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Party Safe Advertisement... Need your help.


Jul 8, 2002
Ok now we need a little slogan for a party safe ad, which is promoting the safe use of drugs instead of not using drugs at all.
We need a slogan to use however our brains arent working.
I came up with "Get fucked up, but not fucked over" or "Munch in moderation" but they say these are not exactly appropriate.
Has anyone got any ideas we could use that are suitable for mainstream TV?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
(BTW I work for a non-profit organisation and do not stand to profit from your suggestion. Also, I am not involved directly in the production of the ad just the slogan part.)
Here's one from speshal K, one very speshal RaveSafer
Be a Party Smartie not a Coffin Boffin
I'm not sure exactly what the slogan should be, but if you plan to put it on mainstream TV then make sure it doesn't promote or even hint at condoning drug use. It's all well and good to not be negative about drugs, but it's a very fine line you'll be walking...
Best of luck... :)
Maybe something along the lines of
"It's one thing to to drugs, but another thing to over-do drugs"
But Pleonastic very right, and you probably need more than 20 od seconds thought to come up with a good one..
Maybe something that urges the person to learn more about what they're taking or what it does to them.
Good idea! I'm sick of all the shitty "Just say no" ads. Maybe something like the workcover slogan, "Think it, talk it, work it"...But along the lines of "Think it, talk it, use it"
Cheers guys, thanks for your help.
I will let you know what they decide to use when I find out, which should be soon.
glad to see you are wanting to promote safe use.. its obvious that the market for drugs are just going to grow
'if your going to try, make sure u know what u buy'
i really think people should test everything they have, there is my input into this worthy cause :p
aah- I actually do this for a living (write ads & slogans that is)
I heard a good one on here the other day (so I can't take credit)
Just say Know.
I think encouraging people to be as knowledgeable about drugs as they can be is the best strategy...
That way you're neither condoning nor condemning their use.