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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

LSD * 3rd Time * Visiting Mars


Nov 27, 2002
Me and my friend Kassie decided to trip acid. A friend had sold her 10 hits on blotter paper for like $30 the day before. We were bored and had nothing else to do so it sounded like fun to trip. We decided to each start with 2 hits each. This was my 3th time to trip acid and her 5th. Anyway, the setting is that were at Kassie's house, babysitting her 5 and 3-year-old brothers Mikey and Shelton at Kassie's house. Her parents were out of town for the weekend. Now me and Kassie are both 16-year-old girls. So at about 2:00pm we both took our two hits of acid. The little boys were outside on the swings so we went out to play with them while we waited for the trips to kick in. At about 2:45 I started feeling a head change. Things seemed to take on a brighter color and begin to morph slightly. I was pushing Shelton on the swing and kept being really facinated by the chain on the swing and watching it go back and forth. Then after a while (not sure how long) the phone started ringing inside the house. I turned and looked around for Kassie, but she was clear across the yard, helping Mikey build a sand castle. I found myself wondering how she got way over there. It looked very far away. I decided I would have to answer the phone, but was worried to leave Shelton on the swing alone. So I stopped the swing, grabbed Shelton, and ran towards the house. Now about this point the trip was really kicking in hard. The ground and sky looked wavey and liquified and suddenly the house looked like it was a mile away instead of just a few meters. I was trying to take all this in when suddenly Shelton started screaming. I freaked out and dropped him and he jumped up and tried to run towards the swings. I suddenly had this terrified feeling that he MUST not go near the swings so I grabbed his arm and picked him up again. He screamed even louder this time and I was terrified. I set him down, yelling for Kassie to come help. The phone was still ringing. I left Shelton and ran inside the house. I picked up the phone, but all I got was a dial tone. This disturbed me even more and I worried that I was starting into a very bad trip. I looked at the phone reciever in my hand and it looked gooey and melty like it could just start dripping any minute. I set it down and walked into the kitchen. I looked out the window. Everything looked very strange and twisted. It looked all colorful and happy like a fairy tale, yet I had a strong feeling that something horrible and sinister was about to happen. Like on a movie where it's all sunny and happy right before something really bad happens. I saw Kassie sitting on the see-saw swing with Mikey and Shelton both on the other side. They all looked very happy, but I just KNEW that the swing set was only going to bring great danger to them all. I ran outside screaming and motioning for them to get off the swing. Apparently Kassie was having a much better trip than me because she seemed completely unbothered and just sat there. The little boys didn't know what to think and took off running. I grabbed Kassie's hand and dragged her off the swing, but when she just sat on the ground, unwilling to get up, I left her and ran after the little boys. I'm guessing it was four or five o'clock by now, but i wasn't wearing a watch. At this point things got really crazy and hazy. I have no idea what was really happening, but this is what I thought. I ran through the green green grass which splashed against my legs like water. I saw the boys up ahead and little Shelton seemed to be drowning in the water-grass. The faster I plunged forward to try to get to him, the farther away he seemed. This seemed to last forever, I kept calling to him, but he didn't seem to hear and i was getting very frustrated. All these thoughts were racing through my head about how he was going to die and then his parents would blame me and I would go to jail for the rest of my life. And suddenly this brilliant rainbow just streaked down out of the sky into the grass and Mikey started to climb up it, pulling Shelton behind him. I finally reached the rainbow and began climbing it too. Shelton and Mikey dissapeared, but I kept climbing, certain that they were just ahead of me. I vaguely remember hearing Kassie asking me over and over what I was doing and I was babbling some crazy nonsense about climbing the rainbow. (later I was told it was 10-foot chainlink fence I was climbing.) I have no idea how long I climbed the rainbow (fence) but I must not have been climbing very fast because it was after dark when I finally fell off the rainbow (other side of the fence). The fall didn't do anything to snap be back into reality. If anything I tripped harder. By now it was dark and I was in the neighbors yard, but I had no idea