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Apr 28, 2002
hi ppls!
i have a friend who is hooked on heroin he hates
being on it and wants to quit i was wonderin if anyone has any constructive none judgmental advice
Heroin is the evilest of all drugs and unfortunately once you open the door, its hard to go back. I have some knowledge on the topic although it is not extensive
Firstly, there is the easiest method METHADONE. I have a friend on methadone and it is putrid, he's been on it for almost 3 yrs and since he has been taking it he has turned into a skeleton of his former self. He looks sick, he used to be very well built and now hes a stick. It deteriorates your bones after years of usage and its only a band aid treatment. You may beat your herion addiction, but then years later you've got another addiction to beat. Not only that, people on the done often use aswell and therefore are going around in circles. Anotyher thing i know about methadone is that you find yourself going to the chemist evrey day or two which can get frustrating. And, without him realising it, he is still off his rocker day in day out (seriously scattered).
There is also a rapid detox method which im not too informed on all i know is that they put you to sleep for 4? days to curb the withdrawals and then your on your own. Not too sure so if anyone knows more, please add to this.
There is naltrexone, another methadone treatment just different drug (i think this might be tied in with the rapid detox method) but that is another bandaid treatment which is the easiest and dumbest way to tackle addictions(as i see it).
I went to rehab for shabu dependance for 6 months (oddysey house/sydney) and learned that heroin addicts are more addicted to putting the needle in their arms than the drug itself. These guys know what they are on about and i recommend that if he live in sydney or melbourne that he contact them as this has the best reputation for curing heroin addiction.
The last method is the hardest and in most cases a waste of time but would also be the best way to do it. COLD TURKEY
From what I have seen in the past, i recommend a rehabilitation program, if possible, odyssey house as it is the best. If he is in sydney/melbourne and wants any information regarding odyssey house, i will be than happy to forward them to him. Good luck to your friend, I wish him all the best.
[ 31 May 2002: Message edited by: PKardNuSanz ]
Hi WonTon, welcome to Bluelight. Some advice is to use the search button, you really will find lots of useful information.
That said, I found a few links that have some useful strategies etc.
http://www.wsoinc.com/ - Narcotics Anonymous
http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/heroin/heroin.shtml - Lots of info on withdrawal, personal accounts, basically everything you could need to know if you are to help your friend.
My advice on this topic would be completely useless, but i'll try anyway.
The positive of this situation is that your friend wants to quit, the psychological addiction is weakened, and that is by far the harder addiction to break.
Your friend has at least one caring friend who is willing to help them. Basically, be as solid as you can be, let your friend know that you are always going to be there for them.
...Look after yourself and your friend Won Ton :)
Originally posted by PKardNuSanz:
Heroin is the evilest of all drugs...
please dont come on to bluelight and start posting this shit. if your actively posting i'm going to assume you use drugs recreationally...if you use drugs recreationally,i dont give a fuck what they are, do not pass judgement on some one else who does. it doesn't matter what drug it is, all have the potential to ruin your life, and all have some potential of addiction. so do not put yourself up on a pedestal because you think pills and weed are so acceptable but another drug isn't just because its not your drug of choice...
Randomblondeboy, when i stated that heroin is the evilest of all drugs, i was stating a fact, i cant and wasnt trying to put myself on a pedastal cos i have used it frequently in the past. I have SEENmany lives go down the drain on that shit and I've lost a very close friend to it, so i hate it, but i posted to try and help this person, i really do feel for this person whos hooked on it because it is painful. If you think it was judgemental CLAP YOUR HANDS
when i stated that heroin is the evilest of all drugs, i was stating a fact
A comment like that in here will no doubt get a nasty reaction. You cannot say it is fact heroin is the evilest of all evils. Personally I'd think alcohol destroys more lives than heroin does. Herion just attracts more negative media attention and has a bad stigma attached to it.
We appreciate your advice but please don't state your opinions as facts. State your ideas as what they are, your ideas :)
pkardnusans,that would be great i dont know how i can contact u or how u can contact me but if you could post back it would be much appreciated"thanx"
sorry bout the bad choice of words guys...yet again, new to bluelight and won_ton i emailed fry to see if he has any ideas on how i can pass this info on to you, so, well see what happens
Some threads from The Dark Side Forum which might be of assistance to the original poster:
I need help -account of a heroin addicted boyfriend.
Friend with drug problem... - friend is going too hard.
The Dark Side FAQ and Reference - many helpful links.
Hope these links might be of some help - let us know if you need extra assistance, I'm sure there are many of us out there who know the impotent feeling of not knowing what to do when a friend seems hell-bent on destroying themself, who might be able to offer experiences or advice.
BigTrancer :)
Personally I'd think alcohol destroys more lives than heroin does. Herion just attracts more negative media attention and has a bad stigma attached to it.
