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Article: Chemical seduction: How ‘love drugs’ may one day help couples save failing relationships


Mar 1, 2004
How ‘love drugs’ may one day help couples save failing relationships

Chemical seduction: How ‘love drugs’ may one day help couples save failing relationships
Sarah Boesveld
National Post

Along with oxytocin and the related bonding hormone vasopressin, researchers are also taking a second look at the possible therapeutic uses for MDMA, better known as the illegal party drug ecstasy.

MDMA was actually used in couples’ therapy back in the 1980s before it was regulated, he pointed out, and it only became a restricted drug after emerging on the club scene in Austin, Texas. Today, researchers at the respected John Hopkins University School of Medicine have begun testing psilocybe, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, for benefits in a clinical setting.

Read more here
Fascinating! It's great to see an article recognize that altering brain chemistry is nothing new.
I actually wrote a paper on the benefits of psilocybin mushrooms - principally referencing a JH study on the subject from a couple years ago. But while I agree that it can be very helpful, a bad trip can just as well destroy someone's life if they're not strong (I've had bad trips, but, hmm, I do consider myself pretty fortified). We just don't know that much about how it works to really be sure that someone won't bug out. That said, low doses will just about always be safe if previous mental screening is done, a desirable setting is available, and the person is willing and honest about their issues.
I see this as a bad thing. If a couple falls out of love, they shouldn't be given chemicals to make them think they're still in love. As soon as the shit wears off, they're back at square one.
I cannot express how magical an impact MDMA made on my previous relationship. It promoted a level of closeness that I have never experienced before, and neither had she. It allowed us to talk about things that both of us were too shy to share with the other, as we had only months before fallen in love - and I believe it helped build a solid bond between us. I have never experienced such an intense feeling of love and euphoria and happiness and utter utter integration with a person, specifically a partner, like I did on MDMA.

I think it would be very useful for couples therapy and helping resolve underlying issues, the shit that doesn't get talked about that eventually destroys what once was a good relationship. I don't know if you could find a more effective chemical for such a purpose.
"oxytocin released into the brains of female prairie voles during sexual activity helped them form a monogamous bond to their sexual partners."

I liked this part.
we all know how much female prairie voles like to creep

This is a great step in the right direction!

how is this possibly good?

These can get into the wrong hands and be used as date rape drugs - worst case scenario.

Best case scenario - they perpetuate romantic relationships that aren't meant to be - there's a reason relationships don't work - they're meant to teach us something, so we can move on, and deal with people better, find people we are closer to NATURALLY.

Ok maybe that's not the best and it COULD help couples - but I think that's a very slippery slope - manipulating the brain's chemistry to feel closer to someone you're having troubles with - there's a reason they don't feel closer, there's a reason they're experiencing problems - they need to work it out, not be drugged. If they CAN'T work it out by themselves, or with a mediator without totally changing the way they're feeling - at least with MDMA it just breaks down negative instead of tricking the brain into feeling something that isn't real.

Fucking pharmaceutical companies...grrr....why can't they just stick to stuff that already exists. Someone mentioned MDMA - yeah well give it time and that will be legal, so they're really just fucking with things they have no business sticking their noses into.

This will prolong miserable coupling, just to make the drug companies some big bucks. I'm fucking sick of that story.

I see this as a bad thing. If a couple falls out of love, they shouldn't be given chemicals to make them think they're still in love. As soon as the shit wears off, they're back at square one.
Hear, hear.

I mean fucking check this out -
It’s a seductive idea — that somewhere in the near future failing marriages and partnerships can be rescued by manipulating brains to keep us from falling out of love.
This is not good.
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TBH opiates are way more of a "love drug" for me. Back when I was in a long relationship (before being a junkie) the occasional morphine or oxy pill would have me acting like motherfucking Romeo

Rolls.... Too hyper to cuddle

While constantly being stoned to "love" someone is obviously a horrible idea, using just once and never again to merely re-spark feelings that have maybe been blocked by everyday stress etc is beneficial for everyone. People are dicks, sometimes you just need a little helper to break through the faggotry
at least couples therapy wouldnt be a complete waste of time anymore
I disagree with the pessimism expressed above. It is possible for relationships to be falsely extended, but it is also possible for them to be falsely shortened. How many of them end because of a lack of effective communication? I think couples at least deserve the chance to get to know one another profoundly. MDMA facilitates deep communication and multi-dimensional empathy, and that's a good thing for any couple--even a happy one!
"Australian couples’ therapist Adam Guastella sees it all the time: that “repetitive loop” of talking around the problem at the heart of their marital struggle, anything to avoid facing it head-on."

In the middle of a repetitive loop relationship with kids and indeed no drugs like mdma once in a while. It seems harder and harder to talk from the heart from one to another. You just fall back into the cycle of negativety speaking so easily riding on past events.

So yes this would seem like a good option to get to talk to one another, a social lubricant aimed at bonding partners. Go for it I will be waiting.
Tons of drugs cause higher oxitocin activity. Actually, almost all drugs do, somewhere downstream I guess. We all know how taking drugs together can strengthen bonds, even coke does. Unfortunately it seems most chronic drug users have decreased oxitocin activity in consequence. Can't find the studies I'm referring to right now...
And I agree - This is both good and bad. I look at it as a symptom of our failing modern western culture. On the other hand, if we don't work on the cause for our failures, I guess it's better to work on the symptoms than not work on it at all, right? :D

Then again, I don't think there's gonna be any better bonding drug than MDMA anytime soon. So what are they looking for? A daily fix-my-marriage pill? One in the morning, one at night? Lol that's so dystopian.
i disagree with this..... i think that the use of drugs such as mdma will only serve to create artificial and temporary feelings of "love" if two people really care about each other than they should not need ecstasy to feel those feelings.... believe me i have fallen in love overnight under the influence and sure it was fun but it wasn't real... i guess this feels wrong to me and i realize couples will go through rough patches but i dont believe mdma is the answer and if the only way for a person to connect with their significant other is with mdma than the relationship is probably not worth saving
There are things hidden so deep in some people that they may never be discovered, even after decades of marriage. This is not because the person tries to hide it; it's because communication is very imperfect. Often one does not know how to speak, or how to listen.

I've never started a relationship because of MDMA. I have started friendships due to MDMA. Very deep friendships, undergirded by an experience much more unifying than sex can ever be.
I found oxytocin nasal spray online, but am a bit reluctant to try it. I imagine it would produce some type of depression when stopped.