where I was. I thought I had fallen off the rainbow and landed on mars. "So this is mars," I thought. I started wandering around thinking how nice it would be if I had a camera so I could take pictures of mars back to earth. Then an alien (must have been the neighbor) came running towards me asking why I was on his planet. I turned and ran strait into the fence and fell down. The man was yelling at me, but I felt very confused. I have no clue what he said, but I assumed he wanted to know why I was on his planet. I started trying to explain how I fell of the rainbow and all that shit but I don't think he understood anything I was saying. He looked really mad and I was scared half to death. The alien pushed me through a gate and locked it and I was convinced I was being locked out of Heaven. I started yelling, "Let me in! Let me in! Pleeeeeeease let me! I didn't mean to do anything wrong! I didn't know drugs were bad! Please let me in!" Then I was distracted when I heard a car driving up behind me. I turned around and was blinded by headlights. I took off running, still terrified. I came to a stop in front of someone's house. The whole house seemed to sway back and forth, dizzily. I looked across the street and spotted Kassie's house. I suddenly remembered Mikey and Shelton and wondered if they were still in the sky on the rainbow. I had to save them! Then a better idea occurred to me. I should just go home and pretend I had nothing to do with it. Then I wouldn't go to jail. This idea sounded very good. The problem was I wasn't sure where my house was, in this mind state. As I walked aimlessly down the street I decided that life is not really real. And what we think is our town or our state or our country, is actually another planet. And perhaps I was still on mars. I saw an alien walking down the street and asked him the time. He said it was 9:30. I felt very dissoriented. Perhaps it wasn't 9:30 at all. Maybe aliens couldn't tell time. Maybe mar's time was different than earth time. I was getting very tired of this trip. I wondered the streets for the next several hours. It would take too long to go into detail about the crazy visuals and strange thoughts, but the whole time I thought I was on mars. Finally around 6:00 in the morning I found my way home and was beginning to come back to reality. I called my friend Kassie and she had had a fun trip and the little boys were fine. She was just a little worried because I had freaked out and fallen over the fence. Anyway, for me it was not a good trip. It didn't scare me away from acid though, it just made me want to try it again. But that was sure a crazy experience and one that I'm glad to have behind me. Tagged by Speed King substancecode_lsd substancecode_lysergamides explevel_experienced exptype_negative exptype_difficult exptype_disaster exptype_overdose roacode_oral
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The long version :
Using chemicals is fine, I have no issues with that. I do, however, have a small issue with you using them while babysitting such young children.
While babysitting you are meant to be looking after them, something that would be hard to do as you appeared to have been having trouble looking after yourself. The lives of those children could have been in danger, and you would not have been able to give them the assistance required.
You have shown a shocking lack of maturity.
The short version :
You are a fucking moron, if you do that again I will personally go over there and beat 7 colours of crap out of you.
MDMA-4-ALL (And a fucking big stick for you if you do this again)
you are an irresponsible ..... anything could have happened to the kids you were looking after.

[Some abuse removed -Splatt]
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Well-written report, though you did act irresponsibly, but all's well that ends well.
I have a question for everyone who keeps flaming people that do stupid and/or irresponsible things while on drugs (not just this thread, lots of others too). Why?
It's supposed to be a trip report, an account of what happened while under the influence of a drug. To say it like the long version of MDMA-4-ALL I am for - in a polite way remind them that they accted very irresponsibly.
you are an irresponsible fuckwit! anything could have happened to the kids you were looking after.
MORON!!!!!!!!!! You make me sick!
That, and similar comments, are just pointless. Find somewhere else to vent your anger. I mean, what is the poster of this report going to think? Most likely: "Fuck that idiot, who's he to say what I'm to do or not. He's the fuckwit."
Comments like that discourage people from posting their reports, I'm pretty sure, and also encourage the start of flamewars, which basically end up with Side A saying "Fuck you, you stupid fuckface" and Side B saying "Fuck off, you cuntheaded moron". It kills all constructive discussion.
