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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Phenazepam --- Experienced --- Multiple 3-10 mg doses


Dec 23, 2006
I am going to pre-text this by saying that I have somewhat of a redicolous benzo habit, I am prescribed 60 1 mg xanax a month and found myself with about 10 left after a week and a half, I immediately ordered a gram of phenaz from a reputable supplier and took the minimum amount to not seizure untill it arrived.

Having bought the compound before I do own a scale that weighs very accurately to .01, not so much to .001 so I decided to weigh 10 mg capsules.

I figured I have a tolerance of around 4-5 mg of xanax so 10 mg of phenazepam wouldn't be so crazy.

Down the hatch.

45 minutes: Benzo sickness dissapears, no longer sweating or have increased heartrate, feel some benzo like feelings.

1 1/2 Hours: This is very strange for the dose I took I should be far more staggered than this, perhaps it was not 100% pure, grey market vendors arent the most reputable people in the world, despite this increasing my dose would crazy in my mind

3 hours: Feel the effects even stronger, sedated, warm feeling..... suprised by the amount of time it takes to fully to kick it, would compare this to around 2-3 mg klonopin or xanax in euphoria

5 hours: Effects lessening despite the epic 60 hour half life

10 hours: No longer feel effects but also am not benzo sick.

Next day 10 more milligrams with similar effect.

This morning at 8 AM took 10 mg, third day in a row at 10 mg dose and do not plan to continue onwards to a fourth day since it builds up in your system and I am starting to feel a bit faded.

Conclusion: Very useful compound to stay out of benzo withdrawl, I do not find the dosage needed equipotent to xanax or klonopin unless mine is cut. I would say its around half as strong like ativan. (at least for me I find ativan mg to mg half as strong as xanax). No matter the dose you take you will not find the euphoria of your more common benzo's so do not chase after that.

Looking forward to experimenting with etizolam next.

Tagged by bindingaffinity
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the half-life of phenazepam is ridiculously long so be careful. there are stories of people taking a decent sized dose of phenazepam, then the day after they have a few beers or dose another benzo and they black out because the half-life of phenazepam is still active. it will accumulate unless you space close to the half-life, which is ~36 hours(?) i can't recall.
"proper" use of teh P

So, increasingly, it seems that people's opinions are dovetailing toward the acknowledgement that phenazepam has a wonderful purpose, but that purpose is decidedly not recreational.

From what I've read (not much experience here), a person seems to be best served when they leverage the long half-life of teh P to bridge the gap between benzo addiction and sobriety.

Perhaps another possible use might be to ensure a mild come-down from long-term NMDA antagonist exposure, but someone better versed in pharmacological interactions would have to chime in on this before I'd hang my hat on it.

Regardless, teh P is not for fun. I think that has been made clear by now.
Etizolam - can anyone educate me regarding this benzo?

Can you educate me regarding etizolam? I take benzos regularly for anxiety and have used virtually all benzos prescribed in the US and have used benzos from other countries as well (Bromazepam, nitrazipan, etc...)

I definitely want to experiment with etizolam. What is dosage, where does it come from, is it prescribed in US, is it euphoric or just sedating, basically I want to research this.
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I've been using phenazepam for recreational use for like three years now. My doses are always between 4-10mg, and probably every third day or so. I've never had any issues with getting overly drunk or blacking out on a day that I didn't take phenazepam; despite it accumulating in my body. Tolerance obviously is a factor, but if you're regularly using phenazepam as a substitute for shorter acting benzos it's a wonderful "bridge". For my GAD, it's a godsend.