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This thread is for people who dont like weed


May 22, 2002
This new forum is so full of people going on about how much they love weed that I thought Id make a thread about why people dislike the shit.
I personly have no hatred for the people who smoke it (Most of my friends are cainers), and I have smoked a lot in the past but I now only ever use it as a sleep tool when coming down of realy drugs.
Here is where people can rant about why weed sucks. Il join in later.
I dont hate weed.
I smoke it occasionally, maybe once or twice a fortnight as a treat.
What I do hate is what it does to people when they turn habitual. When suddenly all they talk about is weed and buds and getting ripped.
Like when they ask you to go somewhere, then cancel the invitation when you say you would like to go but would rather not smoke weed.
Basically its a great little drug when used responsibly. As soon as someone has it every single day its just a hop skip and jump before that previously cool friend becomes a boring, predictable zombie.
If only I could make some of my friends see that they arent cool, interesting people anymore, they are just ordinary paranoid mull-skulls...
I eat potheads when alchohol gives me the munchies.
I tend to avoid weed unless I'm in a situation where it's anti-social not to take some. Smoke in general is something that I want avoid inhaling, IMO there are many better substances out there to trip to that dope.
I smoke everyday..I'm not a predictable zombie...but you make some good points...I'm not about to do something on a Friday or Saturday night that doesn't onvolve getting stoned. I accept that about me...whatever.
I smoke everyday, but I do find myself doing things on weekends that dont involve smoking weed. I can still have fun doing completely sober things and I still hang out with my friends who dont smoke. A lot of them are cool with me smoking so it doesnt matter. I also dont talk about smoking all the time. I think it's all the situation that causes the predictable zombie thing but I never experienced it. Oh well.. Just my two cents
I'm not too keen on weed, it's one of my least favourite drugs. I used to smoke a fair bit when I was younger, but over the years all the good effects seemed to fall away. Now it just makes me lazy. I occasionally smoke when pilled up, it goes OK with some other drugs, but never on it's own.
i hate how it makes me feel
i hate how it makes my friends boring fucks
i hate how it makes people lazy
i hate how it smells
hate hate! rage rage! kill hippies and eat small animals! and plur. thanks.
Weed is, to me, the only drug that really gets old and boring. It had me always watching my back too. Dont get me wrong i still smoke, just not everyday and without other drugs. I would much rather get drunk, roll, or trip.
yay! a thread for people anti-weed!!!!
im not a fan of weed because i dont really like the culture nor do i like most potheads. they tend to be lazy, boring, etc. some are fun. i only enjoy being around potheads when i cant tell that they are high. if they are i don't feel like i can communicate with them because i dont understand how they feel, etc.
however i dont hate those who do, i just dont consider them my type of people. i'm much more into stimulants, and less into hippies, hippie music, dreadlocks, et cetera.
Originally posted by randycaver:
however i dont hate those who do, i just dont consider them my type of people. i'm much more into stimulants, and less into hippies, hippie music, dreadlocks, et cetera.
Talk about a stereotype.
what i experience is a stereotype? that's your opinion, thinking i'm stereotyping people. that describes the potheads *that i know*. so like it or not, that's what i see.
Please note, that because this forum is all about the exchange of opinions about the nature of drugs, that you are going to get people saying "Weed is good" blah, blah, blah.
No flaming, just chill and smoke a few cones (or bowls, whatever). ;)
I like weed, but if I ever have to get something done, I hate the fact that weed saps my motivation for doing it.
I have had MUCH experience with this drug and have noted it from a very young age.
Persoanlly i have no desire to smoke weed, and do so VERY occasionally (probably 3 times a year or so.)
I dislike the de-motivation factor involved with this drug - when i smoke i am lost for ages afterwards, all i want is another joint. I'm sure you know what it's like: Breaky cones and then munchies, followed by lunch time cones and more munchies, then a video or playstation, followed by more cones and munchies, and then some conversation whent he others come around followed by bedtime cones...
IMHO, i dislike weed because of what it has done to my family and the people within it. This is not related to my usage, but my parents' usage. I guess when you grow up with it, it doesn't seem anywhere near as exciting or fun... I spent a year or so smoking a lot whilst i was overseas, but since then i have "seen the light" so to speak and moved on in life...
I hate weed. I fantasize about genetically engineering some plant virus/bacteria/bug that will wipe out all cannabis strains everywhere. It is true that hemp is useful but the 'bud' threat is too great IMO.
I am in total agreement with Shnouzerpuff (for once), funkay, randy, and cosmic.
I hate how it makes people STUPID and SLOW in general.
I hate that it makes people 'silly'...laughing at farty noises and dumb jokes strikes me as immature and just all around lame.
I hate that it is such a psychologically addictive drug, but that most potheads feel that it's 'ok' and put it in in this special category, as if it's healthy and normal to be addicted/ a daily user, while addiction to any other drug is 'bad'. It's the worst form of hypocrisy and it is widespread amongst potheads.
I hate that potheads often dont' do other drugs, because again it is this hypocritical stigma against other drugs, while denying the evil of weed. I've known potheads who think it's AWFUL that I've injected speed, oh, 7 times over the course of two years. However, they think their daily stonerdom is just fine and dandy. Sorry, but DAILY heavy drug use is FAR worse than very occasional drug use, in almost all cases. Again, the hypocrisy and the 'holier than thou' attitude of so many potheads makes me want to scream.
I could go on, but my arm is getting tired.
hold on a second before you start being tottally negative about marijuana. any drug if not used with contorl, can make you the way you describe the so called stoners and the stoner culture. are you telling me you dont find crack heads or herion addicts to be boring and lazy? come on now. and for some, weed is an enlightment. the only way i graduated school was because of it. smoking before a test resulted in higher concetration and better test scores. i tested out of highschool early because i took my exit exaime after smoking a few bowls. i never learn more or better rember things the i do when im smoking. it opens my mind to art, learning and music. it doesnt make me lazy, dumb or boring. most people cant even tell im high ( parents never think imhigh, teachers never thought i was high or close freinds that knew i was high siad they couldnt even tell). and until recetly i was smoking pretty much every day for about 4 years. now i smoke only on occasions since i dont have a job any more( lost it not becuase of weed, but because i stopped work to go to school full time, junior college and im 17). and ive never let it get me down, you do wat you have to do, or you dont smoke. its that simple. i got hired high, i workt high, i smoked on my 15 minute breaks high and i fell asleep high. and through out highschool i managed to keep around a 3.1-3.5,one time i did get a 2.0 when i transferred schools late in 2nd semester.
what im basically trying to say is, as long as you are a strong person, and no how to control your self and not let things get in your way, smoking a joint on a regular basis isnt such a bad idea. its helped me through alot of shit and made me a much smarter person. alot smarter then doing them chemicals you guys comsume.... [email protected]