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RCs Spice addiction/spice makes me feel desensitized.


Jul 1, 2010
Alright, so there might already be a post on this but I want to have an actual conversation about this instead of reading about it. I need some people to actually talk about this with. As a reference I've been smoking spice since 2009-2010 not quite sure when but I've been smoking it for a while. As of recently I've been finding myself smoking the new blends such as the new Diablo, Mr. Happy, and this blend called Bang Shiva, I suspect these blends have a 5 fluoronated substance in them.

I've been finding myself getting extremely addicted to them (cold sweats, hot flashes, derelization, etc. when not smoking it)
Yet, I don't want to quit. I love the super intense high that they produce.

Can anyone else relate?
P.S. thinking about trying 5F-PB22 on its own
I've also been finding myself losing track of reality while on spice. Like as if reality doesn't exist.
I have never been addicted to spice. when I used to smoke it I would get extremely high then when it wore off I felt kind of depersonalized for a few days.

it doesn't seem like it is as safe as weed when abused. It actually ruined weed for me when I had a couple really bad panic attacks on it. After those attacks weed has caused me much more anxiety than before I used spice.

while you don't have to completely quit it would probably be a good idea to take a break and slow down your use a little. For your tolerance, physical well being, and your sanity it would be a good idea to take at least a week off.
you're talking about being addicted to jwh. read the case study. it is a highly addictive substance with long lasting physiological and psychological symptoms. so is cannabis to a much lesser degree.

you can't smoke weed anymore because the potency of synthetic cbd agonists is so high that cannabis simply can't touch the rapid rise in tolerance. i've been on the same boat. when i smoked spice, space, jungle berry, whatever...chronically...i couldn't smoke weed anymore. it simply had no effect. it's like trying to get high off codeine when you have a 1 g a day habit of heroin.

to expand on this. as the potency of these blends becomes more potent as the content of jwh rises, older blends become obsolete as you'll face the same problem as mentioned in my last paragraph. the older blends will not work as well the more you get used to smoking the newer and more potent blends.
1) buy pure cannabinoids
2) for your health's sake taper down to a more reasonable dosing regimen

I know this isn't what you asked but hell this is a HR forum and you sure are harming yourself
Eh, I wouldn't say it's JWH, I've done that before and it wasn't nearly as bad as this. This is not JWH for sure. This is way more addictive
For what it's worth, I quit MAM-2201 (pure powder) two weeks ago without any trouble. And I was smoking the stuff 24/7 for about 6 months. YMMV though. But in my opinion it's still a soft drug compared to stims, opiates and benzos.

Be careful though, it's still much stronger than weed.
stuff is no joke man. was the only drug that i had to go to rehab for and I've tried almost everything under the sun. Benzo and MDPV being some of the others i got on really bad but nothing compared to synth noids. Am2201 was the worst.

and can we quit with the "spice" term. that and bath salts drive me crazy.
None of this may be any help, but i've done tons of digging and research on this shit and found people with same problems and ideas for what could be happening. I read a lot about the fluorinated shit too. But anyways heres my short and blunt account:

I just went through this big time with my wife. But we had way more reactions, uncontrollable vomiting, nausea, body cramps, hot/cold sweats, full body numbness, being in a dream like state, insomnia, and more and more. Basically all these horror stories you see about spice withdrawals, well we had almost every side effect. 3 hospitalizations with doctors guessing it was a colon infection. NO. THE ONLY WAY FOR YOU TO GET BETTER IS TO STOP. TAKE YOURSELF SOMEWHERE YOU WILL NEVER BE AROUND IT OR ABLE TO BUY IT. Otherwise it will never end. I swear to you we just got through this. Finally can sleep and gained all feeling back in my body.

Once we would smoke every side effect would go away until about 12 hours without it, then the cycle would restart. These aren't side effects from smoking it people, but from withdrawals and detox.

1. Drink lots of water
2. Take creatine pills to help your body retain this water
3. MULTI-VITAMINS! It's almost impossible to eat. But Multi-vitamins make you feel so much better! I was just taking my sport vita pak from GNC. It helped and probably sped up the withdrawal/detox process.
4. When i got the sweats the only thing to make me feel better was laying next to a space heater. Weird right? I quit sweating though lol...
5. My wife and I locked ourselves in a hotel for 2 weeks in another state just so we wouldn't be tempted to get any. Just moved out here with a friend
6. Any anit-nausea medicine. Might not work, but worth the try.
7. Taking some random opiates helped my feel better, but then again I love opiates lol.

