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So, do foreskins turn you off?

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I've heard a lot about how those poor, circumcised babies had no choice in their "mutilation."

Yes, their parents chose to do this...just like some parents choose to pierce the ears of their babies.

Let's not get overly dramatic here.
There. I actually did some correct research on the matter. So, no...it didn't begin in the US.

The people who I replied to asked why male gential mutilation was started in the United States only.
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^ With all due respect, the sensitivity issue has to do with wear and tear on the head that occurs over a lifetime of exposure. Grown adults who get cut don't count because they haven't had to grow up with the foreskin absent. Talk to us in 20 years. The glans is not meant to be exposed permanently, nature did not design it that way.

Secondly, most people's issue with circumcision is the lack of choice or consent that can be offered to a baby. You choose to have it cut off, a choice that is perfectly fine, although I find it odd that you felt the need to get cut to prepare for the tropics when most people living in the tropics are uncut and just fine. Anyway, doing it to a baby that can't say no is a different story.

Third, I'm a gay man so cock is my business. Uncut guys are almost always more sensitive than cut ones. Most uncut guys can't handle the kinds of direct head stimulation that cut guys NEED to get off.

I am also gay and that has not been my experience with men who have foreskin. The men with foreskin who I have sucked off enjoyed having me suck the head, deep throat them, lick inside their foreskin, and lick inside their piss slit. :)

I have noticed that a lot of cut men need to use lube and are a lot less sensitive than men who are not cut, and men without a foreskin do sometimes have trouble ejaculating and finishing when they want to or when they are turned on.
I wish there weren't such prejudice against guys that aren't circumsized. I would never have dreamed of having my sons circumsized. I know that in the U.S. in general it is still uncommon but in my area (west coast) it is actually very common. I think some heartless girl must have made a negative comment when Caleb was young because he briefly wanted to check into getting circumsized. Fortunately, he got over that.

For myself, the guy attached to the penis is the main thing, but if I had to state a preference it would be in favor of foreskin. It's there for a reason.:)
^ With all due respect, the sensitivity issue has to do with wear and tear on the head that occurs over a lifetime of exposure. Grown adults who get cut don't count because they haven't had to grow up with the foreskin absent. Talk to us in 20 years. The glans is not meant to be exposed permanently, nature did not design it that way.

Secondly, most people's issue with circumcision is the lack of choice or consent that can be offered to a baby. You choose to have it cut off, a choice that is perfectly fine, although I find it odd that you felt the need to get cut to prepare for the tropics when most people living in the tropics are uncut and just fine. Anyway, doing it to a baby that can't say no is a different story.

Third, I'm a gay man so cock is my business. Uncut guys are almost always more sensitive than cut ones. Most uncut guys can't handle the kinds of direct head stimulation that cut guys NEED to get off.

Firstly it's been exactly 20 years and it's fine. I was just putting my own personal experience forward, not trying to say that it applies to everyone although I did notice another gay man didn't agree with you but that doesn't mean you're experiences are incorrect, just different.

Secondly I did state that I only support it for essential medical reasons and don't support it for anyone who can't make an informed choice so I agree with you on that.

Thirdly, probably wasn't clear but when I was in the tropics on a remote exercise many of us on that occasion suffered from a variety of fungal issues - most on their feet, feet and groin area but I was unlucky enough to have it on my foreskin, by the time I got back to base it was considered the best option. I have no regrets although given the painful nature of the op, it's not something I'd do without a good reason.

I only provided my opinion on this because I thought that being able to at least provide a first hand account of a before and after experience would be fairly unique and may have been helpful and welcomed by some, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I wasn't trying to say that my experience would apply to every male anymore than yours does, we are all different and this thread certainly highlights that.
I am also gay and that has not been my experience with men who have foreskin. The men with foreskin who I have sucked off enjoyed having me suck the head, deep throat them, lick inside their foreskin, and lick inside their piss slit. :)

I have noticed that a lot of cut men need to use lube and are a lot less sensitive than men who are not cut, and men without a foreskin do sometimes have trouble ejaculating and finishing when they want to or when they are turned on.

i am a female and i have had the exact opposite experience.... men enjoy head sooooo much more when cut.... and i have never had them need lube or and they fave never had problems ejaculating..... - perhaps you are doing something wrong

also have you noticed most men in porn are cut - the reason - uncut cock is gross

last but not least i would go as far as to compare foreskin to wisdom teeth or the gall bladder.... unnceccessary body parts which serve no real purpose but can cause unnceccessary complications
i am a female and i have had the exact opposite experience.... men enjoy head sooooo much more when cut.... and i have never had them need lube or and they fave never had problems ejaculating..... - perhaps you are doing something wrong

also have you noticed most men in porn are cut - the reason - uncut cock is gross

last but not least i would go as far as to compare foreskin to wisdom teeth or the gall bladder.... unnceccessary body parts which serve no real purpose but can cause unnceccessary complications

WTF are you talking about? Most men in porn are not cut, at least not in gay porn. I don't like breeder porn and seeing naked women or their disgusting pussies since those are gross (What can I say I'm a fag! I don't do fish at all!) but friends of mine do and they tell me how compared to the past there are more men who have foreskin in porn and they could care less since they want to see the naked women.

