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Opioids Depression the day after using opiates?


Jan 15, 2006
I have been getting really depressed for a day or two after a single use of opiates. I thought maybe since the doses I am taking are really massive (I have a huge tolerance, but I'm not physically addicted - I don't take opiates every day) that my body is actually going into a light withdrawal, causing depression.

60mg of oxycodone only "kinda sorta" gets me high, even if I've taken a 1-2 week long break...
Then I just get really depressed for the next day or two; When talking to people, I get sudden urges to cry out of no where, and my voice might even crack or something. I'll crave opiates strongly, but for the most part I take several days off inbetween doses at least
This is a completley normal reaction that happens to everyone that does such including myself. When I had a gram a day heroin habbit and I kicked, it wasn't uncommon to not only be 'depressed' like you described but more like crying to movies such as Notorious (rap), Mafia movies, etc (and i'm 25 plus those werent the kind of movies to make me ball out in tears :))

The depresion gets worse until you dont want to do anything but dope or sit in bed hoping you get SOMETHING if not dope and eventually u will wake up like this with no lack of motivation in any direction for a few months, some people loose hope and kill themselves.

Of course a release of dopamine and endorphins will cause such a state.
It sounds like your neurotransmitters are out of wack.

It seems like taking high high levels of opiates off and on too close together caused this.

I would recommend putting more time between doses if you are going to continue taking opiates this way.

I suggest taking a good multi vitamin, GABA, 5-htp and if you can't sleep Benadryl or melatonin.

GABA and 5-htp will level out your mood in a few days.
It sounds like your neurotransmitters are out of wack.

It seems like taking high high levels of opiates off and on too close together caused this.

I would recommend putting more time between doses if you are going to continue taking opiates this way.

I suggest taking a good multi vitamin, GABA, 5-htp and if you can't sleep Benadryl or melatonin.

GABA and 5-htp will level out your mood in a few days.
I think that sometimes, but then I start to have this epiphany about just how out-of-whack my neurotransmitters really are and it gives me a panic attack, and over a few hours I have to convince myself it isn't actually happening to stop panicking
I think that sometimes, but then I start to have this epiphany about just how out-of-whack my neurotransmitters really are and it gives me a panic attack, and over a few hours I have to convince myself it isn't actually happening to stop panicking

Thoughts and emotions will have an effect on the chemicals in your brain.

You can cause yourself to have psychosomatic symptoms.

The power of thought is amazing. If you think "happy thoughts" and about positive things, your outlook and feelings of self worth improve over time.

One therapy is to look in the mirror and tell your self positive things that you want. Like I am a happy, confident, smart, and I can do "__________". Tell your self this every day morning and night. It will change your out look and help accomplish your goal.

Keep it reasonable. Of course it ain't going to work no matter how hard you try if you say things like, "I'm going to live on mars in a week" or what ever. Keep it reasonable and positive.
the day-after depression and low mood after taking opiates is one of the first signs that addiction was creeping in..for me at least, i remember i would binge on the weekends and come monday i would feel sluggish, very low mood etc etc..sometimes it would linger into tuesday..this cycle kept going and getting worse until i just started using every day..
There's been a significant degree of research about the relationship between addiction and depression. It appears that most of us who become addicted, particularly to opiates, suffer from a dopamine deficiency.

Since this is a condition which already pre-exists prior to our opiate use, it only seems to worsen as we develop our habits. We all know that when we use opiates, we retard our natural endorphin systems operation and create a worsening condition of dopamine deficiency. Sadly, even if we do not have a "habit" or physical dependency to our opiate of choice, a single splurge or binge on them seems to throw whatever little bit of dopamine levels we have into a tailspin.

This response is a long version of: "Yeah...that's what happens. It's normal."

During periods when I manage to get clean, I do look to natural food sources to improve my dopamine and overall endorphin system output. Omega-3 fatty acids, chocolate, l-tryptophan and the like. By no means is there a "get-high" result from these, but definitely a better overall stability in my mood and ability to experience "good feelings."

I'm currently coming out of a relapse from my DOC (heroin) and am tapering from Suboxone. My mood has been shit for weeks and it is very difficult to get myself motivated enough to shower and shave, so I know exactly how you feel.

You have to ask yourself the same question I have asked myself, and the reason why I am getting clean again, "Are the drugs I am using working?" For me, they are not. The times I have gotten high recently, the high was 'only "kinda sorta" ', as you say. The aftermath of getting high and the resulting depression, made the "kinda sorta" not worth it at all. For me, since the drugs are no longer working, I have to so something different.

I hope you get to where you want to be Spunky without having to get high and live through the depression.

-Be well!
^^def something to that as when i first started taking opiods, i felt 'normal'...many addicts say the exact same thing, we felt motivated, energized, social, optimistic after taking opiods..people will say 'well you were high no wonder u felt better' but this isnt the case with everyone..even my immediate family members have taken opiods and didnt feel good or normal at all, instead they felt irritable, tired, just crappy....im very curious about this natural neurotransmitter deficiency...

i was clean for years and still ha a hard time getting that spunky, energized feeling back naturally..its called PAWS and it fucking sucks..