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The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-AMT Thread

Yeah, I've smoked it.

First, it lasts forever that way. Its like a much milder trip that has been drawn out to about 24+ hours. I think the most I ever stayed up on it was 28 hours with this route and about 36 insufflated.

It doesn't affect the body like most normal chemicals does. Most of my friends that have taken it with me, with one exception, trip anywhere from 13-20 hours with an oral dose, 22-30 intranasal, 18-27 smoked, 6-21 plugged. By "trip" I mean that there are still psychedelic effects. The auditory hallucinations seem to last the longest, the visuals a close second. The body high is about 6-10 hours, smoking marijuana can extend it to about 14 or 15 but is well known to cause anxiety and overly intense experiences.

The chemical is hugely variable, for one reason or another, and sometimes will never peak, even after a month or two of abstinence.

Redosing orally extends duration of the "peak" (its more like a slightly rolling plateau) but not really the intensity.

All methods except oral and plugged have resulted in some nasty side effects at times. Oral doses normally lead to vomitting, sweating, some typical tryptamine shivers, sometimes horrid headaches on the comedown. Intranasal doses can be extremely stimulating and in one case where 5mg was insufflated (a small dose for us), the pulse fluctuated between 146 and 172 for about an hour and calmed down. "Tweakiness" has been quite common with intranasal doses. We only smoked the stuff three times each and all agreed:

A) It has the worst taste of anything we have ever smoked. You think DMT is bad? Try this. It is also extremely hard on the lungs and has resulted in two of us, myself included, coughing so hard we threw up.

B) It is extremely variable, once again. Sometimes the trip can be so mellow, the user goes right to sleep, other times, it has come close to blowing DMT and 5-MeO-DMT away in terms of intensity (not necessarily visuals) and has been described as psychedelic speed.

C) It is never pleasant. The trip lasts way too long. The third experiment was aborted by all three of us with the help of Xanax and Trazodone. It is harsh as all hell on the body and mind, you would need days to recover. I called in to work for an entire week because I couldn't really drag myself out of bed to do much besides go to the bathroom and sleep. That "head twitch" that is sometimes heard about happened every time we smoked it and one person was screaming for an hour because of it.

This chemical is really something that can be either heaven or complete and utter hell. We started using it quite frequently and it was seriously fucking with us. We wouldn't even remember taking it and we started just literally dumping powder on the table, "eyeballing", and capsulizing it. We all felt like junkies.

The urge to do it still lingers with me today. And its been months since I last touched it.

Forgive me if anything in here isn't 100% accurate. I am trying to remember as much of it as I can, like I said, its been awhile. And this is one drug I have tried to put behind me altogether. I'll call them up tomorrow and check the durations but I think I got them correctly.

As for doses, we've taken anywhere from 3mg to 56mg, using various routes of consumption, and however much we were taking when we started spilling the vial onto the table or directly into a capsule.

Just be careful. It can be post-orgasmic bliss or sheer terror. Just like most 5-MeO's.

One more note: There is some speculation as to whether one of the batches that we got was in fact 5-MeO-MiPT. We ended up having five different vials from three different materializations. One of the vials was quite unlike the 5-MeO-a-MT we were used to and the dose curve was a lot more extreme. That is the one that caused the 6 hour plugged experience, which was more intense than any of us could have been prepared for.
Holy shit. So this stuff is Extremely intense!!! I've never really talked about it to someone with that much experience with it. Thats fucking nuts. So as much of intense experiences you've had with it, overall, is it good or bad?? Like, do the positives outweigh the negatives or vice versa??
The negatives definitely outweigh the positives in most cases.

It is mostly a duration thing. Long trips weigh extremely heavily on the mind and body, even when they are planned out months in advance.

Side-effects are also pretty negative. I for one don't really like sitting on the toilet for the first two hours of my trips.
i don't think many people would reccomend taking 5-meo-amt for insight or experience orally, or any other way.
5-MeO-a-Mt stability

Does someone know the stability of 5-meo-amt ? is it more like 1-6 month or several year if keep in solution at ~-6°C ?

Thanks in advance.
Well I know that both aqueous and alcoholic solns of AMT are prone to turning a dark brown colour, so I wouldn't hold out too much hope for the 5-methoxy version.

