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Drugs in pregnancy


Feb 4, 2001
I was kinda bored last nite and picked up this book i have about medicines in pregnancy - what can be used and what cant.......
And i was quite interested when i read......
General Anaesthetics including Ketamine and Nitrous Oxide are Category A pregnancy drugs....
Category A meaning that the drugs have been taken by a large amount of pregnant women and women of childbearing age without an increase in the frequency of malformations or other direct or indirect harmful effects on the foetus having been observed....
Just a tit bit of new information that can be learned everyday.........
Thought some ppl mite be interested.......
But heres a question........... will use MDMA and amphetamines increase our chances in harming or deforming babies when we are older?
Damn the Consequences........
Unfortunately these questions on long-term effects of MDMA and other drugs are very difficult to answer with any authority, especially with regard to the very hit/miss process that is genetic reproduction in humans. It may be a generation or two before any effects (be they health related, public opinion or legal changes) are noticeable at all.
I personally think that if a girl discovers she is pregnant then she should stop using all illegal drugs from that instant forth, to give the fetus as little impact from outside as possible.

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
But maybe they are administered the drugs right when they are giving birth, so there would not be problems. Would be interesting to know if they are administered at the early stages of pregnancy.
Also, you can't really apply the medical use of such drugs in a recreational setting. For example, if people do n20 recreationally, they may risk lack of oxygen or b12 which could harm the baby. These risks would not be there when used under medical supervision.
Are you sure about nitrous RRC?
See fifi's awesome post in this thread: How does nitrous work?
(edit=me sucking at html)
[This message has been edited by cancle (edited 03 December 2001).]
Well nitrous is definately safe since they use it if they are unable/unwilling to give an epidural, or however it's spelt. I know of several friends mums who where given nitrous during labour.
As to MDMA during pregnancy, my personal opinion is that you shouldn't take any drugs during pregnancy, whether be legal or illegal. It's just not worth it, if something did go wrong you would hate yourself forever.
Just my 2.2 cents
If acid makes you see things why don't we give it to blind people?
Computer games don't affect kids. If Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all run around a darkened room, munching pills. and listening to repetitive music...
OK. Now this is where the power of this little bulletin board we have become fucking A class dangerous.
I'm assuming (although it wasn't directly stated) that the administering of these drugs was during actualy labour, as they are both commonly known anaesthetics.
It's when dumb drug fucked little raver chicks read this (and don't do any extra research) and automatically think "cool, i can have a baby and still get fucked up on K every weekend"
i know this is pretty far fetched and you'd have to be pretty fucking clueless to come to this conclusion, but yeah... there are some idiots out there.
PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE, please please think of consequences... and explain yourself properly

If I'm wrong and have jumped the gun, and that book has stated that you can take this drugs throughout the pregnancy then I'll hop back in my box.
but yeah.. i just got the fear that someone either of authority or of no brains at all might read this thread and take it the wrong way.
this was a very rushed reply.. sorry if it doesn't make sense.
When I put up this thread I had no idea in mind of saying "Hey preggers ladies, u can still take K and Nitrous!!"
I put it up as an interesting fact.
No, it doesnt only mean during labour, but actually during the whole course or pregnacy, which is what i found strange..... as i have read that nitrous infact does interfere with DNA transcription.
There is no way known - i would recommend ANYONE pregnant to use medication legal or illegal. Including panadol and antihistamines which are said to be fine...
Unless necessary and prescribed.
but i was also curious in knowing...... would our drug choices of 2day cause a major problem for years down the tract when infact we do intend on becoming pregnant...
Damn the Consequences........
Pretty sure pregnancy and nitrous are a bad mix:
Studies of dental personnel usually can relate effects of exposure directly to nitrous oxide alone because it is the only agent normally used. An increased risk of spontaneous abortion has been documented. One of the most active researchers is Dr Cohen at Stanford University. In a survey of 30,000 dentists and 30,000 chairside assistants, he reports a spontaneous abortion rate of 8.1 percent in nonusers of anesthetic gases. Where nitrous oxide was used alone, the rate was 16 percent, twice as high. Where nitrous oxide was used with other inhalation agents, the rate was 25 percent, three times as high.
Source (pdf)
And that was just with background levels of nitrous (although one would suspect that dental workers would find it hard to resist a nang here or there
). Also:
Also, but less well known, the state of B12 deficiency caused by regular use of nitrous oxide produces hyperhomocysteinemia, an accumulation in the blood of the amino acid homocysteine. Hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor for vascular disease of all sorts. Furthermore, hyperhomocysteinemia, B12 deficiency and folic acid deficiency early in pregnancy all increase the risk of getting a child with a neural tube defect (spina bifida and anencephaly, childeren with no brains or open spinal cord). If you are a woman, planning to get pregnant or just "at risk of getting pregnant", nitrous is a bad idea.
We should really be trying to give the little ankle biters as much chance in life as possible so they too can enjoy the finer things in life (like nangs
my 2 cents...
if u ever see a pregnant chick taking drugs (excess alcohol included) , SLAP SOME SENSE INTO THE STUPID BITCH.
I had a female friend who used drugs quite heavily and she found out she was 3 weeks pregnant.
She kept using drugs.
She wasn't pregnant for long.
Simple story yet gets to the point I think.
Sorry RR, I was just trying to point out how easily things can be misunderstood.
Bluelight is in such a delicate place atm...