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Stimulants Amphetamines and Cigarettes


Jan 15, 2012
I occasionally take amphetamine salts (another form of adderall IR) for recreational use. I don't smoke cigarettes normally, but when I am on amphetaimes I find cigarettes are incredible and greatly heighten the experience. They are almost too good to pass up, and I smoke around 5 each time I do amphetamines which I take on average around twice a week some more or less than others. Will this habit eventually get me addicted to cigarettes all the time or will I only get nicotin cravings when I take amphetamines. Cigarettes are the last thing I want to get addicted too, but whenever i take amphetamine I can't seem to resist them. Thanks for the help, and this post can be deleted if this question has been asked before since I don't normally make threads on these forums. I am just a bit worried..
I'd be more worried about the amphetamines becoming a problem. An "average around twice a week some more or less than others."? That sounds like addict-speak in my very humble opinion.

So, if you really don't want to get addicted to cigs, why not cut out the amphetamines? I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you don't wanna quit the amps, but that you think you've got it under control, and they give you the boost you want/need for work/clubbing/socializing/sex/whatever. Am I right?

Amphetamines SHOULD be the LAST thing you wanna get addicted to. Cigs will kill you, in a matter of decades, or not. Some smokers live to ripe old ages and die of unrelated causes. But amps will lead to jails, institutions and death in a few short years at the outside.

You sound like you're on that slippery slope of addiction; that insidious, sneaky, pernicious, cunning, baffling power of a substance as powerful as amphetamines. I think you're underestimating that.

This is all just my humble opinion, and I hope it doesn't piss you off. But if it has a chance of saving your life, I don't frankly give a flying fuck at a rolling donut if it does.

There's already been a study done about nicotine priming the brain for cocaine addiction, and I'd be surprised if there weren't a study in the works as nicotine relates to amphetamines.

So, if you're open to talking with me about this: How old are you? What form of amps are you taking, how much, how often (honestly), and why do you use?

Here's the study about the nicotine-cocaine connection. http://articles.latimes.com/2011/nov/02/news/la-heb-nicotine-cocaine-addiction-20111102

I hope you'll consider backing away from the hard uppers. Every hardcore addict started out where you are now with their use. Addiction has one over-arching property: it ALWAYS progresses. And usually without the user's knowledge. Humans are too good at tricking themselves. God knows I am.

Don't mean to sound preachy or whatever. I've just seen too many good people go through hell, and some of them are dead now. And they all had these types of concerns when their habits started.

Anyway, it's your life.

He said he's taking amphetamine salts, which is just generic adderall. It is a well-known fact that nicotine is a great drug for increasing feelings of pleasure, hence the phenomenon of people who "only smoke when their drunk"; the same can be said for amphetamines. I know many people that only enjoy cigarettes when they are drunk or on amphetamines (adderall when studying for exams, or MDMA when at concerts). I should mention that these people would never touch a cigarette sober, but are able to chain-smoke a whole pack in these certain situations. I myself love cigarettes in combination with almost every other drug (they are amazing with opiates and benzos as well as the aforementioned alcohol and amphets), but I would be interested to see a study as to WHY this is the case.
Having once been a smoker, I got into the habit of smoking hash with tobacco which I was doing five nights a week. Eventually I ended up smoking again though I kept up the five nights a week for quite a while before it really started to bother me. Given that you're only smoking two days in the week, I doubt that you'll find it much of a problem if at all and even if you do, it's not as if you're going to wake up one morning addicted to nicotine. You may just find that on the days when you're not smoking, you'd feel that a cigarette would be nice, in which case you'll have a choice. Keep up with the cigarettes until you are addicted or stop the cigarettes and don't become addicted. The choice will be entirely yours.

Good luck :)
I smoke excessively when I use opiates.. and I NEVER smoke when I'm sober... it's a strange thing, I also wish I understood why this happens!
some sort of learned associative behaviour i suspect, I also take d-amp daily and am very much in the habit of using cannabis while on it, I can abstain while not on amphetamine, but the two together have become somewhat habitual
Podsnomo was a bit extreme but there's a very valid argument to be found within the fire and brimstone. (With all due, Pods'.)

