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The death of warehouse parties and much more...Could melbourne be next?


Aug 29, 2000
Hey all, after reading an email that I've just received from one of the most influential people in Melbourne's 'rave' scene, I have to say that you all better prepare for some rough times ahead especially if YOU (yes by you i mean EVERYONE) fall into the group of people who abuse the substances..... Yeah you might like your drugs and thats all good cause at the end of the day I don't give a fuck what you all do in your own lives, but don't you think it's time to start taking some responsibility in your actions, because, every person that o'dz or even worse, dies, takes a small part of our scene away. Now, apparently the labour government have 3 issues that are waiting to be addressed, two are irrevelant but number 3 is...guess what? Ectasy and the rave scene. Now we all know that media groups are so talented at exagerration and sensationlism, however it is so EASY for the government to stand back and say, well fuck ....there is no easy way to combat this problem without banning the whole fucking thing. Yeah it can always move into clubs but in 10 years time they'll probably fucking ban those as well. MY point is, and no one is going ot listen to me anyway, especially those that need to (coz they are all way to fucked on drugs to think rationally), everyone needs to take a step back and actually think about what they are doing, c0z I tell you, th0se out there wh0 do the right thing and g0 t0 parties to for theh right reasons don't deserve to have their beloved scene snatched away from them onthe account of a few people wh0 think its all just drugs.....
--Fuck the drugs--
--Fuck the clothes--
--Fuck the people--
--Fuck the image--
--There'd be no party if there was no music--
OK.. I do agree but I dont think the way to get people to listen to you is to insult them.
People will continue to take whatever drugs they want and usually in constantly growing ammounts.
No matter what you tell people the bottom line is its their lives, and if you turn around and say "coz they are all way to fucked on drugs to think rationally" they are more likely to go "pfft FUCK HIM" *pop munch drop* than they are to stop or even slow down.
remember this is comming from someone who will have drugs maybee twice a year these days. so I am not being overly defensive.
and as for the warehouse party issue.... haven't you noticed... they've been gone for ages! I used to go to a different warehouse party just about every weekend right up until early 1999 when they seemed to somewhat vanish. Sure, they are on, these days, but only the small ones... the event that was always my favourite was the "medium sized" warehouse parties, (such as Kensington st) with around 1000 peeps, no more no less, these have almost all dissapeared already! now we only seem to have real small 200-400 or real big 10000 parties

so in answer... I think it has already happened... but you are right... it will get worse.
Check the level...KEEP IT ROKIN!
yah i admit i mite have come accross as offensive, and yeah okay and all that too. I agree with what your saying about the warehouse parties, and yes its already been happening to a smaller degree but nothing MUCH has changed legally, its just easier to throw a party in a club than a warehouse these days, thats all. And from experience I can tell you that not many people these days want to hire out their warehouses because of the bad name the media has given the scene, and why has the media given the scene a bad name? Because of the drug abuse.
But coming to think of it though, some of the attitudes I've seen of people are pretty bad nexus, like they don't give a fuck about anything, and i think thats really selfish. Thats why Im so pissed off, yeah I knew b4 i wrote the message that my words won't change a thing, and our scene IS going to get shredded by bracks and his cronies, but I'm entitled to my opinion and freedom of speech. I apologise if i offended anyone with my first post, but don't deny that part, if not all of it is true.
And my 'insult' wasn't directed at EVERYONE who takes drugs, just thsoe wh0 abuse them. By abuse I'm sure most of you understand where I'm coming from.
--Fuck the drugs--
--Fuck the clothes--
--Fuck the people--
--Fuck the image--
--There'd be no party if there was no music--
[This message has been edited by [serotone] (edited 10 September 2000).]
[This message has been edited by [serotone] (edited 10 September 2000).]
also, as clubs as venues become more accepted by the rave scene, traditional warehouse party promoters will move into clubs as they are soooooo much easier and soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much cheaper to put on.
for example take a look @
Gasp Entertainment, went from Where the wild things are(shed 7 + 8), Garden of eden(festival hall), to the innovator series (hi fi bar, chevron)
Agent Mad(still do warehouses) but the rotation series (chevron, sirens (i think) 33 1/3 (sirens & pow)
Acid Reign parties have moved into clubs
Hardware (still do warehouses) freeware (chevron) Advent (palace)
SON (all in clubs these days)
Mercury Glide (still do warehouses) substance (billboard, chasers) zenith (billboard, capsule)
TUS gone from parties like Eclipse and outer limits (hobsons rd warehouse) to Tekstep (billboard)
Terriaki Crew use to throw warehouse doofs
and... well you get the idea.
There is sooo much less to worry about when putting on and event in a club, so as the rave scene accepts clubs and "clubbers" (dont laugh its happening) there will be a logical progression into club venues