Maybe if you kept it in soln in a container that you could remove all the oxygen from the atmosphere above the liquid in the bottle, you could keep it from degrading
Thanks, that confirm what I was thinking after some reading.

I put the link of the solubility & stability thread as a remember because there is also some info on the 5-meo-amt's degradation there.

How bad is the reported nausea along with vomitting and diarrhea, i am interested in this substance but im afraid of going anywhere near it as vomitting usually end in me having a bad trip, and as this is long lasting in duration i am really looking to control this, i have a pretty weak stomach by the way.

obviously higher the dose then the more likely i will suffer nausea, but is there anything that could help with the nausea, without the obvious smoking some weed:\
Like any drug, nausea varies from person to person. However, if you are that scared of vomiting, then I'd avoid 5-MeO-AMT altogether. Personally, I do not know what is the big deal with vomiting. While I don't claim to enjoy throwing up, I find the act very cleansing and cathartic. A specific example I can come up with is 2C-T-7...this psychedelic makes me puke every time. When I get ready to purge, I end up "putting all my bad thoughts, vibes, feelings" into my stomach, and then flush them down the terlet. I feel very cleansed afterwards.
I haven't tried 5-MeO-AMT, but I have read a great many trip reports on it, few of them pleasant, with people taking from 1-1.5mg all hte way up to crazy ass 40-50mg doses, and even the lowest doses seem pretty awful, I have read a couple of positive reports, but 5-MeO-AMT ranks pretty high on the nasty scale, just under 5-MeO-AET and anticholinergic deliriants from the way I have read things.
Limpet_Chicken said:
I haven't tried 5-MeO-AMT, but I have read a great many trip reports on it, few of them pleasant, with people taking from 1-1.5mg all hte way up to crazy ass 40-50mg doses, and even the lowest doses seem pretty awful, I have read a couple of positive reports, but 5-MeO-AMT ranks pretty high on the nasty scale, just under 5-MeO-AET and anticholinergic deliriants from the way I have read things.
I have (12mg), and I would agree, Dr Shulgin called 5meodet a "torture phychedelic",I would reserve that honor for 5meoamt. I'm OK with vomiting on phychedelics, but for 6 hours? Second only to datura on the list of drugs I will never do again.8o
I want to point out that the dose that I needed to trip on 5-meo-amt is much higher than normal. I felt almost nothing with 3mg, enough for most people to get the full effects. It could have been impure or something other than 5-meo-amt. You should start out low, perhaps 1 or 2mg for a first time. If you take the amounts I took you could have a very unpleasant overdose.

I have used 5-meo-amt many times. I got it over 3 years ago and it's been at least 2 years since I last used it. It was the only drug I had for a while, that's why I used it so much. I have doubts about it's purity because it took so much to trip. I felt threshold effects with 3mg. It took 6mg for a ++, 8-10 for a low +++, and 14mg for a strong +++.

High doses can be very intense and sometimes have a significant spiritual or mystical component. The visuals can also be pretty intense but not as intense as the 2Cs or many other chems. The visuals are a lot different from other psychedelics. The movement is slower and the colors, patterns, and CEVs are different.

As long as I kept the dose below 14mg I would not vomit. There can be a lot of stomach cramping with the nausea and vomiting at higher doses. When I used more than 16mg I usually split into two doses to reduce side effects. It did reduce trip intensity some.

The nausea was minor with amounts less than 12mg. More than 10mg caused diarreah. Immodium AD would prevent that.

Most of my 5-meo-amt trips were not that interesting. The trips got more interesting and had more depth to them if the dose was high enough, 16mg or higher. If that amount was taken all at once it could be very intense.
I did not usually do that because the side effects were pretty bad and I was afraid that I might die or end up in the hospital. More from knowing there had been a 5-meo-amt death than from the side effects.

High dose side effects are: Nausea/vomiting and stomach cramping, feeling hot/hot flashes, moderately sick feeling, occasional light-headedness and slight dizziness. They mostly go away after the first 2-3 hours. For some people they last longer, maybe even through the whole trip.

5-meo-amt is my least favorite psychedelic. The side effects are bad, almost as bad as HBWR(12 or more seeds) and the 5-meo-amt trip is not as good as HBWR.

At low doses (5-6mg for me) it may be somewhat useful because it creates a feeling of closeness with other people without making you noticeably high. There are no side effects at that level.

