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Nephophobics and the constant battle against the microbe

Complete Random

Apr 24, 2003
Just wondering if anyone knows health and germwise how bad sharing waterbottles/rolled notes/bongs etc really is??? What is everyone elses practices? What are the chances of catching something nasty? What extent do you go to to avoid germs on a night out?

I don't particularly like sharing water even among friends on a night out, purely because my immune system is already weakened by fatigue, the sweaty environment, whatever i may have ingested and if there is something out there to catch, i'll most probably catch it. However, if a friend motions that they want a few swigs, i certainly wont be a fuck and bar them. As for random strangers asking me for a drink. At the time i'll probably oblige or let them keep the bottle and buy a new one, but i really don't think its kosher and something that should be avoided. If you need a drink, buy a bottle or find a tap. It shocks me that people do this, how the fuck do you know what is in someone elses water bottle or where else these bottlesluts have been? Although in practice, i doubt many people do cavort around with adulterants in their bottles.

Contrary to my anal-ness about bottle sharing i must admit that i have shared rolled notes and straws. I don't know how i can justify it. Somehow i figure germs in mouth bad, germs in nose not too bad. Even fouler, i must admit to hoovering directly off the toilet cistern :\ When i'm preparing lines i will use ciggarette cellophane as a boundary. Alas, there have been times i've shared a cubicle with those who bareback directly off the cistern. After a brief moment pause of paralising horror, imagining those Toilet Duck like green nasties running havok in that grubby toilet... i'll take a deep breath, reach for the snotty note and hoover.

Bong sharing??? Well, i guess only the true nephophobics bring their own mouthpiece to a session. Bong sharing is part and parcel with the whole bong experience.

Generally i feel clubbing is a fairly unhygenic business. Heaps of people squashed into a small area, sweating and shirtless. Drinking glasses not washed thoroughly. After a big night, i'll almost always come home with a cold. I accept it as part of the toll for having a good time and getting munted.The only thing that seems to irk me is bottle sharing.
i dont really share water bottles, there are too many people who have virus's that are just waiting to ass rape them after they have lowered their immune system by taking drugs, exerting energy, not eating properly and dont get enough sleep after it. if someone really must have a drink of water i let them keep the bottle. like complete random said it might sound anal but id prefer not to get sick after going out, and many people do get sick after parties.
My practise is always turn strangers down that ask you for a drink. I mean how rude can one be to ask you for a sip when there is a toilet 5 meters away. I have absolutelly no respect for people with no consideration for hygiene.

As to friends having a swig, I only really hang out with close friends these days that I know do not have anything and if they did, they'd tell me or not ask for a drink.

As to snorting lines on toilet seats, i've done it a long time ago, but quickly caught up to the fact its much more enjoyable to go out to the car and do it. Provides a mission that way too :)

These days i don't really have the need since I usually smoke enough before going to a club and do not touch meth for the rest of the night so I can go to sleep next days evening after a nice day pill :)

Bongs and notes would have to be the subject of biggest hypocricies on many people's parts including myself. With bongs i've always tried to limit my use of other people's bongs but i don't think i've ever payed any attention to notes. I only smoke meth these days, but damn, i used to use notes religeously. In fact this deserves a thread of its own.
I'm kinda surprised about the not sharing water thing y'all have going.

I mean,don't get me wrong....you're all right, it IS unhygienic...I guess I just figure it's part of the whole empathy/rolling experience. It makes me feel good if I can give someone a drink of water, and it's a bonding thing to share a bottle.

I don't think it's rude to ask for water either...I *like* being asked, it makes me feel like I'm approachable...

Each to their own I guess...I know I'd try really hard to ever avoid even touching a toilet bowl let alone snorting off of one...don't wanna get cooties ;) :p

Your immune system does go down or pretty much just disappear when you're on pills but I always share my water bottle around. I'm not worried because I take Vitamin C out with me and take some throughout the night.

Vitamin C gives me SUPER-IMMUNE-SYSTEM and I can hug and kiss SARS patients and not worry. I really love Vitamin C.
hoptis said:
Vitamin C gives me SUPER-IMMUNE-SYSTEM and I can hug and kiss SARS patients and not worry. I really love Vitamin C.

Maybe you should join the X-Men.

And Vitamin C was okay....that Graduation Song was a bit of a cheese-fest but sucks ya in anyways....

I would never share a strangers water bottle. If someone was desperate and needed mine, I would just give it to them. This is one of the highest risk-of-germ-transmission practices you describe, due to the likelihood of saliva being on the mouth of the bottle. This means there is a theroetical risk of stuff like Hepatitis A(which is treatable) or meningococcal disease and gastro infections being passed on to others by sharing bottles.

As for bong sharing, there shouldn't be much saliva getting shared, but there might be a small amount. If you are really worried, buy some rubbing alcohol and wash the mouth piece before use. I guess there is a theoretical risk of the illnesses in the first paragraph getting passed on this way.