I remember reading (on Bluelight from someone I generally regard as well informed) that nicotine attenuates the high associated with amphetamines? I'm not a smoker, I wouldn't know. Anecdotally it seems that people feel a stronger urge to smoke on amphetamines but is the high really increased by nicotine or is it the satisfaction of scratching an itch? I guess both yield similar results.
^ I used to chain-smoke on amphetamines. I can't say it did anything for the high but inhaling felt oh so good.
I would guess that part of the reason why amphs make you wasnt to smoke more is due to the vasoconstriction the drug causes, allowing the user to take more puffs of smoke without pain or feelings of disgust. Also, amphs can lead to a heightened oral fixation, and the NEED to have a cig in your mouth (and inhale its sweet smoke) most of the time. The nicotine might be craved more on amphs for synergistic reasons.
some sort of learned associative behaviour i suspect, I also take d-amp daily and am very much in the habit of using cannabis while on it, I can abstain while not on amphetamine, but the two together have become somewhat habitual

^this this this

Why the hell are you signing up for cancer if you don't smoke without amphetamines. You should not start. It only "feels better" for an extremely short time period after which you become a slave to it and the lifestyle.

Be more productive, smoking 5 cigs at a time will catch up to you, combine that with amphetamine salts, it's just not a good idea to put that kind of load on your body.

Because something "feels good" isn't a reason to ignore the harmful effects of the substances you're consuming.
I occasionally take amphetamine salts (another form of adderall IR) for recreational use. I don't smoke cigarettes normally, but when I am on amphetaimes I find cigarettes are incredible and greatly heighten the experience. They are almost too good to pass up, and I smoke around 5 each time I do amphetamines which I take on average around twice a week some more or less than others. Will this habit eventually get me addicted to cigarettes all the time or will I only get nicotin cravings when I take amphetamines. Cigarettes are the last thing I want to get addicted too, but whenever i take amphetamine I can't seem to resist them. Thanks for the help, and this post can be deleted if this question has been asked before since I don't normally make threads on these forums. I am just a bit worried..

Well first off, the best solution is to quit adderall, smoking, or both. However I dont expect anybody to just listen to me and successfully do it, cause we all love our amps and cigs, myself included.

As long as your amp use doesn't become a habit, you should be fine, lots of people do this type of thing where they only smoke while using euphoric drugs, to elevate the pleasure even more. For me it was the same, until i started using amphetamines daily, so naturally I started smoking daily, and then when I ceased using amphetamine daily, I continued to smoke daily, as I was still habitually addicted to it. I've quit smoking regularly since, and I can now use amps and smoke occasionally without getting addicted, like "normal" people, except with more effort and self control required.

Don't worry about it, it's a common thing, just don't get hooked on amps and the cigs who nt become a problem either, but resisting amps arent a cakewalk either, and you're only taking adderall.

But be aware that cancer is real, and smoking is a REAL cause for cancer, so smoking in any amount is not safe. Amps aren't that much better either.
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No offense taken. and thanks for the all due, however little that may be :)
I'm just an alcoholic/addict who doesn't wanna se anyone else suffer the way I have.
For those of you who can handle the hard shit and enjoy without letting it take over,
I'm kinda jealous.
Thing is, it's hard to know if you're the type who can handle it.
I'm just not.

Lot's of good insight here on WHY the cigs are so awesome on euphoric drugs.
My theory: the euphoria knocks away any of the yuck-ugh-factor of smoking,
thus leaving only the ahhhh-factor.
I smoke all the time,
but when I was high on opiates, damn, cigs were 100 times better.

Podsnomo was a bit extreme but there's a very valid argument to be found within the fire and brimstone. (With all due, Pods'.)

I remember reading (on Bluelight from someone I generally regard as well informed) that nicotine attenuates the high associated with amphetamines? I'm not a smoker, I wouldn't know. Anecdotally it seems that people feel a stronger urge to smoke on amphetamines but is the high really increased by nicotine or is it the satisfaction of scratching an itch? I guess both yield similar results.
Im a regular smoker about a pack a day. Really don't enjoy the taste at all but i find it so hard to stop, i've tried quitting many times with no such luck. While on amps, opiates, or alcohol makes them 100 percent enjoyable and i do those often which makes it so much harder to quit.
I started smoking because i discovered how good a smoke was with MDMA and codeine. Now is a daily habit. I should really quit and do it recreationally... But that's beside the point.