Dont get me wrong... I like clubs, just not for everything... I think you need a healthy ballance of both... I spen soo much of my time in clubs these days, I need to get out into a warehouse just to remember how they are!
ps this is in NO way, ANY form of insult to ANY of the promoters above. (I know that's not needed but in this industry people take offence WAY too easily
Check the level...KEEP IT ROKIN!
a question i want answered is how supposedly by banning warehouse raves, that solves the problem, but clubs are okay ?? what, do they belive that no one takes drugs in clubs ?
Yes i get your point. But its a lot easier for the government to ban warehouse parties so it 'looks' like it's doing something worthwhile. Think back years ago to the governements response to the Port Arthur shootings. The guns that Martyn Bryant used were restricted already in every state bar tasmania. The guns that were banned wre nothing like what was used there. Yet the government did it to save face. The governemtn cannot shut down clubs. Not very easily. I mean, short of discriminating against clubs that play electronic music, how is it going to combat it? Yes they might be able to introduce legislation to make the clubs shut earlier, but that is then lost profits. I get what you're saying, itdoesn't make sense. If i were to overdose, i would much prefer to at a warehouse party, as there are proper provisions for first aid there.
interesting point about port ather serotone...
The gov't banned semi-auto rifles, but not the much more concelable and light handguns?!?!?!?
also since the new gun laws:
The number fo registered firearms users has dropped (more unregistered users now)
The number of registered firearms has dropped (more unregistered guns around)
the incidence of firearm related crime has gone....UP !!!
and of around 1000 guns seized by police in 2000 over 500 had already been handed in in the "buy back" and then put back on the streets by dodgy ass cops.
just some interesting info for yall!
scource "the age"
and serotone... I think I would prefer not to OD at all! :p hehehe
there is nothing better for a gov't than to appear to be doing something about drugs ...
and zero tollerence seems to be the buzz word at the moment... although we all know it doesn't work for shit! eg the (lack of) safe injecting rooms!
(governments view is fuck 'em! We dont care if they die of HIV and heppatitis, as long as we get the over 60 vote!)
and all governments will have this type of view... its business... I mean the whole idea is to be voted back in!
basically we will be fine untill raves make it into the mass media (e.g. Gus Kennet Dies after eating a bad pill at a party)
and as for when this will happen (no not the gus thing :p ) no one can tell

so lets just rok it while we got it !
Check the level...KEEP IT ROKIN!
serotone - I understand your frustrations and I'm glad that you realised that flaming is not they way to go about things. No matter what scene you are in there will always be dickheads that will exhibit negative attitudes and actions. At this point in time the government is focussing on the rave scene - you must realise it's size in comparison to other scene's - it's not something they can ignore and therefore must be seen to be doing something. I'm in no way supporting the government - but you must see it from their point of view to be able to challenge them.
The huge extent of drug use in the rave scene fuelled by exagerated reports via the media is killing the warehouse scene. Ask anyone out of the scene their thoughts of rave warehouses and you'll see how many will say drug fest. As a government you must act upon these issues - issues that are lobbied by many groups. Sitting here and abusing the people that abuse drugs is a waste of time - education is the key. Lets educate the government - let's not sit back and winge and not take action. It's a long hill battle but you have to start somewhere - it's no good making a stand and being passionate about something if that passion never leaves the screen in front of you. I'm currently in the midst of putting foward a proposal to Moreland City Council regarding ecstasy use and the dance scene - hopefully an info kit of some sort will be the result. I have posted it in the other forum asking for assistance and idea's - but alas the response has been small
Small and insignificant project you might say - but you have to crawl before you can walk. They will never go for it - maybe so - but you never know if you don't try. I remember about 7 years ago when a bunch of us Youth Workers in the Coburg put foward a proposal to have a youth centre set up that would be run by young people - boy did it create a stir among council - but we fought hard, got funding and set the service up.
So really - there is something we can do - lets bring some credibilty to the scene cause currently we are seen as drug fucked individuals - and that we will remain until we prove otherwise. I realise not everone has the time but with a little help from everyone maybe we can get the ball running? Maybe I'm dreaming but I believe in dreams.
MikeyS - in answer to your question - whats the easiest way to solve a problem? If there is no problem then there is no need to solve anything right? Downscaling the scene takes away it's significance in the scheme of things - take away it's significance and you get lees media attention - less media attention and therefore less public knowledge - can't have a problem if public is not aware of it. Does it help the people involved in that particular area - who gives a shit - we are talking about winning votes. You'll be amazed how many things are dealt by the government in this manner.
And please the above is just my opnion and not an attack on anyone on this board

Luv and Hugzz to you all

"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on" - Billy Connolly
This is 'coz of all you pricks who voted Labour

Jeff loved the warehouse raves. I saw him at a few of them!!!