Respiratory viruses like the common cold and inluenza are passed on via droplets in the air that are sneezed or coughed out by people with the infection, so jusy being crammed in a room with 1000's of others can increase the risk of getting these illnesses. Then taking amphetamines (including MDMA) lowers your immunity as well, increasing that risk further.

Snorting with notes or straws used by others carries a theoretical ing on Hepatitis C if the carrier gets blood on the implement, and the other person uses it. (there is another thread on this)

As for snorting off toilet cisterns, well it is probably not much worse than failing to wash your hands after using the toilet. There is unlikely to be large amounts of faecal matter there (you wouldn't stick your powder there is there was right!) but may still have goo that can cause gastro, like e.coli etc. Snorting off the cistern is still yuck, but probably no worse in terms of bacteria than various restaurants you have eaten at. If you don't believe me, see this:
Foodborne viral illness in Australia

The truth is, it's a great big dirty world we live in and you have to decide which risks you want to take and which you don't. But don't let it rule your life - be educated about the risks, not paranoid! Hope that is helpful:)
Well i don't mind sharing water with my friends. My theory is we all have an immune system, let's use it! although it is a little messed up when you're fughed. and maybe, if we give it a work out when it is at it's weaker it could become a SUPER iimune system!
There have been times when i've asked random people on the dance floor for water on the occassion that my brain spins around that one too many times 8( i have been denied just the once as poeple tend to be generous enough. i guess it is pretty dangerous to do such a thing, i guess if you see them drink from it, it lowers the risk of it being contaminated...unless they slip it in after you ask while you pull off some crazy 10/10 dance move %) . Well, that's my 2 cents worth.
If you're gonna get crook, then it can only be good for your immune system in the long run unless it's something nasty like menningicoccal, which my mate almost died of last year, and now i'm VACCINATED! TAKE THAT, BASTARD VIRUS!
i'm gonna stop rambling....back to the essay!

cheers guys. be safe, but i guess everyone has their own 'germ' comfort zone 8)
Use your own note for coke or K nights, as these drugs can numb the nose and people can easily scratch the inside of their nose by putting the note too far in.

No you can't have a sip, here's 4 bucks, go get a bottle of water.

Bongs... well I'd be more worried about swallowing bong water myself ;) But, that being said my brother and I constantly use the same pipe, but living in the same house we're pretty much guaranteed to share any colds anyway.

BigTrancer :)
BT: you are too genegous. I can't stand people that would put me in such an uncomfortable position as to have to deny them a drink, give them money, leave my bottle with them etc.

This of course does not apply when the person is visibly dehydrated but only applies to thoughtless wombats with little consideration for others.

These are the same people that will not think twice before butting in on a obviously intimate conversation between you and your girllfriend in a secluded part of the club just because they are of their head, nevermind that we don't know who the fuck the person is or give a damn.
I have always wondered why people have been so flippant about sharing water, not so much that you dont know where they have been but they dont know where you have been.

I just think of possible scenarios of someone either taking a sip after vomiting or giving oral sex or cleaning their fits in it and that is enough to convince me that I am better off waiting in the queue for the toilet rather than asking my random mate for a swig.
I usually go out with smaller groups of people and at the beginning of the night pick a “bottle buddy”. Someone who I’m comfortable to share with. It seems to work like this, if you take a drink you hold the bottle until your buddy needs it, then it changes hands. If you empty it you refill it, if you loose it you buy another one. It also means you don’t let randoms take a drink, it’s all unspoken but works amongst my friends.
Question regarding plastic baggies

What about plastic baggies? Say (for example) you got some powder in a plastic baggie and to get everything out, you flush the baggie with a bit of water and drink the resulting solution. Would that pose a significant health risk? I'm lead to believe that no serious diseases can be transmitted this way, am I wrong?
^ That pretty much depends on what's been in the bag. If other people have been licking their finger and dipping it in there, then yes there is a chance that you may catch any saliva borne nasty they have. If the bag has only contained powder, and hasn't come into contact with other people, then the risk should be minimal.

BigTrancer :)
What about if a complete random came up with a straw, would you:
a) give them a sip
b) say dude you've got the right idea and have lines with them
c) tell em to shove that straw right up their fuckin corn-hole

Hoptis you are the cranberry crusader of vit C (ready to bring love to SARS patients and belt those cynics who say it's only a placebo)
Hey a little bit of germs helps keep your immune system on the ball!
(I'm serious here)
i used to share my water with my friends, until i caught a kickass cold that had me in bed for 3 days and munching about 6 1000mg vit c tablets (you do get sick of them) so now i only share with my boyfriend or other people i have recently kissed (female friends). when people ask for water i usually say sorry no, but give them a whiff of medic for good measure :)
runner - i tend to. and i suck their tongues too :p
so my reasoning is that i can then share my water with them as i probably already have their diseases/germs. :D