Yes there is a risk you'll want to smoke when you normally wouldn't. The best way to avoid this is to make a promise to yourself you'll never buy your own cigarettes and/or you won't buy them when you're NOT high. That was the temptation won't be there.
I find that amohetamine's and stimulants in general, are the only drugs that make smoking worse.. I don't know, it just makes me too tweaky. However I've heard similar things from many people, so smoking on speed is nothing too shocking to me. If you're really worried about your tobacco intake, perhaps you should get some nicotine gum for when you do speed. Since you're not a regular smoker, you should be able to adjust really easily and still get the synergy without the danger.
<censored by user (profile compromised)>
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The urge to smoke cigarettes is a common response to many forms of drug use from mild amphetamine to plain old beer, for some reason the two go hand in hand, I suspect that nicotene helps to balance the craving, anxiety, excitement and other effects of drug use.
Like another user suggests... don`t worry about the fags, just try to control the frequency and possible dependency on the other stimulants you`re taking.
Take care
Here's why:

Acute Doses of D-Amphetamine and Bupropion Increase Cigarette Smoking
Acute doses of d-amphetamine and bupropion increase cigarette smoking.
University of Chicago, Department of Psychiatry

Bupropion is used clinically as a treatment for smoking cessation, but the processes by which it reduces smoking are poorly understood. Bupropion shares some neurochemical actions and behavioral effects with the psychostimulant amphetamine, and it has been shown that amphetamine increases smoking when administered acutely. The effects of single doses of bupropion on smoking have not been studied but, based on its similarities to amphetamine, we postulated that acute bupropion would also increase smoking.

To measure the effects of single doses of amphetamine and bupropion on smoking and craving for cigarettes in smokers.

Cigarette smokers who were not trying to quit participated in a three-session study in which they received placebo and a single dose of either d-amphetamine sulfate (10 and 20 mg; n=10) or bupropion hydrochloride (150 and 300 mg; n=12) after overnight abstinence. The three outcome measures were: i) subjective and behavioral effects of amphetamine and bupropion after a period of acute abstinence, ii) effects of amphetamine and bupropion on subjective responses to a single, smoked cigarette, and iii) effects of the drugs on number of cigarettes smoked during an ad libitum smoking period.

After the acute abstinence and before smoking, both amphetamine and bupropion increased self-reported mood and euphoria, but did not change ratings of craving or withdrawal. After subjects smoked a single smoked cigarette, they reported that bupropion reduced ratings of "buzzed" and "intensity". During the period of ad libitum smoking both amphetamine and bupropion increased the number of cigarettes smoked.

Acute doses of both bupropion and amphetamine increase smoking in non-treatment-seeking smokers without altering ratings of craving or withdrawal. Bupropion reduced some of the sensory responses to the smoked cigarette. It remains to be determined why bupropion increases smoking when administered acutely under controlled conditions, while it helps to reduce smoking in patients trying to quit.

Tobacco, Alcohol and Dopamine
Tobacco, Alcohol and Dopamine

Right after you take that first puff on your cigarette or the first sip of your martini or soda, trillions of potent molecules surge through your blood stream and into your brain. Once there, they set off a cascade of chemical and electrical events, a kind of neurological chain reaction that ricochets around the skull and rearranges the chemical make up of the mind. Given the obvious complexity of these events and the inner workings of the brain in general, it does not seem alarming that even though scientists have spent much time and effort researching this topic they still struggle to make sense of the exact mechanisms of addiction.

Why do certain substances have the power to make us feel so good (at least at first)? Why is it that some people are so easily enticed into the wrath of alcohol, cocaine, nicotine and other addictive substances, while others can, literally, take them or leave them? Many scientists are convinced that the answer may be simpler than any of us has dared imagined. What ties all of these mood-altering drugs together, they say, is a remarkable ability to elevate levels of a common substance in the brain called dopamine? The evidence of a link between dopamine and these highly addictive drugs which are commonly abused in our society has become so well researched that the distinction between substances that are addictive and those that are merely habit-forming has very nearly been swept away.

A GABA cell releases the neurotransmitter GABA. A nearby dopamine cell takes up the GABA in specially shaped GABA receptors (but not nicotine receptors). This tells it to stop releasing dopamine. Then, the enzyme GABA-transaminase destroys the GABA. The dopamine cell receives the GABA signal and stops releasing dopamine. Meanwhile, the dopamine that has already been released docks on a neighbor cell, then re-enters its home cell through a gate. After the dopamine docks on a neighbor cell, it sends a "pleasure signal". When it leaves, the pleasure stops. This happens normally, for example after eating.