Why not treat a trip report for what it is? A recollection of events that happened under the influence. People will use drugs in a way you consider bad or irresponsible, and your flaming will make them ignore the rest of your post, and reply with a more or less advanced form of curse. Why should I read anything past "you're such a fucking horsefucker, fuck you"?
At least this girl can write up a story using proper spelling, punctuation and paragraphs, something that makes it easy to read and understand. She might have even read the forum guidelines before posting. The report is structured and makes sense. It's simply a trip report.
People are irresponsible all the time. I've been irresponsible a thousand times, and so have most of you. What is it that makes irresponsible drug use so fucking bad? Everytime someone does something stupid while on a drug and posts about it, he automatically is a fuckwit, moron, idiot, jerk etc. Is it because you feel that this person gives an argument to those against drugs, and that this person may endanger decriminalisation of a drug or infact add to the scheduling of it?
Is a drug really that important to you, that anyone who uses it inappropriately is a fucking idiot? People make mistakes all the time, also regarding drugs. If a person is under the influence of a drug it will add to his/her suspectability to make mistakes. Just get over it - as long as there are drugs around there will always be people who use it in a way that you find unacceptable, no matter what, unless we create a severe fascist government where only a certain elite is allowed to partake in drug use.
As long as we live in a world where we at least have some freedom of choice, people WILL MAKE MISTAKES! Now, people may or may not learn from their mistakes, but one thing is for sure: someone telling me to fuck off and go to hell will be stricken off of my list of people to listen to.
Okay, I think I have said most of what I wanted to say. If this post is against forum guidelines, then feel free to remove it. If not, then leave it be. It might start some discussion, or something.
[ 28 November 2002: Message edited by: parre ]
[ 28 November 2002: Message edited by: parre ]
Im all for constructive critisism but a similar thing happened with a relative of mine who was also supposed to be baby sitting. I wont go into details but lets just say that it almost ended in tragedy & involved my baby cousin. See why Im so worked up now? If I came on too strong... well tough! I am a mellow kind of chap but that person needs to learn some responibilty & I posted how I did because of the way I felt when I read it. Maybe if the poster reads the replies to this, they might get the message?
MDMA-4-ALL and Badwithnames are right. I forgot to mention that yeah, now I realize it was a stupid thing to do. It's lucky that my friend Kassie didn't freak out like I did and she was able to take care of the little boys.
But I also have to say thanks to Parre for sticking up for me too. I realize I wasn't very smart in tripping while babysitting, but people don't have to jump all over me for it. At least it turned out OK in the end!
I agree it was a very well written and interesting trip report, but I do feel that we have a right to express our anger at the lack of maturity shown.
I do thank you for your report, but please be more thoughful in the future.
The reason I do not disagree with the harder stance that badwithnames used is that people need to learn that this is a stupid thing to do. Simply saying thanks for the report will not get that message across, and may convince other people that tripping while babysitting is all well and good.
Trippers need babysitters, babies do not need trippers.
MDMA-4-ALL (But not if you are baby-sitting.)
[ 29 November 2002: Message edited by: MDMA-4-ALL ]
Oh, and I never said you shouldn't vent your feelings, the first thing that hit me when starting to read this report was: "WTF? She's babysitting and both of them are gonna trip?"
All I was trying to say was that just telling someone to fuck off won't do any good :)
Just trying to clarify things a bit :)
This cracked me up. She basically says
'yeah so I was babysitting two small children this once and had some acid and was bored so I took two hits and tripped my nuts off, completely lost touch with reality, and endangered the children. It wasn't a very good trip...'
Oh is that all? Maybe this will be part of a series of reports or people taking acid while taking care of small children... People do it lal the time, right? I hope they all don't have such bad trips!
yeah some people do crazy things.. it's life. it's learning.. it's experience..
if a person would not have done something stupid in life at least once or twice.. like really something very stupid, then it's just because they were afraid of it.. and fear is not how we learn..we learn by facing what is normally to be avoided..
yeah... my main stupid thing..
driving 110 mph while tripping 3 hits of acid...
110 in a 30 mph zone that is