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Dissociatives [DXM Subthread] Long-term DXM Effects & Addiction


Jan 23, 2008

  • Long term effects of DXM on the body
  • Long term effects of DXM on the mind
  • Long term effects of DXM on behavior
  • DXM addiction


I have been a occasional (1-4 times monthly) user of DXM and have been such for around a year. I've noticed within the last couple of months that I have completely lost the ability to react to a tickle. In addition, when I am completely sober, I talk completely monotone, without emotion or specific tone in my voice.

<EDIT> These mental and physical effects manifested after a period of one and a half months of abstinence from DXM. When I started using again (powder, this time), they went away. I now have no powder left and am content that I have tried every preparation of DXM and experienced every plateau (including sigma) that there is to reach. I do not plan on doing DXM like I have previously ever again. It has been a month since I have used and I feel at peace with myself once again. My tickle respond, and personality returned to normal after two weeks of abstaining after the powder was gone. </EDIT>

Thread Topic (i.e. read this before responding):
  • If you have experienced any effects such as this on the off days of your DXM use, after abstaining from DXM use, or persisting long after abstinence, I would like to hear about it.
  • If you have any information about possible long-term effects on the mind, body or behavior, reply.
  • If you want to simply post your trip report or say that none of these things have ever happened to you, do not fucking reply! I want this thread to be as clean and spam free as possible.
Thanks in advance,
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i lost motor control after doing dxm and could easily do front flips and back flips. i started using dxm, i tried doing back flips and front flips and nearly broke my neck. it messed up my equilibrium

long-term tinnitus developed because of dxm

i had atleast 6 months of hppd because of dxm use that lasted a year.

I have not used dxm in two years and my ears ring 24/7 now because of that disgusting shit.
Are these effects inevitable with DXM? It sounds a lot worse than the small risk of hppd or something from tryptamine use.
^^depends on the dose and frequency of use, as well as being related to CYP2D6 and your bodies ability to metabolize DXM
Pardon my French, but what the fuck does the breaking down, conversion and then excretion of a chemical have to do with it's psychological long-term effects, egor? I mean I understand that if you are a very heavy user, the drug will effect you psychologically a lot differently, but I don't think that applies to the occasional, non-re-dosing user. Care to clarify on what you were getting at, because I don't quite understand.

@feels: I haven't heard of these symptoms from other long term occasional dxm users, so I don't know if this is specific to myself or what. That's why I'm posting here in attempts to gather more information.
DXM has a bad repuatation in general if that is what you are asking. I suggest to discontinue your use. There is a reason it is legal, the government feels it has no worthwhile abuse potential. IMO it is the psychedelic version of huffing paint.

Although there is dispute on the Olneys Legion's issue, there is no uncertainty that your brain is being damaged. Please stop using if you care at all about your physical and mental health. If it is not the DXM causing these psychological issue then you can still be sure that hard dissasociative tripping is not helping them get any better. I have found that most long term side effects from psychedelics do not manifest themselves acutely, it is only after some period of abstinance that you begin to understand the extent of your complications.

also FYI the risk of long term perceptual changes with tryptamines is not that slim.
Well I don't know about long term but the day after i do dxm i feel like a fucking faggot. Like everything is boring, i feel deppressed, i just sit around all day. It makes me not want to do dxm. Which is a good thing cause if i felt fine the day after i'd prolly do it more often ha.
I used to use it roughly around 4 times a month over 5 or 6 month period of time and it seemed to have really have effected my memory, speech, and cognitive abilities. My speech has gotten a little bit better over the last month or so (around 2 or 3 months since my last use) and my cognitive abilities have returned almost fully, but my memory still seems out of it.
It just feels so incredibly toxic and my senses go haywire. I've never done it more than three times in a month, but I stopped when I just couldn't take the toll on my body. Yuck.

I used dxm 2-4 times a week for about 3 months, and have averaged prolly like 3 trips a month for the past year.

I just checked. My tickle sense is gone, too. Or maybe I outgrew it? I haven't been tickled since before I started DXM, but it might just be coincendence.

Talking is a natural thing. but when you're on DXM, nothing is natural, and you have to focus and make every sound come out specifically to talk -- maybe you've just started doing this sober, too, out of habit or accident?

