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Objective [Subjective] Reality


Dec 11, 2000
A cold front moves through South Texas
A farmer, stops for a second to enjoy the cool weather
Its been so goddamned hot lately
A college student steps off of a plane
Its been a while since he's been home to see his parents
Fuck , he says
I had forgotten how goddamn hot it gets here
And 2+2=4
A nun kneels on the sidewalk, absorbed in prayer
Two Non-practicing Catholics pass by
Moved in awe they join her
Remembering a connection to something wondrous that they have not felt in ages. Humbled and filled
A Muslim walks down the other side of the street
He's uncomfortable; her presence makes him feel awkward
Should I go speak to her? He asks himself
Her false worship isn't right, perhaps I can bring her to Allah
And 2+2=4
The Earth slowly revolves around the sun
A single planet amidst millions of them
Lost in a sea of stars and worlds
Not the largest; nor the smallest
Most likely not the only one with life
It was once thought that the Sun revolved around the Earth
The Earth housed God's Creations and was surely the center of the Universe
The Enlightenment began when that view was challenged
Aha! the scholars cried, Tis not the Earth but our glorious Sun that is the center of the Stars
And 2+2=4
I can never see through your eyes
You will never see through mine
Our perceptions are most likely different
My mental world one that you can never know
Your soul something I can only attempt to comprehend vaguely
We can not know the world
Only perceive it
Yet, It is there, in some way
Er Cogito Sum (I think therefore I am)
So what to do when your world has had its meaning ripped away?
When you've been shown that all you can know is your own experience of reality?
Well you apply that experience to yourself,
You construct a life with it
And you remember that
What is freedom? I don't know anymore. Its something so far removed from anything I've ever experienced that I'm not sure I can even comprehend it. Make Freedom A Reality
< Bravo!
When the words start flowing out of you they leave quite a mark on me, hun. I'm glad that I'm around when you get your insomnia
- our talks mean the world to me.
This is beautiful.