Nicotine travels to the brain and finds its way to special receptors on dopamine cells. It starts sending a signal that drowns out the GABA signal. Nicotine's signal tells the dopamine cell to release much more dopamine, causing a large increase in the amount of dopamine available in between cells. The increased dopamine sends a pleasure signal over and over. This feeling -- and the craving to repeat it -- help create addiction.

The History of Addiction to Alcohol and Tobacco

The Liggett Group, smallest of the U.S.'s Big Five cigarette makers, broke ranks in March of this year and finally admitted that not only is tobacco addictive but also that the company has known it all along. While RJR Nabisco and others powerhouses in this field continue to battle in courts, insisting that smokers are not hooked, just exercising free choice, their denials are becoming increasingly skeptical in the face of growing weight of evidence. Over the past year, several scientific groups have made the case that in dopamine-rich areas of the brain, such as the nucleus accumbens (the so-called pleasure center), nicotine behaves remarkably like cocaine. Recently a federal judge ruled that for the first time the Food and Drug Administration has the right to regulate tobacco as a drug and cigarettes as the delivery vehicle.

Nicotine's pharmacokinetic properties have been found also to enhance its abuse potential. Cigarette smoking produces a rapid distribution of nicotine to the brain, with drug levels peaking within 10 seconds of inhalation. This fast delivery of drug assures that the smoker receives instant reinforcement for smoking, this perpetuates the continuation of smoking. The acute effects of nicotine dissipate in a few minutes, making the smoker continue dosing frequently throughout the day in order to maintain the drug's pleasurable effects and prevent the uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal. What people frequently do not realize is that the cigarette is a very efficient and highly engineered drug-delivery system. By inhaling, the smoker can get nicotine to the brain very rapidly with every puff. A typical smoker will take 10 puffs on a cigarette over a period of 5 minutes in which the cigarette is lit. Thus, a person who smokes about 1-1/2 packs (30 cigarettes) daily, will get 300 "hits" of nicotine to the brain each day. These factors contribute considerably to nicotine's highly addictive nature.

Similar evidence is being found regarding the addictive nature of alcohol as we learn more and more about the physiology of the nature of alcoholism. Alcoholism has long been blamed on the genetics, on what is passed down to you from generation to generation. However, recent research is again pointing at Dopamine being one of the major players. Although alcohol causes relaxation and euphoria when initially consumed, it also acts as a depressant on the central nervous system. Although the research is not conclusive alcohol appears to have a major effect on the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain which is thought to be responsible for learning and memory, emotion, sensory processing, appetite and stress. It has also been suggested through research that people with severe alcoholism may have a gene that affects the function of the D2-Dopamine receptor.

Alcoholics may be divided into two distinct groups. The first of these groups is the Noradrenergic Type in which 80% of alcoholics fit into. Drinking alcohol improves their mood. Biochemically, during the depressive phase low levels of brain nor adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine have been observed. Excessive drinking may results in sedation, sombulance and hangovers. Increased consumption of stimulants such as coffee or nicotine occurs during withdrawal. Some of the symptoms of withdrawal are palpitations, high blood pressure, tremors of the hand, epilepsy and panic attacks. These individuals can be treated with the drugs niacin and tyrosine (dopamine precursor) supplements.

The serotonin Type is the category that remaining 20% of alcoholics fall into. Alcohol causes damage to the prefrontal lobe thus resulting in judgement loss. These individuals find it difficult to recognize their state of inebriation. Alcohol raises brain levels of noradrenaline, serotonin and dopamine, the opposite to the first group. These individuals find alcohol an excellent antidepressant and need to drink to stay normal. Thus reducing alcohol in this group results in decrease in brain neurotransmitter release. In a way they drink themselves sober. Withdrawal in this group can cause hallucinations, distortion of perception, night terrors and vision disturbances such as nystagmus. These individuals can be treated with tryptophan or glutamine supplements.

Studies done on Dopamine, Alcohol and Tobacco

A recent finding further associates dopamine and addiction to alcohol and tobacco. Recently an epilepsy drug was tested in it's effectiveness of treating nicotine (active ingredient in tobacco), cocaine, methamphetamine, heroine and alcohol addiction. The drug, gamma-vinyl GABA (GVG), blocks the release of dopamine in the brain. Blocking its release could reduce the addictive tendencies of drugs that boost brain levels of dopamine, such as tobacco and alcohol. This drug would counteract any pleasurable experiences that may be gained by the increase in dopamine in the brain. GVG, or Vigabatrin (Sabril), is currently available in Canada and the UK to treat epilepsy but is not yet approved for use in the US.
In a subsequent study, rats that were given methamphetamine had a 2,700% increase in release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, the region in the middle of the brain that acts as the "reward center." However, GVG inhibited the increase by 61% at the highest dose. Similarly, rats had a 170% increase in dopamine in response to heroin, a reaction that could be inhibited completely by a higher dose of the drug. Alcohol only produced a 140% increase in dopamine suggesting that the effect of dopamine could be completely inhibited by a lower dose of GVG. This finding, reported senior investigator Dr. Stephen Dewey of Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, and colleagues, proposes a possible treatment for alcoholism.

