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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

LSD 1 hit I love this stuff


Aug 17, 2012
I had a few great trips this year but there was one that was really interesting. It was two days after a huge hailstorm hit my part of town. And another storm was coming. So what better time to take acid? I walked thru my town tripped out as hell and it was trashed, branches everywhere, cars full of dents and smashed windows, debris all over. I felt it was all very post apocalyptic, but fun! As i was walking i see two young hippes smoking a joint outside a live music venue, i thought about commenting to them about being on acid and seeing two hippies smoking a joint, but realized i would have sounded insane at best and kept walking.
I found it hard to even cross the street. The cars were all lights and trails and not really cars at all, kind of hard to explain. While I knew these were cars and walking in front of one was death, these seemed more like some crazy ufos or something. People who werent tripping were commenting on the crazy colors the sky was turning. I waked to the pizza store and when i got there the windows were covered in newspaper and it was closed and i stood there kind of baffled as that was my PLAN and now i didnt know what to do. I think i spent about 20 minutes convincing myself i could order a slice and it would be ok. The next day i walked by and the store was open and not renovated, why it was like that, who knows, maybe a porn shoot. Maybe they knew i was on acid and wanted to mess with me ha ha. Most likely they had hail damage.
Anyway at home as i was surfing i started seeing everything as being surrounded by a blotter shaped outline. My computer screen looked like a big blotter. Hard to really explain. Everything seemed to be outlined like a perforated blotter. To be fair i had my collection of blotter pics on slideshow, atached to my large screen tv, possibly had something to do with it.
I had some great closed eye visuals or eyeball movies as my friend called them. I thought about calling this chick i like to tell her how awesome this trip was, but realized she'd probably think i was hitting on her. And since i work weekends it was a wednesday night trip. I always try to remind myself not to tell anyone i am tripping and telling everyone on FB is a super bad idea. So my ipod wasnt working so i threw on some unlabelled CDs, and rediscovered a bunch of tunes i forgot about. I would tell you about how i couldnt believe such trippy songs could not possibly be random, and how that disc was waiting for me to drop acid and pick it up, but once again thats crazy talk.
There are some things that happen on acid that seem to make me think sometimes its more than just drug, but whatever, non acid users dont understand. I finished my trip watching 70s grindhouse movies and smoking weed. Anyway i have been doing acid 20+ years and am comfortable doing it alone, you should do it with someone or have a sober sitter. I could seehow someone could hurt themselves by falling or drowning or walking in front of a car, its an alien world. But LSD is my favourite drug by far, shrooms are great, but its not acid. I still get totally messed from one hit. I love everything about it, the blotter art, the mysterious makers of acid, the fact i bought it from an 18 year old who wasnt even born when i started dropping. It may cost a hella lot more in 2012 than 1992 but i can come here and see how far this print i have has spread.
It's good seeing an 'Acid enthusiast". I'm still starting off with hallucinogens. Had a VERY bad trip the first time I ever used one, LSA. But, I'm an open minded person so still trying to give them a chance. LSA maybe just wasn't for me, but that still doesn't mean I might not like LSD, LSH/organic Acid, or shrooms, which I plan to try in the future. I believe there's great things to experience with hallucinogens especially with my personality and interests, I may like them.