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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

A trial with 3-OH-PCP


Mar 17, 2005
I was very happy to receive a sample of this substance and was eager to test it as soon as possible. After reading everything that could be found on this and related compounds, I felt that 3-OH-PCP held the most promise due to its negligible binding for those pesky dopamine sites and with an increased opiate affinity. The sample was generous, but for reasons unknown the dose requirement is higher than mentioned by Adder in his grand compilation post, making the sample only good for 2 trials.

What follows is the first experience, taken after working so I was already quite tired. I smoke a synthetic cannabinoid daily which was consumed about an hour prior to, and 2 hours into, the experience itself. The dose was spread out over the first hour. I had not eaten for 6 hours before this and was slightly hungry going into the experience.

10:15pm- It is around 10:15 and I snort the first little bit, estimated 1-2mg

10:20- Tinge felt, nothing really

10:35- ...decide to snort more powder, estimated 1-2mg
At this point I was starting to feel slightly strange, like something definitely had changed in temporal location.

10:45- I remember I had a T.V. show downloaded and decide to snort 3-5mg
All I had eaten at this point had been "lunch" many hours before, I decided to go get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

As I was standing in front of the bread and jelly, I contemplated swiftly how nostalgic this experience was of the afterglow from a ketamine experience. Just an overwhelming sense of cosmic acceptance and radiance. It wasn't the experience itself however, at this dosage it was just a reminder of a memory I once had.

11- There was no stomach discomfort noticed on eating or drinking while on the substance. The only thing I've noticed so far from the effects that could be described as negative is a persisting headache. I proceed to smoke JWH-250 before watching the show, this deepens some of the physically dissociative properties, but overall doesn't alter the experience too much. I feel much more together and "with it" than I normally do while on JWH.

11:15- the show is intriguing but lost on me, the plot is more interesting to observe than follow. I get lost in tangents, wisps of memories of psychedelic experiences relived in my minds eye.

11:30- the show continues, the effects subside as the JWH weakens

11:45- I get up and go listen to music to see what this substance is capable of. The effects are far more appreciable, I liken this to a low dose of ketamine I.M. Interestingly enough, snorting the powder caused the sensation of smell to become altered significantly, and I'm not sure if this is due to the ROA or from the dosage.

Everything smells either unpleasant or very good, but not because of the reasons that it should. The cat litter smells chemically and sterile, the cookie smells stale and moldy. I still eat it though because taste is unaltered, wholly.

12am- Nothing to note, I listen to music and am required to turn on the heater. For some reason my feet kept on getting very cold, to the point where the whole foot was cold to the touch. No discoloration of skin but that's not a good sign. I kept banging my feet into things because I couldn't really feel them.

Music sounds as it should on an powerful NMDA antagonist, like it sticks to your brain.

1am- effects subsided almost entirely, sleep is possible.

Summary: I can't wait to try this substance again and experiment in full with it. The dose was higher than I was hoping, but still much lower than anything else that is available with a similar effects profile. I can see how this could easily replace Ketamine in the psychonauts arsenal, but I shudder to think of its wide-spread availability. There was certainly a psychotic tinge even at this low of a dose. There was no illusion of control that can be felt with ketamine, the drug was clearly pulling the strings, but it wasn't forceful. It just felt like a gentle undercurrent, a dissociative carrier wave.
Let's hear about any muscle tension you experience. My experience of 6 & 8 mg IM was of horrible muscle tension that lasted for 1-2 days. This also happened with people who took the 3-OH PCP via other routes (plugged, snorted, swallowed). Personally it put me off ever trying 3-OH PCP ever again
Odd! I experienced no muscle tension to speak of. The only side effects I experienced was the seeming vasoconstriction or coldness of my feet.

Either the substance is really particular to individual genetics or there might be different preparations floating about. If anything I feel this will probably become my favorite dissociative agent/ally in the future.

I tried this again with DPT which was via I.M., but the doses were low for both and it was just a taste. Both experiences were just a teaser for the real thing it feels.