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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

{MDPV & friends} The endless bag and the journey that still continues...


Jan 13, 2006
An experience within an experience - "synchronicity is playing hide and seek."

For such a long time I've been in a haze, not by fault of one particular incidance but because my 'box' had been trampled on. My theoretical box is one of which has been a conditioning that I've been accustomed too for my entire life; much like that of an unborn to it's mothers womb.

I guess no explanation is in order for what would occur if it was taken or messed with.

To put it lightly & yet simple, imagine a world where you see as you normally would, and yet the perceptions of many at once, and have no idea how to explain such an occurance.

I don't think words would suffice, and yet here I type.

--The realization--

Knowing many things that are impossible to explain yet you know are possible is not far from fathomable. Knowing what's acceptable to you becomes a chore; the slightest of things can be seen delibertly wrong in expectation for reaction(s). When in such a haze, as a knowingly fair person, imagine the OCD with your every day things.


synchronicity is playing hide and seek.

A long time ago, about 2yrs ago this report starts. It all started with a dose of karma and some mdpv -- above the

drug it shall be!

This first experience with the drug mdpv led me to a place beyond a high, a point where the drug was no longer

taken, days later the high still elevated. The most amazing part is that it was a shared experience, in no way no

how was this completely surreal, it was evident that a true event had occurred.

From there it was a while before the drug mdpv was introduced to me -- this time I noticed the same effects

(somewhat worry of the past experience being easily entwined with the new) and I seemed to know the limits of life

but took the time to enjoy being a bit reckless rather than include what I've been through into my life like I

usually would.

I had a few experiences that were unmistakenly unable to be explained, not just by words, science quivered at the

illogical becoming real.

I actually had found myself within an experience that would come down much later than you'd believe, it was no longer possible a pyrovalerone was capable of such things not to mention it physically was not in my system.

Realization that I was having a long 'experience' (when I say experience I mean I'm meticulously working on myself and surroundings while at the same time aware of such but acting in a manor that suffices to what is going on).

Would I ever come back? I never left; crap! I've been here before.

I seemed to have an understanding that no drug was needed in life to achieve happiness let alone control of

oneself. This feeling has yet to diminish but it's growth can be detererating if not kept at a pace one can


I had a while where i'd get caught in loops of the same issue - usually the answer was something so simple and

eventually I'd find my base. Eventually I found those loops easy to overcome but it took what seemed a lifetime.

On or off a pyrovalerone derivative I found myself in places that I can only begin to explain, knowledge at the fingertips yet

no words able to explain in a sense another would incorporate into their life. I admit it always take two;

another person can do nothing but help you.

Speechless most the time (opposite of my usual person) I felt stuck. I honestly knew there was a place beyond a

drug, without it, that was always achievable, yet there were always the most humane subjective such as stigmas

that led to the use once again.

After demolishing such things and rebuilding in many ways (my character traits were now, at my fingertips to change

at my will). Control of myself was amazing but it gets to be so much that you want normalcy.

All the while those around you are at their normalcy and your perspective is stuck in break down mode. For the

first time in my life I swore an amphetamine would be helpful, and for the reasons prescribed (so be it - I've never

found any help with amphetamines before this time).

I focused a lot on conditioning for a long time, until I realized the conditions around me can only be controlled

so much -- imagine this broken down to a macro molecule and being aware of all such around you. Sound pleasant? It

surprisingly can be.

I realized being sober was not going to lay this 'experience' to rest. I had completely quit ei very drug for a

few months, including rx meds to find out the underlying cause to this continuence.

The pyrovalerone family was pointless because they would just placed you right back to where you begin - what I call the

"endless bag". No need for more this will suffice forever, or as long as you need it to.

When a drug only produces side effects and you're aware of such, it'd be dumb to continue usage in such a manner as

addiction especially.

Last bag ever of mdpv was dumped out in a trash can, after proving to myself that it was not the drug but something I could not explain.

I took a look at my past 7 months of usage on and off, now sober, and I can suffice to say it was ridiculously low in terms of time span, and potential for overuse/abuse. Approx. 7 grams or so had went to myself, and after noting most others seemed to go through a gram within (sometimes but rarely or seemingly impossible to me) one night.