However, the researchers admit that although dopamine probably plays a vital role in the reward and reinforcement of behavior associated with addictive substances, other neurotransmitters and factors most likely play an important role as well. Studies have suggested that dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens is important, but is not the only factor in drug involved in these addictions.

Nicotine may not be the only psychoactive component in tobacco smoke. Using positron emission tomography, an advanced neuroimaging technology, Dr. Joanna S. Fowler and her colleagues at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, have produced images showing that smoking decreases the brain levels of an important enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter dopamine. The amount of the enzyme, called monoamine oxidase (MAO), is reduced by 30 to 40 percent in the brains of smokers, compared to nonsmokers or former smokers. The reduction in brain MAO levels subsequently results in an increase in the levels of dopamine in the brain. This agrees with the previous studies which suggest that dopamine is important in the addictive properties of tobacco and cigarettes.

Research has shown that although nicotine causes increases in brain dopamine it has no affect on the MAO levels in the brain. This leads to the possibility that another component of cigarettes other than nicotine may be inhibiting MAO. "Whatever is inhibiting MAO could be acting in concert with nicotine to enhance dopamine's activity by preventing its breakdown," is a hypothesis formed Dr. Fowler and her colleagues.

The concept that the smoking-related reduction of MAO activity may synergize with nicotine's stimulation of dopamine levels to produce the diverse behavioral effects of smoking leads to the suggestion that MAO inhibitor drugs may be useful as an additional therapy with people who are attempting to quit smoking, she adds. MAO inhibitor drugs are currently used to treat depression and Parkinson's disease. One such drug, moclobemide, is already being used experimentally to assist persons trying to quit smoking.

It has been reported in the past that tobacco smokers have a much lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. The ratio of homovanillic acid in the caudate and putamen was significantly reduced in smokers (p<0.05). Also it was found tht the dopamine levels in the caudate were significantly higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Interestingly, there was no significant change in the number of D1, D2 or D3 receptors in the striatum. These finding suggest that we may have a mechanism to delay basal ganglia pathology. The same study found that there might be a connection between many psychiatric conditions and smoking. The Hippocampal formation showed a higher density of high affinity nicotine binding in smokers compared to non-smokers. It has been suggested that because of these findings smokers may be less susceptible to these diseases. Recently at the University of Cincinnati Medical center researchers found that the cerebral spinal fluid of smokers contains a much lower concentration of HVA (homovanillic acid, a domapine metabolite). This would elevate the levels of dopamine in the brain and thus provide further evidence that dopamine is somehow associated with cigarette addiction.

We now know that dopamine, either directly or indirectly, most likely plays an important role in getting and keeping people addicted to tobacco and alcohol. It is interesting to look at how dopamine effects withdrawal from these substances. Alcohol addiction is believed to be caused by morphine like substances which arise from acetaldehyde and dopamine in the brain. Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) can help metabolize alcohol and reduce the acetaldehyde levels and thus possibly reduce craving for alcohol. G.A.B.A agonists have also been found to be effective in relieving alcohol intoxication. The nutritional precursor of GABA is glutamine. D-phenylalanine inhibits enkephalinase, thus maintaining the brains endogenous opiate levels and reducing craving.

At Wayne State University as study was performed in which Pregnant Long-Evans dams were intubated with different concentration of alcohol from gestational day 8-20. It was found that the resulting offspring had a significantly decreased number of dopamine binding sites within the dorsal and ventral striatum. This would suggest that prenatal alcohol expose would cause persistent changes within the dopaminergic system. Another study performed at the University of Illinois studied the potential rapid changes in extracellular dopamine during the first 5-10 minutes after ethanol injection. It was found that ethanol significantly increased extracellular dopamine. These results further support that theory that alcohol consumption causes an increase in dopamine secretion in the nucleus accumbens, which activates the reward pathway.