Basically you need to quit and quit now. Distance yourself from this. All you need is one hit and it all starts all over. Another 2-5 weeks of wishing you were dead.
It took us about a 3 weeks to feel almost completely normal. You will be depressed/anxious/suicidal thoughts through all this. Just fight and stay strong. After 2 weeks Real weed started getting me high again, and that definitely helps.

This never happened to us until recently, and we've smoked random blends for years, but I've heard about this happening to people for years. So I don't if it's a new gen of chemicals or what. All i know is NEVER again. My wife had it worse than I did and I never want to see anyone go through this. It's not worth it. Just get off and stay away. The few weeks of death is worth being off of this synthetic shit storm. Stay NATURAL, Smoke what god gave you.


given that anecdotes regarding synthetic noid addiction are far and few between, thank you for providing yours.

welcome to bluelight :)
Hmm, I just started smoking this stuff agian because I am on Suboxone and figured if ya know your going to fail a drug test for a benzo it might help to not have a shit load of other stuff along with it(well for me it would just be THC). Anyway, didn't even know it was around here until a friend of mine met a guy in our projects selling it. Dunno what the fuck is in these but I haven't been smoking it Alot as I did when it was the JWH serious they sold in gas stations, just like 3-6 hits a night after work..One packet of it(3 grams) last me about a month. I couldn't imagine rolling it in blunts or smoking large amounts of this stuff...makes ya feel wierd if you smoke too much...
Backwoods Roll1, awesome. I too noticed the latest gen of blends as of late 2013 early 2014 would produce notable withdrawal after using for merely a week. Withdrawal was reminiscent of opiate withdrawal in many aspects, although not quite as powerful still very unpleasant.

I found switching to marijuana completely negated these effects and upon cessation of that, no symptoms were present.
you actually get a high off cannabis after chronic use of synthetic cannabinoids? i know it can help with the withdrawals but that's all it did for me. i got absolutely nothing else from it. that's actually the worst part for me because it's been three months since i've left these blends and cannabis still produces absolutely no effect.

does anyone else share this experience? i know many of my friends do.
^ that is awful

I have stuck to cannabis and its extracts. So I wouldn't know.

But knowing how full/partial agonists compare for the μ-opioid receptor, I can only imagine what a full agonist at CB-1 would be like.
my visual perception and functioning has been messed up for the last year or so. Its like i start to see things in spatial fields where i dont even know what im looking at. I cant track moving objects and just find it extremely difficult to hold a focus on anything and its not like what i look at goes out of focus i just lose touch with it and kinda space out. this is a 24/7 thing for me...i go through most days not knowing what im actually looking at. And the spacing out isn't a attention thing its like my visual functioning is so messed up i just dont pay attention to it. I have this constant worry that this happened from smoking k2/spice which ive only done about 5 times. I was wondering if you guys think this is the case. I got diagnosed with pretty serious lyme disease but i guess what keeps this on my mind is that if it were because of the spice its a permanent thing being that i have this messed up visual processing 24/7 every day. i know lyme can cause this sort of symtom its just so severe that it feels permanent. I had a mdi and spinal tap and it came out healthy.
you actually get a high off cannabis after chronic use of synthetic cannabinoids? i know it can help with the withdrawals but that's all it did for me. i got absolutely nothing else from it. that's actually the worst part for me because it's been three months since i've left these blends and cannabis still produces absolutely no effect.

does anyone else share this experience? i know many of my friends do.

it probably has a lot to do with the specific noids in the blend, there are so many different types. But i have used blends for all of their generations and rode the edge of dependency with so many of them, and for me i was always able to get high from weed after blends and the weed would actually feel like a more 'complete' high than i was used to.

The current generation has been the worst though, i had to switch straight to weed and smoke it every 20 minutes at first just to remain feeling normal, but after over time my usage unconsciously went down more and more until now i'm about 2 months away from the last blend binge and i smoke weed once or twice a day in small amounts and it works just like it always has, as far as i can tell. I'm just about ready for hang it up for a week or so to reset my tolerance.

At the same time though I think psychologically all the blend abuse has made the recreational effects of weed reduce slightly, but the medicinal effects are all still there.
what kinda spice is it? i usta do alot before they killed it in my area... i was greatly addicted to so if u wanna pm me i may beable to help u out buddy