A foreskin is not "gross" but if you are gay like me you will be turned off by a woman's vagina and you're not turned on by women at all.

You do not have a penis, and you are not male so how would you know what it is like to own one or what is pleasureable, and what is not? The only thing wrong with the cut guys I have been with who can't get off when they get sucked off is that their pleasure is greatly decreased compared to a man with a foreskin who has not had lots of sensitive nerve endings removed.

Everyone here is rolling their eyes 8) at your post and argument about how a cut dick is in your flawed logic somehow more sensitive, since physically it is not going to be more or as sensitive as a penis with a foreskin that's never been mutilated at all.
Everyone here is rolling their eyes 8) at your post and argument about how a cut dick is in your flawed logic somehow more sensitive, since physically it is not going to be more or as sensitive as a penis with a foreskin that's never been mutilated at all.

"everyone" what are you group bluelighting??? ---- i highly doubt you can speak for "everyone"
check out this article

apparently circumcision drastically reduces chances of infection in heterosexual men..... specifical HIV

its interesting and from a respected source

ps sorry for the double post

*Yawn* Oh that argument. Having safer sex and using condoms is WAY more effective than mutilating someone's genitals and pretending that genital mutilation actually is nearly as effective as condom use and safer sex when in reality it is not at all.

I have had sex with men who are HIV+ and we used condoms and had safer sex and I am still HIV neg. Gay and bi male friends of mine who are not cut have had safer sex with HIV+ men and women and they are still HIV-, and some of them do it on a regular/daily basis a few times a day and they're still HIV neg.

Secondly if being cut actually did prevent HIV transmission you would not have had an entire generation or two of bisexual and gay men in the United States who 99% of were all cut at birth who died from HIV/AIDS, and no they did not all get it from anal sex either.
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check out this article

apparently circumcision drastically reduces chances of infection in heterosexual men..... specifical HIV

its interesting and from a respected source

ps sorry for the double post

Sorry but I call bullshit, there is no way that having a foreskin will increase the chance of contracting HIV. How can not having a foreskin have any effect on the transfer of the virus (and 'trapping vaginal/seminal fluids' is utter shit if you clean yourself)

Two studies have found that circumcision actually increases the risk of H.I.V. infection among sexually active men and women, the academy noted.

So which is it? They outright contradicted themselves.
Heh I am posting about anyone who has any sort of intelligence at all, unlike the OP, yourself, and someone who wishes her Virology prof would have fucked her or eaten her gash so she could get an A in his class!

its ridiculous to argue with you at this point.... unless there was some kind of election where this mysterious "everyone" voted for you as their spokesperson you should probably try not to speak for the masses
I do remember when I first got cut, I was super sensitive. uncomfortably so. touching the head was painfully sensitive. makes me cringe thinking about it.
i give up on this thread.

consent ethics


plastic surgery

stupid traditions

I do remember when I first got cut, I was super sensitive. uncomfortably so. touching the head was painfully sensitive. makes me cringe thinking about it.

how old were you????

this is why they do it to babies.... i think its worse the older you get
then you should not speak for "everyone"

the title of the tread is "do foreskins turn you off" - my answer is yes - and many of my american girlfriends IRL also feel that way ... it looks like a disgusting turtle or armadillo (both terms that i have heard other people use in reference to uncut cock)

Let's be honest here a woman's vagina which bleeds, gets yeast infections, produces a lot more smegma than a foreskin does, and smells disgusting is WAY MORE "gross" than any man's foreskin.
Let's be honest here a woman's vagina which bleeds, gets yeast infections, produces a lot more smegma than a foreskin does, and smells disgusting is WAY MORE "gross" than any man's foreskin.

this thread is foreskin - yay or nay..... not vagina vs penis

i happen to find both a clean well groomed cut penis and a clean well groomed vagina sexy.... but i understand that you think vaginas are gross if your gay but whatever its off topic
no they dont..... not if the procedure is done in a hospital... its actually very safe

if the procedure is done at home its another story

Actually yes they do pass out from the immense pain, even in hospitals-the doctor/surgeon or nurses lie and will claim that the boy didn't scream at all when he really went into shock because of the pain, and they do scream bloody murder and then pass out.
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