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Dissociatives [DXM Subthread] Fourth Plateau Trips


Feb 15, 2007
I weigh 120 pounds, the other night i drank 4 and a half bottles of 10mg/5ml bottles or robotuussin. i threw up the second one. i tripped, but it definatly (spelling) wasn't the 4th plateau.

i was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what i could do differently?

i was also wondering if some kool-whip nitrous could help with my problems, or ever slightly potentiate the dxm effects.

or is the nitrous in kool-whip even worth bothering with?

heh, sorry for the horrible usage of the english language.
i'm in a bit of a rush and everything's still spinning from my last trip x.x

i'll be pretty ashamed of posting this later, but any help will be appreciated :]
Try the robo gels instead you wont throw up and will get more dxm in you. also one bluelighter told me to smoke some canabbis when youre peakin. Ive have yet to tried this though. Although consumin the gel tabs are far better for me since i can take more and not throw up. 665mg with no stomach problems whatsoever. (pure dxm nothin else in them. )
Oh no, I know.
I love cough gels, unfortunately i live in an itty bitty town that doesn't sell 'em.
no wall marts here.
lmao you probably hit second, dont hit third or fourth unless you know what shit your pushing in. roooofl.
I live in teh fourth plateau, y'all a bunch of wussiez


I have been fucked like this many times 600 mgs is usually where serious shit happens but I hate the syrup! So much I won't even buy it anymore. Do 40 cough gels 15 mgs times 40 pills equals 600. Robo gels are much better on the stomach than syrup I'm pretty sure you won't throw up.
Actually you might try staggering your doses. I find that 300mg followed by 300mg one hour later produces a much stronger effect than 600mg taken all at once. In fact, if you weigh only 120 and have very little tolerance, I can almost guarantee that this will get you to the third plateau.

Another important factor is to understand exactly what the different plateaus are. This can only be accomplished by systematically experiencing each plateau, one at a time, in sequence. Most people claiming to be fourth plateau experts are quite clearly enjoying heavy second plateau doses, at least from what I read on this board. I promise you that if you aren't well versed in second and third plateaus, you have absolutely no business whatsoever jumping straight into a fourth P experience. The only thing that will result is a strong negative experience report on this board telling us how close you came to dying and that you were in sigma and all other kinds of crap. Indeed, there is very little to be gained from 4th P dose unless you understand the intricacies of heavy 3rd P trips, and believe me there are many aspects of this plane that are subtle and life changing enough to last years. 4th P dosing is something I avoid altogether because for me the negatives hugely outweigh the positives, and I have significant experience with this drug. So my humble advice to you is this: Try taking 300mg of the robogels on an empty stomach. Wait until you peak and if you like where you're at, just ride it out and wait until next time to dose heavier. When you do decide to increase your doses, increase them by 90mg at a time, and no more, because the change in plateaus occurs within 60mg from P to P. Imagine your surprise when you jump 120mg expecting more of the same and find yourself wondering whether or not to dial 911 if you could only remember what a goddamn phone was and how it relates to the corner of the universe and your paper eyeballs located in your sphaggateliagentitus....you get my point. Take it easy with DXM and she will take it easy with you. Start a challenge match with her and she'll step on your friggin head and crush your skull.

And yes, DXM is female. Trust me on this point.
I'm not sure if it was a Fourth plateau trip, others I have tripped with and myself continue to disagree on what the definition of second, third, fourth etc is. I felt like I was in a corner, the absolute far back corner of the universe. An infinitely small point of matter, looked like the whole universe was folding inwards on itself, but towards me (hard to explain, words don't really come close). I felt (though feel isn't the best word to use, I simply cannot think of a more accurate one at this time) like liquid, like I had no form. I wasn't me, I just was. I didn't think in the way that I do normally, when a thought formed, it was like I just knew it, I didn't contemplate, weigh options, consider things; things just were.

Wow, I just got spacey and zoned out just looking back on the memory. It was definitely something I won't forget, regardless.
4rth is like dissintegrating the world around you and floating out into the atmosphere... and then spawning a new room or mini world made of purple or dark blue goo. and then melding into that goo and becoming that room. and traveling through this new world of psychedelic slime as a ghost form. or maybe flying through wormholes and such. decorated with different types of abstract patterning and objects. its kind of intenst but at the same time... youre so sedated and out of it... you can barely even interpret whats going on. so its kinda hard to get scared. same with sigma. sigma is like 4rth except its more integrated and less black. such as you can form these places in your lighted surroundings instead of having to make your room black and having closed eye visuals. i was hitting 4rth accidentally when i first got a bag. i was quite fucked up but it was never very scary. except for when you start shaking uncontrollably. or you notice that you have lost contact with your body and you shake yourself back into your body.
basically if you can still walk youre not in 4rth yet. these plateus describe your level of dissociation. 4rth is when youre so fucked up you cant move. sigma is the same thing except with more psychotomimetic effects and open eye visuals. but you still are so fucked up you cant move. get so fucked up that you can barely robo walk across the room? youre probably in mid or high 3rd. if you can get up and youre walking pretty funny but youre pretty lusid... youre probly in low 3rd. and second is where dissociation and closed eye visuals begin. first is only stimulation.
4th plateau trip DXM

