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Dissociatives [DXM Subthread] Third Plateau Trips

I have done it before, just not this big of a dose, and it has been a while. Thanks. I am going to use 2 bottles of Robo Max Strength.
I suggest using pure synthetic DXM. all the additives in OTC medicine just isnt needed or good for you. plus, personally, I trip harder with the pure chemical.
um, i doubt youll be 'close to normal' at 4 hours after ingestion, at least in my experience with DXM.
I think you're gonna trip alot longer than just 4 hours. I once did 300 mg's - took 150 mg's more after about three hours - and I didn't stop having fun 'till I went to sleep about 10+ hours later. Of course, hash was thrown into the mix at various points - dunno if this somehow prolongs the experience.
Well, really, I just need to be able to talk and recognize people. I won't need to walk around or do anything strenuous. I think I will be ok.
If I took that much DXM, I'd be totally non-functional for 6 hours, at least, and significantly affected into the next day.

I would not take it if you are going to be in a situation where you have responsibilities to fulfill or where you need to be able to think or make a judgement call.
I took 900mg's once and I was sitting in the same spot for 8 hours. Not moving at all. I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone, I either had to crawl shamelessly or make my friend go with me.
Well I use to take 900mg (which is a low fourth plateau dose). The main effects last for 6 hours (but I'm still feeling really stone for 2 more hours at least)

Less than 900mg (3rd plateau doses) doesn't make my mind travel: my body is affected so I have trouble walking but I'm not enjoying the trip as I don't feel much mental effect (other than some confusion and some ophoria). No big dissociation.

More than 900mg (strong 4th plateau dose) will make me so damn confused/dissociated that I cannot do anything and I'm not enjoying the trip neither (I just find myself trying to walk around, aimless and completely wasted, if I'm not already dozed on the ground )...such doses are ok for deep experiences lying on a bed with a trip sitter watching over you, but don't expect to make any activity on your own.

But 900mg is just perfect for me: great ophoria, makes my mind flow around (beautiful visual dreams in my head), I find myself plain dissociated but I'm still able to do interesting things so I'm really enjoying my trip

I'll add that with 900mg, even if my ability to walk is really impaired, it seems I'm much more able to control my body/movements than with 700g.
I can explain it this way:
the more you take dxm the more your body is impared BUT the main thing is that if you're too deeply dissociated, the mind is just so far away from the body that you cannot use it (very very very difficult to move around, sometime with huge doses you just can't walk),
and if you're not dissociated enough your impaired mind is still present and starts trying to deal with your impaired body so you can walk around but your mind is poorly interacting with the body making the things more messy and confused than if the mind was just letting the body act on his own.

SO, a perfect dose would fully dissociate your mind (so your mind is flying around not taking care of what's happening down there) , but not too much dissociated so your mind has still some contact with your body so you can still use it and walk around.
For me 900mg does it: I'm just plain dissociated and my mind which is travelling around doesn't take care of anything concrete, so my movements are much more automatic and much more fluid than if my mind was trying to control/rule what's happening...
For instance with 900mg I'm not thinking "I'm turning to the right now", I just do it spontaneously without even realizing I'm now going to the right: my intention/will was to turn to the right but as I'm doing the move, my mind is already flying in some other weird dimension so my body just makes the move automatically. Therefore I can walk around more fluidly on 900mg dxm than on 700mg (as 700 doesn't gets me dissociated enough and my mind is watching over what I'm doing/what's happening, disturbing the move...)

Any body else get this feeling with dissociatives (ketamine, dxm...) ?
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Another key is if/when marrijuana is added, when are you adding it. Another problem with DXM is there r residual affects like double vision. On high doses I always get double vision. As for weed, i hate trippin on dex without it, and depending on if u keep re-starting the high with weed because they say you can keep it going for 2 days if u stay smoking, dunno if that's true but i've pushed my trips to about 8 hours on dex because of constant weed use.
the best drug to mix with dxm is pot And the best drug to mix with pot is dxm !

the combination that most impressed me was smoking pot while coming up on DXM (900mg = low fourth plateau dose): the pot was enchancing the dxm, but much better, the dxm was incredibly enchancing the pot (as an opposite to pot/psychedelic combinations, dxm wouldn't muffle the pot effect in anyway). Each single toke was felt as a huge rush (not as much from the dxm than from the pot itself). Each toke was pure fun. Probably the best drug I would ever find to mix pot with (and I cannot think of a dxm trip without pot). I guess it is only that great with fourth plateau dxm doses.
It is soo unique, i've done DXM both straight and high and they're literally 2 different trips. Weed at the 2 hour mark for me and then one bowl every 30 minutes, you can have some friggin awsome visuals, all CEV's though. i have had some really interesting OEV's on dex and bud as well, but nothing like earth shattering. Good luck pulling in front of people though because DXM is probably one of the hardest drugs for me to pull on, my body just refuses to move.
DXM, the third plateau.

how do you people do it? I tried to drink 2 bottles of robotussin and puked my guts out, I got enough of it down to give me a nice 2nd plateau high though. what a waste.
perhaps with other sources of DXM... I know you can get good high doses with the powder. Sucrets extraction has also proven easier on the stomach for me than syrup. No puking for me.
I hate to even answer this since I hate DXM now,but those Coricedin(sp.)tabs are what we used to take.Seriously though,there are so many other wonderful psychadelic drugs other than DXM.Safer ones too.
DXM is not a great drug I will do it sometimes but seriously try to get your hands on some shrooms are acid for a real psychedelic adventure. A good way to down the dxm is 30ml at a time with apple juice finish the bottle $of dxm over the hour dont chug it all at once, its easyer to digest and with the apple juice the stuff dosent taste like shit. Oh also if you get slight nausea smoke some weed before you start downing the dxm it helps alot.
I am actually in the process of obtaining some shrooms, it has proven to be a long and drawn out process though. when I do get them I will have more than I know what to do with.
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DXM is not a great drug I will do it sometimes but seriously try to get your hands on some shrooms are acid for a real psychedelic adventure.

Thing is, if you're taking DXM, it's most probably for the dissociative effect which you're not going to get from a serotonin hallucinogen like LSD or psilocybin. Your best bet is to get some ketamine or at a push PCP, as they're the other dissociatives that are commonly available
Lucky me, I can stomach RoboMax easily and obtain 3rd plateau on 350mg + some weed.

Back to back out of body experiences, flying through time and space, becoming one with other objects, etc.

Mixed with mushrooms it is a deeply religious experience for me. Ketamine is a bit different and I have less experience with it, but think that is some fantastic stuff. I wouldn't suggest PCP over DXM though....