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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

4-ACO-DMT, MDMA, Ketamin - Experienced - Neo Hippy Flip.

Winding Vines

Nov 10, 2002

Psilacetin - 4-ACO-DMT– 22 mg
MDMA – 110mg experienced
Ketamin – 115mg experienced

After we unpacked our camping gear I asked the native tree resident a Douglas Squirrel if it would be alright to camp near him, he said ok in his own squirrely way, a great omen for this night’s adventure. After the chores were done, we decided to head to the local mountain town for a hardy meal. We head back up the mountain to our campsite, sage the tent and pray for peace. At this time we hadn’t ingested anything close to where we were treading and our relationship mended from many broken hearted moments, we were ready.

Onto what happened:
At 12:15 am we ingested 22mg of psilacetin and 110 mg of MDMA in aqueous solution. After approximately 15 to 20 minutes there was a light flutter of my breath and short “jolts” of nystagmus, which reminded me of the come-up of miprocin, that lucid feeling of a trip floating up to another level.
Conversation was very easy, uninhibited, I experienced some auditory distortion of my own voice which was odd, especially when in my own head I sounded like a burly man. I giggled to myself. At this time, in all of the excitement MGS forgot to take his Suboxone, and I could sense it, just like our previous venture with 2C-C back in 2003. I shivered, felt pain in my limbs, all I could think was “Oh not this again”.

As I have learned my body and being is a beacon, a tool to amplify. MGS held me close after he took his medicine, telling me it was alright, I was rendered helpless in the fetal position. After his medicine took effect I was once again the happy go lucky, trippy head I usually am.

Within 45 minutes I was at a ++ with physically no load, very smooth and consistent. It seemed this combination came in waves; the psilacetin became as malleable as any phenethylamine. If I wanted to lay back with CEVs or sit up and giggle there was no resistance. The colors and shapes were so organic, and I was floored from the flow I was feeling. We lay next to one another in the sleeping bag, and I close my eyes and I was launched into a different dimension. I saw us together like a painting, a Picasso painting, as one ( +++). Male, female nothing was discernible because we were, being, as if all of our organs and limps created something new. I scoot to a different position, and that painting we created changed colors and shapes.

I opened my eyes to take a drink of water, usually when I take a MD** I sweat and go nuts over water, but somehow this time there was absolutely no physical shifts for me to be cautious of. I sat for a moment, and the tent turned tye-dyed colors, and I saw flows of energy all around; from my breath- to the buzzing of a fly outside of the tent, I lay back down and giggled at “color this with my mind”, and at this time we both spontaneously vomited, with no warning. Alright, I totally managed to vomit on the small newspaper with +++ carpet visuals and no mess, yes I rock.

I discovered soon after that I brought my Tingsha bells, a very sacred item that a Coworker picked out for me. The inscriptions on the bells were the “Ohm Mane Padme Ohm”, which is the mantra for the compassion of the universe. I sat up and rang the bells; MGS sitting across the tent would close his eyes and feel the vibrations, the sacred sound.

We decide to administer the ketamin, subcutaneously; this is approximately at the 3.5 hour point.

I so enraptured with the bells, asked MGS to lie next to me and we share hugs and kisses sweeter than honey, as if we were saying goodbye. We meditate and softly drift into the world of our unconscious. I see this sky of blue violet delight, stars shine with us, yet we have no body, just energy. I stir to grab a quick sip of water before I am unable to move completely, I start to kiss MGS and with my eyes closed I see everything as if it were solarized, seeing without sight? The Minds Eye. I could see all of the details of his face, body and mind in this blue electric solarization. I lay back down again, and this time moving isn’t an option. I unconsciously grab the Tingsha bells and ring them, and all I saw was white, this beaming energy ringing from the sound, as if an offering to the divine with our love.

After the last resonation, I witnessed the creation of the universe, and knew everyone was there, me, you, my grandma, and every life essence. As if it were an imprinted memory, remembering things I did not realize one could forget!

Blistering clouds of gases, chaos, crashing, fire, and love. I said out loud “this universe”, as if another entity entered my body, but it was my true inner voice. “This Universe is beautiful” created as a balance, in true love and light, no darkness only lack of inner illumination.