Alcohol is metabolized in two stages by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase and by the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase; both require niacin as cofactor. In alcoholics the first stage reaction is faster than in normal or control subjects. The second stage reaction involving the conversion of the acetaldehyde (formed from alcohol) to acetate is reduced in alcoholics. The end result is an accumulation of acetaldehyde in tissues particularly in the brain. Recent evidence has shown that 4.5 gms/kg of alcohol was equivalent to 0.3 ml/kg of acetaldehyde in promoting sedation and loss of muscular coordination.

Alcohol inhibits the enzyme delta 6 desaturase which is important in converting linoleic acid to gamma linolenic acid(GLA). Supplementation with GLA has been found to reduce the craving for alcohol. EPA/DHA from fish oils (GLA/EFA) also has beneficial effects.

Alcohol also increases the release of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) in the brain. PGE1 has been shown to elevate mood and the suggestion has been put that the craving for alcohol is due to a drastic fall in PGE1 in the alcoholic brain. GLA is a precursor of this mood elevating prostaglandin and therefore contributes positively to reducing the alcohol craving. Many alcoholics have food sensitivities particularly to foods from which alcohol has been derived, most commonly to wheat, corn, grapes, yeast or potato. These foods must be eliminated from the diet as they have a tendency to aggravate the withdrawal phase as well as promote drinking.


Court JA; et al. Dopamine and nicotinic receptor binding and the levels of dopamine and homovanillic acid in human brain related to tobacco use. MRC Neurochemical Pathology Unit, UK. Neuroscience 1998 Nov; 87(1): 63-78.

Fowler, J.S.; Volkow, N.D.; et al. Inhibition of monoamine oxidase B in the brains of smokers. Nature 379:733-736, 1996.

Geracioti TD Jr.; et al. Low CSF concentration of a dopamine metabolite in tobacco smokers. Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati Medical Center. American Journal of Psychology 1999 Jan 156(1): 130-2

Court JA; et al. Dopamine and nicotinic receptor binding and the levels of dopamine and homovanillic acid in human brain related to tobacco use. MRC Neurochemical Pathology Unit, UK. Neuroscience 1998 Nov; 87(1): 63-78.

Randall S, Hannigan JH; In utero alcohol and postnatal methylphenidate: locomotion and dopamine receptors. Department of Psychology, Wayne State University. Neurotoxical Teratology 1999 Sept-Oct; 21 (5): 587-93.

Psychomotor stimulants Found to Increase the Frequency of Cigarette Smoking...
Rationale: Psychomotor stimulants previously have been found to increase the frequency of cigarette smoking, but it is unclear whether this is due to a non-specific increase in general activity or a specific increase in the reinforcing effects of smoking.

Objectives: To investigate whether d-amphetamine increases the relative reinforcing effects of cigarette smoking.

Methods: Ninety minutes after d-amphetamine (7.5, 15 mg/70 kg) or placebo administration, 13 male and female subjects participated in 3-h sessions during which they could make a maximum of 20 choices between cigarette smoking (two puffs per choice), earning money ($0.25 per choice), or neither. In separate sessions, using the same subjects, the effects of d-amphetamine on the frequency of ad libitum smoking was assessed. Results: During choice sessions, d-amphetamine dose-dependently increased smoking choices from 4.2±0.6 to 5.7±0.6.

During sessions in which subjects smoked ad libitum, d-amphetamine increased number of cigarettes smoked from 2.8±0.4 to 3.8±0.6. Breathe carbon monoxide (CO) levels, a measure of smoke exposure, showed corresponding dose-related increases.

Conclusions: These results are consistent with previous findings that d-amphetamine increases smoking and provide evidence that this effect is due to a drug-produced increase in the relative reinforcing effects of cigarette smoking.

*I copied/pasted these because they are from gov websites. If anyone would like the links, please ask me.
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Only because I noticed this in another thread too, I'm going to request that you post links when copying and posting stuff even from government websites because it's easy to just click a link and see the entire study off Bluelight.
Only because I noticed this in another thread too, I'm going to request that you post links when copying and posting stuff even from government websites because it's easy to just click a link and see the entire study off Bluelight.

ummmmmm ok.....? then why is it the first time I posted a dot gov linked website, a moderator edited it and put a space in between the dots (to break the link) and said "NO linking to government websites" ????

and I think it's a tad easier to just click that easy one button, that says SHOW as opposed to having to go to a completely different website...but what the fuck do i know?