HR post, rather than become confrontational with another user about it.

Blues said:
That's all I'll say....I just write out of habit...If anything, BL just helps me try to keep sharp for the other writing I do....and I happen to have a lot of experience with drugs, so hopefully I can contribute something that helps someone despite my "aggressively negative" writing style!

If it counts for anything, I enjoy reading your contributions in the drug discussions. You always have very interesting experiences to share.

Writing a sentence such as ^that to a user, is much better than having a thumbs up option IMO. I know you're not complaining about bluelight, but I just thought I'd try to address some of your valid concerns.

And...I like the mix of people who post on BL. Different people relate to different posts. We have everything from just "drug-users" of every variety, medical professionals, people with science backgrounds, just really smart people....we can hit the topics from every angle...that's what keeps it interesting! Anyway...yeah!