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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Hydrocodone (80mg) - First Experience With Drugs


Feb 13, 2013
So about 2 weeks ago swim had their first every experience with drugs. That person may or may not be around 6ft 1 170lbs and has no idea what their tolerance level would be but after doing some research and seeing that small individuals around 120-130lbs have taken that amount with no ill effects they decided to try that amount. Having a strong intrest in chemistry, this person was excited to do a cold water extraction on and entire 20pill perscription of 5-500mg hydrocodone. Accounting for loss around 80mg was measured as usable.

So on a not hungry not full stomach and well hydrated they had 40mg then waited about 45min and took the other 40.

Didn't feel anything for about 2 hrs and in that time period had a bottle of water and a meal to try and absorb what was probally a stupid large amount to take as a first time. around the 2.5hr mark started to feel calm and a "fuck you and your bullshit, it don't bother me" kinda feeling (life went to shit recentally, business went under, lost full time job.....) like a "ahhh, I should feel like this all the time".
About an hour after that felt like time stopped and i didn't care about anything. Like If I was in a mall and had to piss and was to far from a bathroom id just go right where i was standing, same goes for a poop.

This feeling was a nice feeling too. Had been listening to very relaxing music (pink floyd, taylor swift...) during this whole experience to make sure I didn't have a bad trip...etc.
Around the 4.5-5hr mark (this was around midnight/1am time) I tried to go to bed since im normally exhausted and absolutely could NOT sleep, felt very paranoid, like afraid of the dark and monsters under the bed/getting my throat slit and mutilated etc so i tried sleeping with very quiet music playing and a small light on. This didn't help, neither did my loaded .45 under my pillow, 2hrs passed of staring at the celing basically. Now im starting to itch really bad like in totally random spots under chin, bottom of left foot, right inside the asshole, tip of the dick... not terrible I HAVE TO SCRATCH but like strongly irritated can't help but rub gently.

Toss and turn for another 3hrs itching like a bitch, this point its around 5am and say fuck it get out of bed and go back to the living room and watch some netflix miami vice and some other shit for about 5hrs. During this time im still paranoid of a monster grabbing my feet from under the couch and biting them off etc.
I lay in calm but paranoid land itching untill about 10am which is now about 30some hrs since i've last slept and feel so exhaust I want to die but cant sleep, not due to paranoia or fear tho. I try eating something small and instantly vomit. I haven't vomited in YEARS.

long story short, VIOLENTLY vomitting ALL day even after not trying to eat/drink since 4 vomit sessions ago. Got SUPER dehydrated went from 170lbs to 161 that day in fluids. Itching subsided a lot however.
That night around midnight was finally able to sleep nothing to eat or drink yet however.
Next day was hit or miss for eating and vomiting.

So, Is 80mg a lot of hydrocodone? Or was it just way to fucking much for a newb?

Tagged by Xorkoth
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just way too much; it's all about your tolerance. Some people are naturally tolerant to certain drugs, others are sensitive. In general you should take the lowest dose that'll get you high, since you're inexperienced with opiates you may have not noticed the tell tale signs of an opiate kicking in when you took that second 40mg. 40mg should have been more than enough to get you. Most people puke on their first opiate experiences, either because they overshoot the dose or they just aren't used to it, the nausea goes away completely for almost everyone and most people don't get it at the proper dose.

next time try 20mg and have another 20 on hand if that doesn't get you where u need to be. There's no point in wasting that much hydrocodone only to get sick, there's a sweet spot for all opiates and you just have to find it.
So about 2 weeks ago swim had their first every experience with drugs. That person may or may not be around 6ft 1 170lbs and has no idea what their tolerance level would be but after doing some research and seeing that small individuals around 120-130lbs have taken that amount with no ill effects they decided to try that amount. Having a strong intrest in chemistry, this person was excited to do a cold water extraction on and entire 20pill perscription of 5-500mg hydrocodone. Accounting for loss around 80mg was measured as usable.

We don't use the term "swim" in bluelight.....