I really want to try a 1000mg trip,but I don't know if I should.I would like to though.I will be with a group of friends tripping too.I think I can do it cause I am usually the one who gets the most fd up but I can still control everything I do.The most I ever did was 250mg of dxm,and I weight I think like 245.Also I only tripped twice..lol.I really want to experience it.Is it possible for somebody who only took dxm twice to be able to handle it(theoretically?)
1000mg is a ridiculously high dose man, especially if the most you had done previously was 250mg. Trust me on this one, my first dose was about 300mg and stepping up to 450mg the second time produced a much more intense experience. I would recommend you try that before going all into a potentially dangerous dose of 1000mg

Also, I forgot to mention, you will NOT be able to "control what's going on" during a 1000mg trip. I wasn't even mentally aware of my physical surroundings on 450mg, I can only imagine how crazy it'd be on 1000mg.
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I suspect DXM dosage works by weight. I'm not even sure if 1000mg is enough to give you a 4th plateau at 245lbs. Theoretically, anyone can handle a ++++ on DXM, but realistically not many can do it comfortably. I am however, assuming that your 250mg was merely a +1 experience, so i'm not sure you would want to shoot for a ++++ right away. The difference between +, ++, and +++ is incredibly massive. Being an experienced DXM user I would suggest shooting for a +++ with roughly 750mg, if you really want mind shattering intensity.
definatly don't jump from 250 to 1000. And a 4th platoe experiance is not a friend thing(at least for me and the people i know that go that far) it's more to be alone or with a sober&quiete sitter.
400-450mg seems a much better option at this stage
Definitely don't jump from a first plateau to a fourth, it could be extremely overwhelming. Try going from one plateau to the next working your way up.
I started at 300 mg, moved to 480 mg, then 720 mgs. In retrospect it was probably the best regimen, dissociative tolerance is INCREDIBLY disappointing, the last thing you want to do is lose the magic too early. Learn to appreciate each plateau on its own and move up once it gets boring.

And those increments were over time. Fully explore each level, theyre all different and exciting in a new way. Youll seriously regret it later if you lose the magic too soon.
DXM: The Fourth

Now, I'm going to preface this by saying I don't want to hear how you think DXM is a shit drug/not worth it etc etc. You don't like it? Fine, leave this thread.

I'm looking for the opinions/experiences of those who have gone to the fourth plateau.

I have only visited there twice and both experiences have challenged my beliefs. I am a strictly logical thinker and have always dismissed any claims of spiritual encounters or meeting with higher beings due to the overwhelming lack of physical evidence (I'm of the opinion that if you can't physically show me it, I won't believe you).

My first 4th plateau trip was intense, and I found myself in a room, not even a room, but an infinitely expanding sphere with a storm raging all around me. There was no floor or roof and floating in the middle was a constantly shifting tesseract. Approaching the tesseract I found another person sitting on the opposite side playing chess on it. I sat down and played with them, only to learn that the person was an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen in 5+ years. This went on for a while and she said she was leaving and that 'I'm glad I got to see you one last time'. I didn't think anything of it until the next morning when I found out that this friend had committed suicide that night and it happened around the time I was 'talking' to her.

The 2nd time was pretty much the same, except it was my grandfather I was able to 'talk' to (he died the same night). Never having had spiritual experiences, or even believing in them, left me confused at what happened. Was I on the verge of death myself and coincidentally ran into them in that place? Or was it all in my head?

Since then I haven't tried to get back there, but I am attempting it tonight (15.2mg/kg approx). I want to know, it irritates me not being able to explain it.

Is there anyone out there who has had similar experiences with the Fourth? Or, what are your experiences with that level?

Forgive any rambling, it's all beginning to kick in now.
Wow. Amazing stories. :) Be sure to tell us what happened on your latest fourth plateau adventure!

I've never gone that high, because DXM makes me very uncomfortable on the third plateau, so I don't have any personal experience to share, I'm afraid.