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Help - Travelling with drugs?


Dec 27, 2001
Ok.. a friend of mine is going to New Zealand for a few days. This friend wants to take some pills with her. For personal use, not for selling.
Whats the best way to do this. To safely, without getting caught, take stuff with her????
If i am not allowed to be asking this type of question, please close this thread!
Tell your friend to put them in their underpants and forget about them.
BigTrancer :)
Be very carefull snifferdogs at airports are allways a hassle.
1)maybe crush and put inside a couple of multi-vitamin caps (leave in some of the vitamin mix as well)and put in middle of bottle. Should work OK.
2)buy a bag of lollies, normal type and mix in pills - you wil suprised how many lollies look like pills
3)Put in plastic bag - and put were only a girl could put
4)buy one of those 24/7 lolly dispencer and mix in.
I would advise against it, but on the other hand who would want to pay $60-80 per pill in NZ.
As BT Said, Put them down your pants. Or keep them in a baggie in a film container filled with vaseline, which will muffle the smell and keep it in a high place, like a top pocket or something because if there is the odd chance you get sniffed over by a sniffer dog its not going to smell it up that high.
$60-80 a pill verses a criminal record for trafficing drugs, I know which I would rather. But if you must I would go for the *cough*. All depends on how many you plan on taking.
Be buggered if I would be carrying lollies into ANY airport, even a domestic one...
advise against it. aus exchange rate isnt that bad when converting to nz dollars. cost would prolly be much the same.
but if i had to id dack it and make sure it was tightly wrapped etc.
Don't try and out smart them by doing fancy shit like trying to hide the smell if you're going to just put them in your luggage - that's useless... If you must do it then as BT said just put them in your undies.
The reason for this is that at an airport they can search people at random based on pretty loose suspicions (or none at all - realistically they can make excuses up if they want). But they need a good reason to do an "intimate search" (ie: strip search or a pat down in those special spots). So even if you are randomly searched they aren't allowed to go for your jocks unless they have strong suspicions...
It also helps not to look like a filthy raver too - phat pants and bright shirts might feel comfortable and be "cool", but they're also a good way to announce that you might be a drug user. It's not worth the hassle, so wear normal clothes for the flight.
All said though, it's best not to try it at all - this advice is to help you if you do decide to do this, but I'm not recommending you do. It is illegal remember... :)
[ 26 June 2002: Message edited by: Pleonastic ]
1. Dress well. As the saying goes image is everything! Customs people are looking out for a 'suspicious' character and being human will stereotype alot of people. Wear 'candy' articles and you will draw unwanted attention.
2. Confidence. Tell yourself you are doing nothing wrong! They are trained to pick up on nervousness. If you look suspicious, worried or concerned and they will be drawn to you.
3. Hide it well. Lip balms are very great places to hide it in. Buy a lip balm. remove the balm and put whatever underneath wrapped in gladwrap and put the balm back over it. Carry this in your top pocket. If you plan on hiding it in your luggage put it into a toiletry bag and spray deodrant/perfume over it. Hide it in a medicinal container with various other vitamins. If you plan on putting them in your underpants practice walking so you don't give any indication that you are carrying anything. (There was a young woman caught in the Malaysian airport carrying I think heroin.. she was walking funny)
If you think the risks are too high then don't do it. The Repercussions if you get caught could be something like a slap on the wrists or could be as bad as having a criminal record - meaning you wont be able to access alot of countries for a long time (if ever).
I personally don't think it is worth it. As a frequent traveller I would hate for that luxury to be taken away from me.
NO WAY! New Zealand's the worst country to try and smuggle in to I say! Every time I have come back here I've been sniffed (and my luggage) by sniffer dogs really closely... I reckon it's not worth it at all...
For the $80 a pill costs here, I'd rather buy than end up with a record.
Don't be silly!!!
Agreed not worth the risk!
Last time i went to New Zealand my friend and I got pulled aside because we came from Australia! They did extra scans on our bags and briefly opened/checked gear.
We were dressed normally and their excuse was that Australia has Cinnamon Fungi (A plant killing fungus in our national parks)
Admittedly they didn't search our persons (made us wash shoes) but could you still act normal if all this happened?
Play safe, you paid for the air fair... whats a few more bucks.
Have a waterbomb-balloon in your mouth until your on the plane then put it in your pocket, and then in your mouth again at the other terminal (aka heroin stylez) and if you feel paranoid swallow it. You could plug the water balloon too. :)
yeah...dont...its not worth it. the security at airports these days is far too tight to even try. you can do all you want to hide it in your luggage but the sniffer dogs sniff every bag that gets on/off an international flight. i used to work in the international terminal and i was always worried i would get sniffed walking around the terminal with one small thing in my wallet! and like blueboynz said, New Zealnd is one of the worst countries to try and smuggle into. I think the general opinion of the thread is not to do it. and if your friend still goes ahead with it...be REALLY REALLY careful
The canine sense of smell is approximately 2,000 times stronger than a human's.
Pills smell quite different to crotches.
Sniffer dogs have absolutely no problem detecting drugs stuffed in crotches or anywhere else.
Drug smugglers get arrested at airports almost daily.
Go figure.
While ultimately it's your choice to do as you please, think carefully about it.
I know of a few people who have done similar stunts in their time, without event, but also knew someone through social circles who once got caught. You have to weigh up whether taking drugs OS is more important to you and worth the risk (which i'm sure everyone has pointed out for you). If you think taking them over is worth it, then good luck to you, just stash them and forget about them. If not, well you probably made the right choice, a holiday without drugs surely won't be the end of the world.
What does this have to do with HM? nothing
So what your asking is how to smuggle drugs into a country. weather for selling or personal use theres no difference.
i really dont see how anybody would contemplate this for a couple of pills. But then again dumber things have happen'd.
I guess the harm miniminsation here is in advising someone not to go walking through the airport with 10 pills in their front pocket, as going to jail can cause a fair bit of harm to your life... :)
If people were posting stuff about how to "fuck the pigs over" it'd be different, but this has been reasonably civilised and most people have advised against doing it.
I found this is in the European Drug Discussion...
Funny / Scary Story
Hey everyone
Just had to share this story with someone and I guess this is the best place to do it...
I went away with friends for new year and packed 6 pills in a rucksack. As it turned out I didn't take any and promptly forgot about them, until yesterday that is.
My girlfriend now lives in Tenerife and she phoned me to say she'd just found 6 pills in her rucksack and she wasn't too happy. She wasn't too happy because since new year we've taken that rucksack from London to Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka to the Maldives (which in case you didn't know is a Muslim country that forbid you from taking alcohol and any non Muslim religous pieces, such as bibles, into the country let alone pills), then from the Maldives back to Sri Lanka, then Sri Lanka to London and finally I took it from London to Tenerife.
How lucky was I to not get searched? I reckon I could have been in some shit...
Funny and scary eh?