I'm not so sure i agree with this, Fry-d- , but rather than get all opinionated about it let's try to be objective and logical... heroin is used by 1 and a half, or 2 percent of the population, according to various statistics. two years ago in victoria the "heroin toll" stood at almost 400 people a year. so out of, say, 1 and a half percent of victorians (they reckon h use is declining) - 40,000 approx. users, 400 of those died in 2000 alone. so that's like, heroin users have a one percent chance of dying on any given year. apply those stats to alcohol (and i read somewhere that only 25 percent of victorians don't drink, it could have been less) and you've got about 3 million drinkers in vic, which means to have a 1% annual user DEATH ratio you'd be seeing a whopping 30,000 people DYING of directly alcohol-related deaths each year (or on a bad year, anyway). and that doesn't count drink driving. that's ALCOHOL OVERDOSES. so, i'd probably have to say PER 100 users (or whatever) heroin would have a much higher life fuck-up ratio than alcohol. in my book, that corresponds to heroin being more "evil" than other drugs. but fuck it eh, i mean all drugs are evil to some extent, based on their POTENTIAL FOR ABUSE. such a fucking rant, i dunno if i even make sense here, but i felt like arguing, and i ain't done math since school :)
as per abuse potential, heroin rates the highest. Besides the fact that heroin causes more deaths in austalia due to any other illegal drug, when users get addicted to 'the gear' their lives go downhill. Alcohol is a dangerous addiction but heroin is a more devastating addiction. Alcohol dependancy can cost up to $80 a day(thats an experienced drinker whos drinking 2 bottles of jim beam a day at least) in addiction whereas heroin can cost the user (an inexperienced user by term) up to $400(and plus due to quality) a day in costs. Alcohol can not be more devastating due to the cost of 'a hit'. Alcohol users dont have the 'reason' to commit a white collar or blue collar crime as their addiction is usually settled by a welfare payment. Heroin addicts's welfare payment is usually gone within 2 days (i've seen it many times, so if anyone wants to debate, GO AHEAD!!!!!) Heroin is the deadliest addiction as it is ONE of the most expensive drugs on the street market. Enough said.
Who gives a fuck really? Both drugs can be abused, and both can be used safely... so it really comes down to the person that uses each substance...
Lets not blame the drugs, lets blame the weak people that let themselves get addicted. And don't give me the shit about how you're more likely to get addicted to heroin. If you're the sort of person who's likely to get addicted to the point of causing a problem, then you shouldn't do drugs. It's much easier to blame everything except yourself, but you were the one who took the drugs in the first place - nobody forced you.
Sure, maybe some drugs have a higher addiction potential, but that doesn't make the drug evil - it just means that it should be used by less people because there are less people capable of using it safely without getting sucked into addiction.
It's true alcohol is cheaper and easier to obtain than heroin. But...I've seen alcohol cause more damage; abuse to family, friends, people in the street, brain damage, both short and long term. Heroin itself doesn't cause brain damage and once the addict has their fix, they are often fine. The problems with heroin are getting the money to pay for it, and getting enough, clean gear.
They are both bad in their own way, but I couldn't say which is more "evil". Death stats alone don't prove much, and they are only recorded incidents. How do you quantify the families with one or more alcoholics, causing all kinds of problems which either go undetected or attributed to something else? Same goes for heroin junkies. Some just get on with their lives, others are pretty fucked up in trouble with dealers, cops etc. for related crimes that may not be put down to heroin. Are they counted? What religion are you? (I'm a junkie/alcoholic/recreational pill popper). I don't see these questions on the census.
Originally posted by Pleonastic:
Who gives a fuck really? Both drugs can be abused, and both can be used safely... so it really comes down to the person that uses each substance...
Lets not blame the drugs, lets blame the weak people that let themselves get addicted. And don't give me the shit about how you're more likely to get addicted to heroin. If you're the sort of person who's likely to get addicted to the point of causing a problem, then you shouldn't do drugs. It's much easier to blame everything except yourself, but you were the one who took the drugs in the first place - nobody forced you.
Sure, maybe some drugs have a higher addiction potential, but that doesn't make the drug evil - it just means that it should be used by less people because there are less people capable of using it safely without getting sucked into addiction.

Major respect to Pleo! Very well said :D
severedpscych and plaonastic, you are both right, nothing recorded is 'in stone'. It comes down to a persons 'addictive personality'. Whether it be heroin, coke, alcohol, benzo's etc. Addictions have the capability to ruin anyones life. When i stated that HEROIN IS THE EVILEST OF ALL DRUGS, i was only going on my personal experiences. If i was in america it could have been coke replacing my hatrid for heroin...easily. If shabu was readily accesible in aus it would cause more damage than any other drug. The point they were trying to make was that you cant blame the drug, because the person has the chance to say NO, over and over again, its their weak personality that gives in to it. When I think about it, they are 100% right because i smoke weed every day and i have the chance to say no....but do i????????????????? do you???????????????? imagine of it was shabu rather than weed, how much would it cost you for an addictive personality?? $40 a .1g AT FIRST see what they mean. Pkease close this thread as it has gone beyond a joke.
This is flying way off track guys.....
I won't close this yet......
However can replies be kept on the topic of helping out someone with an addiction and away from burning peoples opinions on drugs. Any more off topic rubbish and it will be deleted. We are here to help and offer advice not to argue about who thinks there drug of choice is less evil than another.
won_ton: has your friend spoken to a GP or anyone about it? There are a number of things he can try. A friend of a friend failed on methadone and is now on buprenorphine . However, he was recently caught trying to smuggle it out in his mouth so he could could bang it. Not sure how serious he is about giving up. Institutionalised living and disability pension is all he knows it seems.
You friend would need to be serious about giving up or nothing will work, there is no magic cure. What has he tried?
I set up an email that u can respond to me on, this email THIS ADRESS WILL BE BLOCKED FROM SHITMAIL AND IS ONLY SET UP TO GIVE INFO TO WON_TON Odyssey house doesnt have a website so all i can do is this. [email protected] email for info and the info will be returned ASAP.