The only other side-effect I've observed is that it now takes several seconds for my eyes to come into focus when I wake up -- and that it can be quite uncomfortable until my eyes focus. That's basically it for me. I have no plans to stop, so I'll never know if that'll go away or if its a permanent cost of my tripping (or even just from natural aging).

i'm convinced dxm is a completely safe drug, but only time will tell.

actually, one more effect -- my dxm hangovers are gradually getting longer and more debilating, but i'm hoping now that i'm dropping down to just 1-3 trips monthly that'll get better.
you guys all use dxm too fucking much. Once a month is too much let alone 2-3 times a week. I did it a couple times(prolly about, 4-5) over the period of 6 months or so i guess. Its been over a year and i notice no changes from it. I wasnt ticklish before the dxm trips anyway, and i cant think of any symptoms that could be related to its use. I think, if you are getting problems, then you are definitly doing it too fucking much. Cut back on that shit.
I've only used DXM like 5 times over the period of maybe 4 years that I had any interest in it. I never experienced any negative effects from it.

You people are taking WAY too much.
William White wrote that it's acceptable to use DXM 1-2 times a week without encountering problems, but then contradicted himself saying it would be better to only use 1-2 time a month when talking about Olney's Lesions. Then again, didn't he completely retract everything he said about Olney's Lesions at a later date? I don't even know what an acceptable dosing regimen is anymore, but I never plan to do it more than once a week. Also, within the last year I took a three month break, and right now haven't used in a month, if that makes any difference.
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Most of the respected members on the board agree that DXM is a shitty and toxic drug, i have done as much research on the subject as one can do (and consider myself quite the pharmacological snob (one who has access to better and less stigmatized drugs that are not 'legal highs')) yet i must admit that i love DXM.

i have achieved a +4 on the shulgin scale from drinking a bottle of zicam, and on another occasion i relived evolution from flatworm to modern man. it has given me truly amazing and definitively psychedelic experiences, i have never used more frequently than once a week (but at a couple of points for month long stretches) i would say i have not DXM tripped anymore than 15 times (probs a couple less) but this is still too much, and if it were possible i would take back a couple of the boring low dose farty experiences which were toxic and unmemorable, as far as i can tell i suffer no long term effects. i do not plan to ever use DXM again in the future.

i always did the best i could to stay cool during the experience (walking around in the cold and taking valium which lowers core body temp) this MAY have mitigated some of the neurotoxicity, but ill ever know.
i used it about 15 times i think over the course of the last couple years. found the worst side effects to be problems with language and concentration afterwards ... along with the acne (bromine related maybe, idk). but neither lasted more than 3-5 days after.

someone mentioned tinnitus (i had problems with tinnitus to begin with). dxm seems to raise blood pressure, and so you get rushing sounds and the lower frequency type hum, but for the high pitch squeal, it didn't have too much effect.

nitrous on the other hand is really aggravating on my ears and causes pressure problems. it also causes more nerve/touch type problems for me.

so yeah, no long term issues from dxm, that i'm aware of. still ticklish :D
I think it's worth considering how dosage plays into it... I personally enjoy dxm in relatively light doses (180-400 mg) with a bowl or two to make the cannabis high more interesting-- I've never found DXM too interesting on it's own, but to each, their own. The most I've ever taken was ~900mg which left me feeling out of touch with reality (with relatively serious depth perception issues) for the 36 hours after I dosed, though that's to be expected that from the first 18-24. Dosing too frequently generally impairs my ability to store memories for a while, though my memory returns completely with abstinence (a few months). The day after I dose more than ~300mg, I won't be able to see in the dark at all as well as usual, either.

as far as talking on dxm-- on less than ~540mg, though this might be due to some tolerance to the physical effects or state of mind over the couple years i've been dosing, I don't notice any impairment in my ability to speak, except for the tip of the tongue phenomenon every once in a while.
for real, do it on random occasion i.e. probably slightly less than once a month. Its fun but weird and I think it would make you a rather strange person if you did it frequently at all
I drank 4-8 ounces of tussin just about every day the whole year of 2003. After that I started getting the powder. My friends and I took 500 mgs twice a day for seven days in a row and I had tunnel vision for two weeks afterward and had a hard time holding onto things because me hands were so gittery. It was cool tho because all I had to do was smoke some weed and I would start tripping. My OCD has gotten much worse. I still use DXM maybe 4 times a year but all it does now is make me feel retarded for a day.