RFD: A Guide To Bluelight Acronyms v2009


Indefinite break from BL - contact other admin
Feb 22, 2000
The following is wha tis currently listed in our Greenlighter FAQ, but as you can see it was created nearly a decade ago! :eek: So, anyone want to offer suggestions of what ought to be included in this list (or dropped at this point?). We recognize that most people today would simply google the acronym to get an idea of the meaning, but since we have this here, we may as well spruce it up a bit for the BL specific meanings of some of the common acronyms we use.

by liquidocean
("A Guide To Bluelight Acronyms" originally posted 16 May 2000)

BL - Bluelight
PLUR - peace, love, unity, respect
FAQ - frequently asked questions
ASAP - as soon as possible
IMHO - in my honest/humble opinion
WTF? - what the fuck?
LOL - laughing out loud OR lots of love
LMAO - laughing my ass off
ROTFLMAO - rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
A/S/L - age, sex, location
S/O - significant other (boyfriend, girlfriend)
ROAR - right of admission refusal
Troll - a non-person who spends their energy disrupting the normal flow of the Bluelight community
YMMV - your mileage may vary
OP - Original Poster
SWIM - Someone who isn't me
FOAF - Friend of a friend

Perhaps we'll bounce this thru LOUNGE and a few other forums before putting this to bed. For now, we'll start off in SUPPORT and at the end bring it back to SUPPORT. In the meantime - what say you?
wtf is rfd? ;)

I would definitely add all of the sub-forum acronyms.
lol damien

or should I say "lollercats" since this is going to the lounge? Is that cool guise? GUISE? IS LOLLERCATS STILL COOL!?!?!?!?!?!?!
swim should probably be changed to something like 'swim - hey law enforcement, this is definitely me i am talking about doing something illegal lol'
definitely get rid of that fucking ROAR thing, i mean... what the hell? :D

and i believe we've covered all this before - i think tambo came up with the best suggestion - take it all out and refer people to www.urbandictionary.com. give them the burden of keeping things up to date. :)

\thread, if i may be so bold. sending this to the Lounge would be a waste of time.
wtf does tldr mean gtfo if you don't tell me

my one guess is that its a system malfunction and replaced the hearts for a little while? I seem to recall somehow connected to hearts at least...
wtf, where is ftw?!!

thread is pure lulz

oh, and CG can stfu
- i think tambo came up with the best suggestion - take it all out and refer people to www.urbandictionary.com. give them the burden of keeping things up to date. :)

\thread, if i may be so bold. sending this to the Lounge would be a waste of time.

I would like to second this motion.
Mazzy, won't you at least try to have fun with this thread? ;)
wtf does tldr mean gtfo if you don't tell me

my one guess is that its a system malfunction and replaced the hearts for a little while? I seem to recall somehow connected to hearts at least...

tl;dr :|

too long; didn't read
ahem. back to the subject matter.

definitely get rid of that fucking ROAR thing, i mean... what the hell? :D

and i believe we've covered all this before - i think tambo came up with the best suggestion - take it all out and refer people to www.urbandictionary.com. give them the burden of keeping things up to date. :)

\thread, if i may be so bold. sending this to the Lounge would be a waste of time.
perhaps this section could be dedicated to purely BLUELIGHT terms, and not just acronyms?
Im having some problems peeps.

I have no idea what RFD means even though i see it a thousand times a day in TLB threads.

All I can think is that its a shortened version of............ "you better read this fucking thread because its important" So Im guessing Read Fucking D???????

Ohhh....Is it Read fucking Dropkick?

Next one is..............

Thu.............WTF??? All i can come up with is Thursday????

Also ITT.............I always thought it simply meant In This Thread............however a number of uses by different people here have made me wonder if there are others they are trying to suggest? Why cant people just spell it out FFS.