I might consider trying it again if I can get some extremely cheap, only because I have doubts about the purity or identity of the chemical I was using. I would like to know if what I used was pure 5-meo-amt or not.
Limpet_Chicken said:
but 5-MeO-AMT ranks pretty high on the nasty scale, just under 5-MeO-AET.

What negative reports? The few I've seen (like maybe three) suggest it is nothing special, but I have read nothing of the unpleasant side effects and never ending action of 5-MeO-AET, as compared to what I read with 5-MeO-AMT.
Long story--my last paragraph is the bare essentials asking about alcohol tolerance on 5-MeO-AMT. If you want the whole story, continue to read.

I recently acquired some LSD that I suspect to actually be 5-MeO-AMT. The primary reasons are the "speediness" of the trip and that the timeline of the trip seems funky. To elaborate, I've only been taking low doses of it (I'm unsure of the dose in mg, as it was a "minty" liquid dropped onto sugar cubes) and the ride felt exactly like yaesutom described:

yaesutom said:
It seems very recreational, and lowish doses, seem to even enhance a lot of things. That is hard to explain though.. I know I can throw things into the air, and it seems like my mind...figures out what position they will be in and where, for my hands to grab them, better than sober. I'm not that into outdoor sports, but, i have a feeling ...well, anything like throwing a ball a long distance and trying to hit a spot, or maybe just tossing a frisbee to a friend with the wind blowing and all that, would be a lot of fun! Haha.. Dancing, or anything that involves multitasking, seems easier. This is "fun" stuff!

I also have no problem just falling right asleep on it. I sleep just great too.

I've napped on a low dose of the stuff (again, just below the threshold of visual distortion) and it felt easy enough to do, and doing some stuff for my programming job was downright nice as well. The GI tract issues were present, but in amounts proportionate to my dose (i.e. small). I've been eating this stuff as though its a substitute for amphetamine (probably bad for my serotonin system; any [ab]users care to comment?). I'm not experienced enough to determine whether this is really acid or not, but the timeline doesn't seem to fit DOx or LSD. I've only had what I know to be real acid once, and I've never tasted a DOx.

The most interesting affect though, is upon my ridiculous tolerance to alcohol. Both times that I've done it speed style (w/ redosing and such), I've ended up drinking while in the afterglow. In both cases, I've been ridiculously tolerant of alcohol. I only weigh 160 lb, and usually 10 shots would put me under the table. I don't drink often, so I haven't been able to "scientific method"ize it, and test while not under the influence, but in the afterglow 10 shots+ only gets me to pleasantly buzzed. Going to drunk requires a frankly unhealthy amount of booze. Anyone else have similar experiences?
I find the same thing (tolerance to alcohol) with the DOXs. I don't drink anymore except very rarely, but whenever I have tried drinking on DOC (haven't tried with the others), I can end up drinking enough to normally make me pass/black out. I mean, my alcohol tolerance is nothing at all. I get drunk practically from smelling alcohol. But on DOC, I can drink like a champion and never get more than lightly buzzed mentally, and drunk physically. In fact, on DOC is the only time that I still even enjoy the effects of alcohol anymore.

I also found a large tolerance with 5-MeO-AMT the few times I used it, although not as great as with DOC. Strangely, on AMT (non-5-MeO), I get none of that. Like it always does, alcohol makes me drunk, stupid, and tired as hell/depressed if I drink it on AMT.

Bercilak said:
(probably bad for my serotonin system; any [ab]users care to comment?).

Yes. Not with 5-MeO-AMT, but with AMT. I used it daily for a week, in increasing dosages due to tolerance, and I had horrible aftereffects the next couple of days after that, most notably "brain zaps" like those experienced after MDMA abuse. They faded much faster, though. I have often been in a place where I was taking AMT Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, at regular recreational dosages, getting higher by 5-10mg each day. After a while of doing this, I would get brain zaps for 1-2 days (Monday and Tuesday, or just Tuesday) along with some anxiety and light depression.
^ Ah throw it away maybe I found that quite effective ;)

Sorry but you know ~ it's Yeuch :\
Merged a new thread about 5-MeO-AMT administration techniques and how they alter the effects.
Steeze, flush the shit, thats its best method of administration.
5-me0-amt has to be the most malicious, malevolent chemical I have tried. It has not one good quality, its just self induced misery:\