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Came out to my dad last night, need info on LSD deaths & harm


Aug 7, 2002
Last night I told my dad I do drugs. He's a great guy and now that I'm old enough to be out of the house & living my own life, I guess he's able to accept it as something I do. He's not trying to force me to quit or even lecture me on the dangers of drugs, but I want to prove to him that LSD isn't really as evil as he thinks. He thought it was developed by the CIA (boy was I glad I'd done my Erowid reading and was able to correct him), and he's under the impression that LSD has killed many people in the past. Is this true? I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, unless you count some elephant that they injected a massive dose into. My dad is willing to read anything I send over his way - he's an open-minded person but can be a bit sceptical at times about the internet, so I want to find some decent articles that cite all their sources, not some random hippie's webpage (no offense to the random hippies, I do love you guys).
So anyway - am I right in telling him it's virtually impossible to OD on LSD? How else could you die from it (not counting psychosis-induced suicide etc)? He's also worried that, because there isn't any way to control the quality of the drug, some backyard manufacturers might fuck up and make dodgy acid which could kill me. Is this really possible? Or rather, how do I tell him that doesn't really happen? Thankfully he hasn't been exposed to the "more than 4 hits a year and you're perma-fried" myth or the "trickles down your spinal cord and stays there forever" myth. But anyway if you could help me out with the deaths from LSD issue I'd really appreciate it. Thanks guys!
As far as I know, there has only been one overdose from LSD, and that guy managed to take about 35,000 times the usual dose, intravenously.
So I think that its probably relatively safe to say that its quite a difficult task to OD on LSD.
[edit] Oh, and congratulations on coming out to your Father as well, it takes quite a bit of courage, both of my parents know about my drug use, but that's because I was honest with them the whole way through, its definately a course of action with positives and negatives. Good luck! [/edit]
-plaz out-
[ 03 February 2003: Message edited by: plazma ]
Plaz is right, u need an enormous amount of LSD to overdose and usually it has to be IV, although the amount needed to cause 50% of test lab animals to die (or the LD50) is debateble for mice i think it's like (75 000 100 microgramme hits/ 1 micrograme= 1 millionth of a grame). For humans there is the instance that plaz cited, although recent research indicates that the LD50 of LSD for humans could be as low as 2000-3000 hits, trips, sugar cubes, etc assuming they have 100 microgrammes per hit. Still an enormous amount, you'd have to be doing the synth itself, have far too much money and a death wish, or the biggest bikie dealer on the east coast to consume that much. Research acid and then compare it to ecstacy and speed, i think u will find LSD significantly safer, at least physiologically, even psychologically the state LSD produces is a lot closer to that of a waking dream state, rather than the dopaminergic drugs such as meth or coke, which produce mental states closer to mental illness. Also mention that it has only been demonstrated as psychologically addictive unlike physically addictive (ie creates addictive chemicals in the brain) drugs such as alcohol (he prolly drinks right?)
He's also worried that, because there isn't any way to control the quality of the drug, some backyard manufacturers might fuck up and make dodgy acid which could kill me.
If your acid comes in blotter form, it is fairly safe to assume anything else present, such as impurities etc., will only be in tiny amounts. LSD is a very potent drug. Anything on a blotter which is active is likely to only be LSD (possibly together with some solvent residue, but again this would be such a tiny amount)
LSD is not made in backyard labs the way speed is or MDMA can be. Most LSD syntheses require sophisticated separation equipment, and very pure chemicals. Preparation also requires very clean conditions. Experience in chromatography would be a must, as isolation & purity are important at each step of the process.
So it is unlikely the final product will be contaminated to any great degree. Adulteration is unlikely as distilled water or alcohol is usually used to dilute the LSD liquid before it is applied to blotters
LSD is perhaps the safest of recreational drugs in relation to possible adverse physiological reactions. They can occur during the experience but seldom to my knowledge do they persist after the experience. An exception is the condition HPPD. Some sufferers and doctors claim HPPD can be caused by a single psychedelic experience. Psychological problems are sometimes reported following LSD, often the result of remembering past trauma or emotional issues. Of course LSD can also be a good introspection tool for some people.
HPPD -Others in Australia
For the numbers of people who have consumed LSD over the past 40 years, there are few real reports of serious or ongoing mental problems. When I was 18, my best mate had 2 white barrels, which ended up leaving him very confused and incoherent. He spent 3 weeks in a psychiatric ward, but when he came home he was fine. To my surprise he straight away did another trip (intended as his last ever) in order to revisit this state and convince himself of the reasons for his previous confusion. He said he was able to sort out so much childhood shit, and developed a deep appreciation for his parents, still apparent today some 20 years later.
Some good info you may wish show your dad can be found on this thread
Advise for LSD/ trips
100 micrograms = 0.1 mg
75,000 x 0.1 mg = 7,500 mg = 7.5 gram
The case mentioned by plazma, and referenced below (at the very bottom) of the man reported to the Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association, post-mortem LSD products in the blood indicated that 320 mg had been injected.
Tabernacle posted:
... i think it's like (75 000 100 microgramme hits/ 1 micrograme= 1 millionth of a grame). For humans there is the instance that plaz cited, although recent research indicates that the LD50 of LSD for humans could be as low as 2000-3000 hits, trips, sugar cubes, etc assuming they have 100 microgrammes per hit.
Could you please give references for this kind of statement? With your inference that 'recent research' indicates something significant regarding LSD dosing and LD50, you should really provide links or references to exactly WHICH research proves your contention.
From www.erowid.org --> Plants & Drugs --> LSD Vault:
Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose
by Haddad Winchester
page 459:
"No well-documented human deaths resulting directly from the toxic effects of LSD itself have occurred, though LSD has been implicated in accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides. LD50 (That's lethal dose in 50% of those who injest this much) determinations vary widely with species, begin 46 mg/kg in mice, 16.5 mg/kg in rats, 0.3 mg/kg in rabbits and 0.1 mg/kg in elephants. In monkeys, the LD100 is 5 mg/kg. Death in these animals is the result of respiratory failure, preceded in the rabbit by marked hyperthermia. Human data are manifestly lacking, and predictions of the average lethal dose for humans have ranged from 0.2 mg/kg to more than 1 mg/kg, administered orally.
Pharmacotheon by Ott
by Jonathon Ott
"I must emphasize that there is no danger of death or injury from overdose of LSD, which must have about the highest therapeutic index of any drug known (the ratio of fatal dose to effective dose is unknown since no human being has ever died from an overdose of LSD, but must be very high, as individuals have mistakenly ingested hundreds of doses at a sitting; this is a way of saying that the drug is not at all toxic)."
Psychedelics Encyclopedia
Peter Stafford
"For those concerned about immediate medical hazards in ingesting LSD...Abram Hoffer has estimated, on the basis of animal studies, that the half-lethal human dose--meaning half would die--would be about 14,000 [ug]. But one person who took 40,000 ug survived. In the only case of death reportedly caused by overdose (Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association), the quantity of LSD in the blood indicated that 320,000 ug had been injected intravenously."
BigTrancer :)