Usage was anywhere from IV 20-30mgs, but the above probably shows it cut usage down quite a bit. Liquid insufflation was also a good method of administration and dosage was quite easy.

It took me a long time to really get my head straight enough to walk a path I was okay with, getting up was a chore

- my mind running faster than explainable. Everything I did and said was so generic yet I put forth so much effort

in even making conversation (I'd constantly want to fix things for others - had a bad day? let me break it down) It

get's annoying when you know that it'd make no sense, yet help, but was just not an acceptable way of living. I

still have trouble trying to explain this so much that re-conditioning is most likely the focus currently.

Over the past few months I've done a-pvp a few times, each putting me back in that 'place' but then spiraling out

but not back in. I focused on my health as much as possible, natural supplements that I've come to believe are

perfect for my regime.

Slowly I saw little help with a drug once again - after the psychiatrist/neuro route which still ends with my head

hurting, me unable to explain properly and everyone trying to help something they cannot see or/nor do not

understand completely.

The only thing now is to realize one thing, you need nothing but a moment. A moment you can hold onto - that

moment can contain whatever you wish and be a lifetime of good things. Or torment. You learn from both I've


We do need to see the error in our upbringing -- it's as simple as good food and clean water, and being there for

one another. Simple things = big outcomes.

Simplicity * Synchronicity are to be cherished.

Admittingly it seems you need to find a suitable 'synthetic' perspective to blend into what society has created for

us. As much as I love purity the best sometimes available may be a synthetic, if you find a blend that works for

you hold onto it because its the never ending bag.

I've found a nice trio but once again it's really just a joke when you realize it's all the same in the end - the high is just to keep you occupied while your mind races into confusion.

a-pvp + pentedrone + 4-mec + IV = a sure way to some place... redosing? nope... but the endless bag appears... yet again.

Hope you enjoyed.

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MDPV is the most unexplainable substance I have ever experienced.

I feel that I was born with a natural "gift" and MDPV activated it or made me aware of it at least.

I did experience psychosis on my last dance with peevee, but I "felt its power" before I was in psychosis.

some might say it was psychosis that made what happened happen, which I still dont believe.

who knows though ? I wish I could dance with peevee again to close some doors, but it has sense became illegal in the US. Maybe those doors should remain closed for now though. Im sure she will find me again if she wants.
You sound psychotic. I wish people would've told me this during my peevee phase. This shit will take you down, you know I'm telling the truth. May I remind you of ektamine? I may get flamed but you need to hear this. The darkness calls. You don't have to answer. I am trying to save someone the pain of this.
What 'gift' did MDPV awaken, exactly? Statements like those are often psychosis alarm bells. It's very difficult to gauge the extent and severity of your own psychosis...The peevee might have done more mischief inside your head than you realise.
could be but I honestly dont think so. havent done any peevee ( or any other stimulant for that matter ) for 8-9 months.

Ill right up a full report one day. I still dont fully understand everything that happend that night.

I had people who were just a lil dunk and high with me and they confirmed everything that happened.

Dont rely want to describe it because people wont believe it and I HATE talking about it. And if I did tell you and you believe it your dumb, because there is no way in hell I'd believe it if it hadent happened to me.

ONLY people who have experienced it can know what im talking about.

I think OP knows whats up as well as 2 other people I know.

I realize that this is a little like saying

"did you hear about so and so ?"
"No. what happened ?"
"cant tell you bro"

Actually its exactly like that ha.

If i could wrap it up in a quote

" I two step with lucifer and every since ive started dancin, ive walked a thin line between einstein and charles manson "
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Guess Im psychotic. a-PVP has made me turn my life around. I had a huge life changing epiphany on it and have been better off ever since. I know what you are talkig about DopeMan. A friend quit cigs after a good long a-PVP binge. Weird

Sobriety is fun.
If you consider your experiences with these drugs enjoyable and beneficial in some way than I can't really argue with you. It's your body.

I would definitly lay off these novel stimulants for a long time. Psychosis is NOT fun and some of the most horrible experiences I've read to date involved MDPV as well as cathinones, but MDPV struck me as the most harmful of the choices.