Just remember, majority rules. We live in a democracy, and as such the majority will get its way. So, if we become the majority, (which we will in about 40 years!) then we will get our way! I'm not being a defeatist, just a rationalist.
Step 1: Blow up the media.
Step 2: Blow up the government
Step 3: Party Hardy!
But seriously, only the intelligent people among us will make any difference. So until we all band together and think of ways to combat every single negative argument those poo-jabbers (the media) come up with, then we better start to enjoy our clubs more (and enough weekly clubs already!)
I agree with u 100% haste. Perhaps i didn't come accross the right way in my first post.
While we need to show the government what is good about our scene, any effort in that regard is spoiled by mindless drug use. Look, im not against drugs at all, again its up to the users, and is no one elses business. But now, ur rite. The scene has a bad reputation. I tell people from school that i play at 'rave' parties, they say, oh, so you take ecstasy? Like, the way i see it, the media are giving the scene the bad name, which is drawing the wrong crowd to it. A lot of 'newbies' i've encountered have blatantly questioned what i was doing at a party straight. Now, i'm sorry, but what the fuck is that... on irc some people have said stuff along the lines of "if ur not on drugs ur shouldn't be at raves". Well, that kind of attitude isn't getting us anywhere is it? I don't about anyone else, but i get the drift that these people read and believe the bullshit in the newspapers, and it either draws people to the scene or scares them away. Tell me if im ranting and dribbling crap, but yeah. Again i meant no offence to anyone in any of my posts. But no-one deserves to have the government come down HARD on us due to the bad reputation that only some of us are giving the scene.
-end of blahblah-
Hmm after thinking for a bit, i've come up with an idea thanks to haste and nexus.
Why don't we come up with a list of arguments to combat any flak the scene cops, and write a letter/petition involving as many bluelighters and non-bluelighters as possible?
Hey Decimal Dan,
it would be easy to take that argument - we're going to be in power in 30 or so years... but I guess thats what the hippies thought, and where are we now??
put a smile on your dial
well in my opinion the whole 'rave scene' especially warehouse parties has been going down hill for quite awhile now, think bak to this time last year there were heaps of parties in warehouses to name a few:
Madasss 4
War of the Worlds 2
Madasss 5
the list goes on and how many orginised big warehouse parties have there been this winter? none that i can recall...........it is getting harder and harder to put on legal parties, and to hire out warehouses without residents that are up to 10km's away complaining about noise levels. i think getting a petition together is important, we have to let the government know there are heaps of voting ravers out there!!!! bush parties are good but not in the middle of winter!! i also need to see some International DJ'z even Melbourne talent (Will e Tell
) at a warehouse party.....no more Shed 2 & 4 soon either

I like to see the fighting spirit that is being shown, but lets remember, you must crawl before you walk. Getting a petition together might sound like a good idea and a show of strength - but think about it. You are putting together a petition that will be promoting , in their eyes, the use of drugs. Bullshit you say - remember what the Goevernment's view is of raves - and more importantly think of what the general public's views are of raves. Their opnion is paramount, they are the voters and no government will commit political suicide on a sesitive issue such as drug use. To win this fight you have to beat them at their own game - re-education of the public.
We need to start small and get the backing of well known groups such as the Freeza program and The Push. We need to, as a group, gain credibility, and established groups will help achieve this goal. If we are at all serious you need to look at funding, funding only comes through credibility. We need to bring to the public a sense of secuirity that the rave scene is not a drug infested orgy but a well organised and musically inspired event. The Freeza program has been working hard for many years promoting the safe and drug free dance party. We really need to get rid of the drug stigma that has latched itself onto the scene. I'm not saying we all become anti-drug - but we need to remove it's relation to the rave. It's no easy task and it takes alot of work and organisation.
I personally think the downsizing of the scene is a good thing in a way....it will make it less noticable and hopefully the press can let go of it's latch on the scene and on ecstasy. It's grown too big for it's own good and it's dying from it's own popularity. The press is only interested in big stories...and a warehouse of 10,000 ecstasy using ravers is big news to them.
Anyway, something to think about. The question is how much do you love the scene and how far are you prepared to go...
"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on" - Billy Connolly
did anyone else see the picture in beat or inpress and maybe large of steve bracks holding a "tune" sign standing next to some guy at a party, if a petition was started i sugest that that picture be used in some way.
We could always start a diversionary trend, some sort of "the next great thing" - let the trendies jump off the rave, into the "thing" - it'll cop all the flak, and "the scene" will be left to bubble away in it's own juices.
Punks not dead, it's just not in the news anymore

>insert witty comment here<
Heh heh, i was thinkin along the same lines Freak, perhaps we should all start wearin suits, that'l keep em guessing

Let the Bass KIK
I just wanted to say that I read the Labor party policy initiatives and there is no mention of ecstacy use or anything to do with warehouses or parties etc. The only drug issue on Labor's agenda is establishing injecting rooms and sentancing reforms.
if you want to take a more positive view then commercialisation and harsher laws on warehouse parties (which are meant to be free not for the profit margins of some opaque organisation) is a good thing. Just like the CJB in the UK such moves get rid of the dickheads and hangers on.
Just looking at posts on bluelight (folk moaning about how they're getting bored, what are you into this week, etc) betrays a rather shallow attitude. I've stuck with dance music for ten years now because it moves me like nothing else. Take the rough with the smooth - it equals out in the end.
~techno bollox my arse~