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What has been the single worst day of your life?


Jul 29, 2001
Out of curiousity, what is your worst day of your life?
Mine is I was 16 years old, I stole my parents best friends car, and my best buddy and I took it with our whole wicko of pot and $100 stashed under the seat, crashed the honda civic ($40,000 worth!) into a pole. I was a passenger and I had internal bleeding, cuts from head to toe, they had to cut the car up to get me out of it, but it then caught on fire, and my friend had cut her head on the steering wheel, .....only to go to the hospital to be told I also was pregnant!!! So yeh the WORST day of my life...
Would love to hear your stories of the single handed worst day of your life?
I don't think I have any day that I'd classify as the one single worst day, theres been plenty of bad ones but I don't tend to look at them in the same light as most, to me they're just learning curves.
If I had to state the worst, I guess it would be the day I was thrown down the stairs and miscarried my baby, then again that was also the best day cause I finally broke free of my abusive boyfriend.
i hope u've recovered completely hayley ...
my father had a similar accident to u only 2 have a lacerated liver & had 2 have a pin through his knee the worse thing about that was the doctor said he should have died in the accident & that he would have 10 yrs to live, 10 yrs later my father died in a car accident that he should have lived through. this is the worst memory i have even if i wasn't born.
Trancechyck, terrible thing happen to your dad, my heart goes out to you. In life, I believe bad things occur to teach you a lesson, and then there are bad things that happen to good people for no reason all the time...., its just life I guess....
Best wishes to you
I dunno there have been quite a few days which I could classify as one of the worst days of my life.
Like when I've broken up with guys.
Days when I've had to go to funerals.
When I've found out something about someone that just isn't good.
I think the worst days for me though have been when I've just thought I can't / don't want to go on any longer, but well you just do and now I'm glad that I have.
The Day The Whole World Went Away.
The day my room went on fire because I tried to commit suicide. Escaped without injuries but a hungover, and crying for all the posessions i have lost.
The day I tried to commit suicide in my tent in Timbertop, after writing pages and pages, which later ended me up in the hospital.
The day my ex-boyfriend hit me.
and there was the day on the beach, which was so horrible i don't even want to talk about it and had gotten a phobia of it ever since.
You know, I'm really going to ramble on and on. Life stinks like shit sometimes.
*hugs herself* though i'm all better now...
thanku for sharing your story with me....
I hope you are feeling, and always remember as chiche as this sounds- life is a beautiful thing and there are sooo many things to live for, you just have to see the beauty in it....
Worst Days of my life... hmmm I'd prefer to call them 'Turning Points' of my life. But what ever label you are happy with, I have three to share.
(1) When 14, my best friend and I were involved in a fight with 6 other guys in Sydney. At the end of which I was held down while my friend was stabbed in the throat. He died from loss of blood.
(2) A few months later, still 14, my girlfriend and myself were attending a party in Sydney's Kings Cross in an abandoned house. It was a party for 'street kids' as such. I was outside chatting to an old 'friend' and my g/friend came out and laid her head down on my lap asking me when we were heading off. I told her we'd go after I finished chatting. She went to sleep and never woke up. She had taken heroin without me knowing. After being told that she had OD'd I was sitting in the hospital contemplating the point of life and her abusive step-father arrived. Continually screaming at me that I was the one to blame (even though he constantly abused her) he belted the living shit out of me IN the hospital.
A few weeks later I was standing at some distance from the funeral ceremony in the cemetary and the step-father (drunk again) picked a fight with me and started beating on me again.
(3)The day I told my mother about her (at the time) current husband and what he had done to me as a teenager. She spent the day with me talking about things and then the next day went back to live with him. It was another 18 months later before she came back into my life.
These are ALL turning points. There is no reason to call them 'The worst days" because they are not. THey are 'learning' days, one's that teach us, not just more about ourselves, but teach us about the world we live in and how we feel about it. Unless there is 'ongoing misery' from lack of dealing with the situation, these days should NEVER be considered 'Worst days'.
Think more positive about your lives and you will all of a sudden see the lesson's you have gained through these tragic experiences.
Peace All
When I found out a friend OD'd in some toilet block.
When My Grandfather/Cousin/Friend died (Not all togther...)
When I was kicked out of home, belted by my dad, then took it out on some guy who ended up in hospital for three days with brain swelling.
When My girlfriend cheated on me with a sailor (YES, A FUCKING SAILOR IN BALI OF ALL FUCKING PLACES)
But........ I look at these as lessons well learnt in life. Get up, learn the lesson, and move on.