You'd be better off with something like 2-fma, if you simply MUST use stimulants. I'm not advocating this and I believe you should take a long break, which it seems you may be doing?

There are certainly better things out there you could be doing and certainly better things for your mind and body.

Thanks for the trip report but please adhere structuring guidelines as far as title goes: IE: "(Substance / Dose) - Exp Level - Creative Title."

Feel free to PM me so I can change the title for you, or if you've any questions.

There most certainly are better things to be doing than smoking a-PVP.

I had the most insane panic/delirium attack Ive ever had from smoke large amount of a-PVP and cannabis at the same time over the course of lastnight. Being awake for 6 days and going nuts has nothing on what I just experienced.

Long weird trip report after some sleep.

Lets just say longterm sobriety is a must. My net feel is bad when using drugs:; it has taken some breathtakingly intense panic and delusional happenings to see. But I still feel its better off in the end. Im on my way as they say~
Oddly enough I ended up in jail for a violation probation go figure, and jail felt like the longest psychosis (5 months of it) I've ever been through - all while trying to 'appear' normal. Such a terrible feeling...

There most certainly are better things to be doing than smoking a-PVP.

I had the most insane panic/delirium attack Ive ever had from smoke large amount of a-PVP and cannabis at the same time over the course of lastnight. Being awake for 6 days and going nuts has nothing on what I just experienced.

Long weird trip report after some sleep.

Lets just say longterm sobriety is a must. My net feel is bad when using drugs:; it has taken some breathtakingly intense panic and delusional happenings to see. But I still feel its better off in the end. Im on my way as they say~

Son man the fuck up. Hit that bulb or pull that trigger. What the fuck are you doing. You know its All About The Bulb
I believe it does change you in a way, but it also is an aversion towards pleasure, where your mind wants to only experience fun, and work becomes a bore. Maybe that's all the weed I'm smoking though. I still exercise, but I smoke more cigs even when I'm sober.

There is a positive side of seeing things clearly, at least they appeared clear at the time, and being able to communicate ideas fluently. I have had some really good conversations on MDPV. In some ways is does enhance you, but when you come down you see how foolish acting you were.

Don't get me wrong I've had great conversations at the bar with people I just met that night, but I've also wrote a lot of dumb text messages, like a tweak text.

MDPV is cool, but it sucks too. I never know what to expect when I snort a 5 to 10 mg bump. I've gotten so insecure and self conscious off MDPV, I thought everything was wrong with who I was, and was just talking and feeling scared.

I think set and setting play a huge role in the experience, so I'm cautious to time my dose right. Last week Friday was a difficult MDPV experience at home. Saturday was a fun experience at the bar. And Sunday was the fear and insecurity in Chicago with classmates.

MDPV makes me tweak bad 5 out of 10 times, so I don't do it too often, like once or twice a week, 10 mg each time.

I'd like to add that I think MDPV and A-PVP gave me insight, but when I came down i realized how stupid it is to believe in fantasy. I believed I was intelligent and capable of solving every problem, but the days after I just wanted to eat junk food and watch Tv. So all the great plans I made while feeling unbelievable were lost to the blackout.
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I have only just got the chance to sample this novel compound. So after reading this thread I thought I would share my thoughts on it.
I find it an unusual compound in that it really gets on top of some people with side effects and others just take to it.
My first 500mg was a relative disaster for ending in flushing the stuff away. Just a nasty few days of anxiety and tachycardia.
The second chance was very recent (still have a small amount from the gram). This in terms of side effects has been better (only a few occasions mildly so). I have found it has given me the ability to get things done and dealt with better than anything I have tried so far.
The flipside is how moreish it is. I have been able to stay off using it for days at a time. My main downfall is seeing those I have given samples to experience the compound. I resist so hard but I crack in the end. Still roughly 7/800 mgs has lasted three weeks now.

Not sure if I will acquire it again once gone. Pretty sure I am slipping down the road to psychoses slowly. For having only a gram I am thankful.
Very interesting compound overall. A focused and pleasant effect with little side effects if care is taken. God damn it though it's so moreish. That's the scariest thing about it.

P.s. this is my first time posting so I hope I haven't broken any rules.