Around the 4.5-5hr mark (this was around midnight/1am time) I tried to go to bed since im normally exhausted and absolutely could NOT sleep

And as you can see using "swim" didn't help as it's obviously you.....lol but yes I agree with robotripping, you took to much hydrocodone your first time which probably made you ended up vomiting, (that with a mixture of not eating/drinking fluids after)
That's about 8X more than you need. At least you did the CWE though, so smart thinking there! I would think if you looked up enough to know about a CWE though, you would have at least checked the recommended dosage? Kind of odd..
I did check said anywhere from 20-200 and something like 400 was 50% lethal dose. I read around 50-100 should be a good amount to start with and figured i have a slower metabolism than most and of decent size figured id try the upper end of the spectrum. I didnt think tolerance on this substance would be like.... more is better untill your sick and I didn't think 80 would be pushing it. I figured id of at least got a lot more effect other than just not being able to sleep and being paranoid. I can understand the vomitting but not why I would have more effect. Unless the effect for me on any amount is paranoia after being relaxed for a few hrs.

I guess I just figured im a big boy and can take what an experienced user of recreational drugs would take. Guess i was wrong

Just dont know what caused the paranoia and monsters which is disturbing. I could have created characters for a horror movie for sure.
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yeah, that's why to much for even experienced users with a small tolerance, let alone someone who never did anything ever.

First time I wouldnt go over 20mg for hydro since you dont know how you will react to it.

I mean honestly someone of your size could probably do up to like 50mgs first time and be just super duper high but you never know so its better to start small and work your way up.
OP are you aware that you had an opiate-overdose? are you aware that people use to die from opiate overdoses?
What was the deal with the monsters and paranoia??

Not sure, I thought this was normal for you, the way you were describing it.

I get that fear of unknown things grabbing my feet and hands while sleeping or avoid windows and shit so the demons can't see me.

But I've got paranoia/delusion issues.

Keep an eye on it, I guess.
OP are you aware that you had an opiate-overdose? are you aware that people use to die from opiate overdoses?


And no Im not normally worring about monsters or getting murdered. Also forgot to mention I saw "things" that werent really there. Not people or images just like black moving across the floor or celing in my perreferial view.

And no Im not normally worring about monsters or getting murdered. Also forgot to mention I saw "things" that werent really there. Not people or images just like black moving across the floor or celing in my perreferial view.

you don't know opiates can potentially you, like heroin or anything really? where have you been lol.
Yeah you did too much, as for the paranoia and hallucinations I have no idea because I'm always really calm on opiates. Although I can get irritable it's not like I'm paranoid and hallucinating. Sounds like maybe you got dehydrated and started seeing things? Or your brain just works differently on opiates. I really wouldn't recommend taking opiates again since it usually leads to negatives but the only way you can figure out the cause is to eliminate some variables next time you dose. for example- make sure you are well hydrated and not starving when you take another dose, also lessen the dose substantially.
No I was not being scarcastic when I said "really"

Am I lucky to be alive? I really didnt see much danger in that amount since 400 is the 50:50 lethal dose? Just thought I got sick because I wasn't used to it?
Considering what I've seen in movies and stuff (obviously not realistic) they show everyone on heroine or random drugs throwing up and being sick all the time.
Can you actually take drugs like this enjoy your self and feel perfectally fine the next day?
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Yeah I didn't think there was a difference since they were both of the same opiate family and read 5-500.
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Yeah I didn't think there was a difference since they were both of the same opiate family and read 5-500.

Hydrocodone is 8-10x the potency of codeine.
You took a massive dose with no tolerance and seem unaware of the inherent dangers, this is how people die. And trust me, people die of opiate overdoses far too frequently.
Please, for your own sake, at least check you have any idea what you're taking and at what dosage before you swallow 20 vikes and end up in the morgue.
Yah man 80mg is a lot of hydro. just think about the strength the pills come in, 10mg being the highest. You took 8x that. Just be careful man, although the 80mgs wasnt were enough to kill you, It's your reckless approach that is of concern.
I'm with you on the monsters thing. When I'm on opiates I feel real skiddish in dark places thinking I'm seeing stuff and not of thinking someone is in the house..