Thanks for all your answers, it takes courage to share your stories. The reason my asking for your worst days of your life, is that last week I lost my best friend in the whole world. We had a fight over silly things and out of anger told me she never wanted to talk to me ever again. She meant it too. I walk around now feeling a part of me is missing....a strange kinda empty feeling inside. I guess time will heal that though....
thanks hayley ... i get a lot of shit now because i don't have my license ... i was too scared 2 get my license thinking the same thing would happen 2 me with what happened 2 dad ... i've just turned 20, i failed my learners once but i'm slowly overcoming it ... i'm now building up the courage 2 try again but i still have that fear of getting behind the wheel by myself & something happening
i know i will get over it but it takes time
i have two worst days...
one would be when i broke up with my fiance... it's hard having your whole life planned, then have it completely changed within a day...
the second... well... that's one i prefer to keep to myself... sorry...
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OK, mine might be lame.. but it is a fresh one... so..
Well.. I met the girl of my dreams 19 months ago... and we brok up on Monday just gone... and I am still not sure what went wrong. Love is something I hold SOO close to me... and enjoy it more than anything... and now it is all gone.
So Monday was the worst day of my life, proceeded by several equally bad days..
Sorry people... am hurtin is all... EVERYONE has to deal with this some time ro another... why cant I.. I hear yus say.... heck!!
the worst day of my life would have to be the day my parents split up. in hindsight i knew it was going to happen. but nothing prepared me for the day, acouple of days afer christmas when my mother (whom i love to death now) sat the family down and told us that she had rented a new house, and was moving out because she didnt love my father any more. i remember sitting on a bus writing a letter to my friend who lived on the other side of the world, telling her what happened. ive never felt so alone as i did that day. all i could do to feel normal was emmerce myself in music.
my second worst day was when i lost my best friend, due to a stupid argument.. we were growing apart for a long time.. but the way we parted will always haunt me.. i wish we could speak again...
oh what a happy happy puppet show
[This message has been edited by [awake] (edited 12 October 2001).]
well unlike many of you...my worst day isn't about somefin terrible happening to me...although over the years many i have been through many terrible things...its about the day the most important person to me in my life moved away.
i thought of him as a best friend, someone i could tell anything to. someone i could trust, open myself up to, share unpseakable things with, go on journeys with.
continued from above...
this person only came into my life a lil over 2 months ago but now they are gone (yes he is still with me everyday, cause i think of him, we sms and call each other, but its still not the same). and although he should be abck n sydney in a few months, it seems like it will be years. there's not a day that goes by since he left that i cry missing him..the way he makes me feel good about myself, the way he makes me laff, and the aura he gives off when you are around him.
in the short time we spent being friends somehow being himself brought passion back into my life which had been gone for so many years i cant even remember the last time i had it. he gave me hope and new vision, made me more aware of my own spirituality through his own. gave me strength and courage amoung so many other things.
everything i can think of now just seems so lame. i hope everyone is ok nstuff.
i never really think of how lucky i am, ive only known three people to die ever: the youngest was a friend of the family who i didnt know too well, another was my great granma in her 90's and practically dead anyway, the other was my grandad who was battling with cancer for ages and it really was better he died when he did.
oh and a teacher at my school who killed himself rather than go to jail on pedo charges. >:/
i find myself down in the dumps waaaay too frequently, when looking at my life, ive been fairly lucky.
fuck u guys have been through heeeeeeps more than shit than i ever have........makes u think how lucky u really r
yeah big ups to all who've shared. some of you have been through some harrowing experiences, and i'm sure it's painful to bring these up again.
so thanks for sharing 'cos it makes the little problems in life seem so much less significant, and brings back the "big picture". i think wisdom comes from the big picture, not the daily quibbles. thanks.
a) Seeing this thread was started with a
logo, I wasn't sure how serious it was supposed to be.. hehe..
b) As others have said, there's (like for everyone) been many utterly _shit_ moments.. along with plenty of outright blissful ones too.. mmm, yin/yang.
Anyway, as mentioned in another post (and similar to some here), worst day, without a doubt, (along with days after) of my life was...
Feeling so utterly fucked with depression/anxiety/psychosis/insertother"labels"hereforbeingfuckedinthehead, I ate what I knew to be ~3-5x the lethal dose of medication I had lying around. That was a pretty bad day (duh!)
The worst one, though, was regaining consciousness in a hospital bed, tubes poking out of way too many places, Dad sitting there looking like he hadn't slept for 3 days ('cos he hadn't), holding my hand, and me getting so convinced that because I _had_ to be dead, wasn't, and felt like this/had to deal with the situation I woke into that I had died and was in hell. .. And the first thing I said to Dad, after everything he'd been through in that time, was something along the lines of "get someone in here to take all of this shit (the tubes/machines) off me, and just TURN ME OFF! I _want to be dead_! TURN THIS SHIT OFF!!" etc .. sigh.. as has been said here with other nasty stories, it's over now and I'm "better" [coughs] .. but yeah, that day and the feelings that came with it go down as one that I think (touches wood) life will have a hard time topping for me in future.. :/
(ok, miserable, but that's the thread topic!)
Today a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration... that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively - there's no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves.. here's Tom with the weather!