I realized I have not been on this physical plain for centuries (well this manifestation of my consciousness),and for many reasons, basically suffering because of constriction of creativity, consistent ego struggle, as I experience in this life the curse of the muse.

During my experience I worked out, or now understand a lot of karma that was literally killing me, I went back to before ancient Egypt. Well before man. I was the goddess Nut (Goddess of Heaven or Sky) though I didn't know it at the time, and MGS was Geb, or the God of Earth. The mythology behind Nut and Geb was that The Sky and the Earth would always embrace each other and so the God of the Air or Wind was to hold Nut up away from Geb.

And was the spirit guide of the creation of everything and carried the sun through my body and the dead on my back to the underworld as my legs and arms were pillars. Through this experience I had no pain; I was the motion of the energy. I was carrying and continuing cycle of transcendence and appeasing the universe. The irony of me being Nut and MGS being Geb, is unmistakable. I had always said he grounds this little Pisces, but never understood to this extent. I felt by experiencing such events explained a lot of karma between us, consciously working it out by dipping in this.

I then launched into review my life internally, understanding my place was not at the job I had, that my work was taking away pieces of my soul. In that MGS was shown I am valuable to the new world, and we both need to be kept safe, and loved. It is a hard thing to digest being told something like this when all of my childhood I was told to be worthless. A lot of issues I realized at the time and never expressed until recently, like my body image issues destroying my life. I guess it is good after all that I waited so long to write this report, at the end of this journey I was told all things will be revealed.

After 6 hours we were 75% down, and our neighbor the Douglas Squirrel wanted to evict us by barking at the tent, and jumping on it. We had a laugh, and sleep was no where to be found, thankfully the medicine cabinet is never far and we downed some Prozac, vitamins and benzodiazepines, sleep came quickly there after.

It seemed that all of the potential “negative” qualities that mushrooms exhibits were nonexistent, while just as deep, no physical discomfort or “jagged” come up or down that I experience with tryptamines; a seemingly gregarious, patient and “relaxed” combination. I feel that it is a shame it isn’t one molecule. If I were to experiment with these substances together again I would probably be more generous with the dosage of Psilacetan, have my Ipod charged, and have a portable toilet because it really sucks having to pee (being a female) in the great cold outdoors. Overall, +A adventure even for those of us with “issues” the combination was a tryptamine turned phenethylamine.
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Don't tell him Winding Vines! It'll be our secret. :D

Who's this MGS character you keep referring to anyway? Sounds like a stud. %)
Neo = new

hippy= slacker

flip = what you do when you forget to take the meds. Heh, well Donny dante I am discrete. Winding Mystery Vines.
Dondante said:
Don't tell him Winding Vines! It'll be our secret. :D

Who's this MGS character you keep referring to anyway? Sounds like a stud. %)

He definitely is a stud. He's the studdiest stud who ever studded. A hunk and manly man, but tender and caring too! He is the true lord of love!

That being said... =D

Very nice report Winding Vines. I always enjoy reading your reports, as you have a way with words to describe the experience exquisitely. Many people seem to focus their reports on things such as visual effects, and never really dive into the depths that you seem to consistently reach. Thank you, its always a treat.

Also, please IM me on AIM if you ever see me, Id love to catch up. Tell MGS to do the same when he has free time. Take care, both of you :) <3
As I revisit thoughts and feelings of the past and present.

You know the last thing that I said, as if I were possessed (in a good way) "all things will be revealed".

This is why I feel psychedelics are so important to potential psychotherapeutical uses.

If you learn and understand the tools you already have, potential is limitless. Really, I don't know where I would be without. Just as an update on how I am still learning from this trip. Well, I quit drinking Coffee, started exercising again, I don't have a new job since then- but I reference above for that, started painting and writing (my true loves in life) and all around trying to help myself feel better.

Our relationship has never been better, and I find it so much easier now to meditate and send healing vibrations to what hurts- persay ;).

It really bothers me when folks go on rants about, "a Bad trip". I guess I am very fortunate that I have never deemed a substance "ill", it all ties in with how you treat your body, not to spread yourself thin, and to take a deep breathe and relax. Let go. Which really is the most difficult thing a Human can do, it is instinctual to "hold on".
Beautiful report, this looks like a winning combination for sure. Thanks for the link/bump, MGS!