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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Free Thizzlam!

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I try to stay away from Bluelight but I keep coming baaaaack. ugh. And by "ugh" I mean "ooooh yessssss". And so on.
shall I..
..Or Shant i,
Roll a J ,
its bubblegum cheese.

^_^ best before bedtime really, haha
should be gettin some amphs tonight
i had a pretty nasty anxiety attack after smoking that an hour or so ago,
glad i feel better now, went all depressed and anxiety was fucking horrible, maybe weeds not my thing i guess, or maybe i just smoked too much too quickly
Lol SS is hooked on that BL smack.

What's good social?
Smoked Moxy > Oral Moxy

Although you have to use a greater dose when smoked
LSDMDMA&10056536 said:
and i'm sober.
what in the fuck.
i wasnt sober from wednesday 2pm-saturday 6am though last week

you know meth can cause permanent damage to your 5-ht network..that's some scary shit if you ask me.

"One way meth use affects the serotonin systems is by reducing the levels of chemical serotonin in the brain. This reduction can produce radical mood changes in people and in animals. When a person has a deficiency in brain serotonin levels, they are more likely to exhibit violent behavior, anxiety, depression, impulsiveness, and could have a propensity towards drug and alcohol abuse. When a person has higher levels of serotonin in the brain, they are less aggressive, mellow, and happier.

With the introduction of the drug meth, brain serotonin levels slowly diminish. This reduction in serotonin levels is a result of meth blocking the synthesis and release of chemical serotonin from the synapse. The serotonin system becomes restricted, and the chances of violent behavior and depression increase as the effects of the drug start to wear off. The person's need to keep taking meth far outweighs any moral and financial obligation. The user may commit crimes for drug money, may abandon their family, or may stop paying rent or house payments in order to keep taking meth.

An irreversible aspect of meth use is that it does kill certain neurotransmitter synapses, and this is the case with serotonin synapses. Even low level meth use kills serotonin axons. What does this mean for the meth users? For the rest of their lives they are going to be lacking the ability to produce adequate amounts of serotonin. Feelings of depression and guilt could be theirs till they die. The meth user is going to be more inclined towards drug and alcohol abuse. Maybe abuse will be the least of the meth user’s problems.

The complexity of the ways meth affects neurotransmitters is far beyond the scope of my article. However, there are some facts that are perfectly clear. Meth kills dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitter cells. This is an irreversible consequence since these nerve cells do not grow back with time. Meth short-circuits the user’s brain, is highly addictive, and many of the abuser’s joys in life will slowly vanish as these nerve cells wither and die."


Save your breath dude, he won't listen to you...

In other news, I owned a handicapped kid in a game of table tennis, fuck yea :|
^ duly noted. Twas simply in the spirit of bluelight.

And what kind of handicap was it? Mental or physical? One would be a lot more fucked up lol

i had a pretty nasty anxiety attack after smoking that an hour or so ago,
glad i feel better now, went all depressed and anxiety was fucking horrible, maybe weeds not my thing i guess, or maybe i just smoked too much too quickly

could have to do with E...after my binge last year I got anxiety for months afterwards when I would smoke, especially if I smoked then went out in public.
Ic thizzy is still too cool to talk to me.
of course i know meth is bad, smoking a few bowls once in a while isn't gonna fuck me up TOO bad i dont think, and you nkow what, i dont really care.
wasting your breath as thizzmachine said.
you try it, you feel the rush, and you tell me thats not worth it..
MDMA is gonna be a lot harder on your serogotonic neurons anyway i GUARANTEE you, methamph is more harmful to ya dopamine neurons if i understand right...the meth high is from the rush of dopamine...smoke that shit.
meth barely touches serotonin compared to MDMA.
31 seconds
i'z got my dnb shirt on today so i'z gotta have the oldschool jungle on
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LSDMDMA&10058832 said:
Ic thizzy is still too cool to talk to me.
of course i know meth is bad, smoking a few bowls once in a while isn't gonna fuck me up TOO bad i dont think, and you nkow what, i dont really care.
wasting your breath as thizzmachine said.
you try it, you feel the rush, and you tell me thats not worth it..
MDMA is gonna be a lot harder on your serogotonic neurons anyway i GUARANTEE you, methamph is more harmful to ya dopamine neurons if i understand right...
meth barely touches serotonin compared to MDMA.

Id rather have dopamine than serotonin, you get absolutely nothing done when your out of dopamine...

but anything that fucks with serotonin fucks with dopamine, and vice versa
yeah but not MUCH.
methamph barely touches serotonin cracka.
and no, thats not true anyway.
they have selective serotonin releasers..
It's more because of the suppression of serotonin production by the massive amount of dopamine. Same reason you're not supposed to take dopamine precursors for too long...it can cause low serotonin levels. At least that's my understanding
dont be a pussy, smoke meth
seriously, smokin meth is one of if not the best feelings i've ever felt
right hurr
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