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Vomiting on Pills


Nov 15, 2001
My girlfriend has been consuming and enjoying pills for 1+ years. It has only been recently that she has started feeling sick and vomiting to the point where it is not enjoyable anymore for no reason that we can identify. Initially it was only throwing a few times and then recovering to enjoy the experience but has gotten to the point where convulsions have been excessive (from 1/2 a double sided HQ)and possibly life threatening. Obviously it is an allergy to something in pills (hopefully besides MDMA) that has built up over time. Does any one have any helpful hints/information (besides the obvious of not having any pills - dreadful thought) that may assist in this terrible disorder?
My brother usually always throws up if he has a strong pill. He normally looks forward to throwing up because he knows he is in for a big night...
However as your girlfriend feels terrible, I would say probably not the same thing. Hope she's okay!
when the bad times outweigh the good...
wisest is he who knows that he does not know...
one of my friend's has had a very similar experience - she is also allergic to panadol (same reaction as dropping an e - lots of vomiting) so we wondered if many pills contained paracetemol or something similar???
She has had to accept the fact that she can't pill anymore and sticks to speed or meth for a night out.
Another friend's boy has been pilling on and off for the last five years problem free and for the first time this year has found that every pill he tries to take now makes him puke to the point where he won't have them anymore.
I too would be interested in other people's theories. Why would they be able to handle the first few they tried and not be able to handle it now - it's a dilemma and I just cross my fingers that it doesn't happen to me in the end...
Ok, I ain't no scientician nor am I offering an answer.
But the reason why we have a gag reflex, the reason why we vomit is to expel a potentially dangerous substances which we've consumed. It's part of your survival mechanism, you eat something which isn't good, and you automatically vomit to get rid of any other bad shit that may still be in your stomach.
ie. Your body thinks shit, too much mdma, better hit the eject button. By which time its all probably absorbed and you'll be fine anyway. But vomiting is your body's way of saying don't put that shit in me, I don't think its any good.
Therefore, if you're continually vomiting maybe its time for a few months break. My guess is that if its only recently begun effecting you after a long time on the pills, then giving it a rest and trying it again much later on you may be fine.
[This message has been edited by Plague Bearer (edited 30 November 2001).]
this year i also started puking from pills. everytime, without fail, if it was a good pill i would puke. i tried a few different things and have found that not smoking ciggies definitely helps. also, drinking some fizzy drinks before dropping and sometimes during prevent the puke as well. give these a go. i haven't puked since i stopped smoking. over 3 months ago!
Hey I used to allways spew on pills even really weak ones. What I do now is a)snort pill or b) plug pill. Works well for me. No more spewing in club.
I've only ever thrown up from two strong ass pills ever. Doesn't normally happen unless they are big bad ass mutha fuckers
However i now take alot of whizz and i don't throw up off it but everytime i have it, after i've swallowed it about 10mins later i gagg chronically! But don't quite throw up! :p
The truth is that I'm a bad person. But that's going to change- I'm going to change. This is the last of that sort of thing. Now I'm cleaning up, moving on, going straight and choosing life. I'm looking forward to it already. I'm going to be just like you. The job, the family, the big fucking television. The washing machine, the compact disk player and electrical can opener, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home, leisure wear, luggage, three-piece suite, DIY, game shows, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing gutters, getting by, looking ahead, the day you die."
My theory on the matter is pills do damage to your stomach each time you pill...
So the more often you pill the less your stomach is capable of handling whats in the pill.
I use to have the same problem, You just need a break.. Slow down for a while and when you start dumping again you should find you dont spew anymore..
I think that the mucous lining of your stomach should protect against the amount of caustic substances in a pill or pills... it often takes years of coffee drinking to cause gastric ulcers in people.
If excessive acidic feelings in your stomach is an issue, try some antacid tablets.

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
This proposers an interesting thought... Is it just the back of your mind thinking ahead, knowing what the pill will do to you tommorrow? Therefore pyscologially making you spew/gag, ina "placebo" like fasion..
Or is this a posioning/ physical "gag* reaction...
On different occasions, actually test this reaction by taking a "placebo" pill, which is actually not MDMA or anything active...
Hang on, I dont even know what im talking about.. Oh no...
I really shouldn't post this, but it may have somethig relevant in it...
time to go.
/super-stoned Chem out
Recently, I've been having a similar problem, but I seem to have been gagging from having a dry throat and the sides of it sticking together (especially bad if I'm smoking as well), I have vomited a couple of times due to this and found that simply trying to keep my throat moist enough has helped ... not sure if this will help your girlfriend or not.
Im totally with you on this one. I've noticed that even with myself if I think about the taste/smell of a substance or food that I do not like all that much I have the same reaction if as though I had that food/substance. IE: The smell of MDMA makes my stomach churn just as much as if I have left the substance to dissolve in my mouth.
As BT always says 'set and setting'. Well then this same psychie applys to anything you do. If you convince yourself that perhaps this will upset your stomach then maybe just maybe thats also giving you the same gag reflex and leading to a nasty mountain of bile.
Also I imagine having a meal before the proceedings of the night may also have an effect on how your react to certain substances. Just like if you drink a lot of alcohol on an empty stomach your twice as likley to upset your innards than if you have a nice meal a few hours before hand.
Also the whole psyc-out thing may sound rediculous to some, but you'd be suprised what you can do with your mind when your not entirley comfortable with something.
um..usually when you vomit your body is trying to tell you something...however, there are over the counter medications such as nausea suppressants which you can take. The dosage is 8 times daily ie every 4 hours and they work quite well - my gf was using one when she was suffering from food poisoning and was in danger of getting dehydrated.
I've never mixed such medications with pills so I'm unsure of any side effects. Just thought it might help.
can't remember where I read it (I believe somewhere on this board) people were saying that tums, quickeze etc take away some of the pills effects by lining the stomach and casuing slower absorption rates.. anyone know if this is true?
I guess it's possible, however I've never found it to be a problem. Most antacids tend to be weak bases that combine with hydrochloric acid in the gut to form salt and water. There are liquid compounds that function as "raft antacids" forming a layer of antacid on top of the stomach contents and neutralising acid reflux. I'm not sure that many of the antacids "line the stomach" per se, that is really the job of the stomach's mucous lining. Most antacids should work to raise the pH in the stomach slightly. Since pills tend to dissolve in water anyway this will not affect the absorption rate of the MDMA in the GI tract.
Information on antacids and antacid therapies
Perhaps it's psychosomatic?
BigTrancer :)
Thanks for the replies guys!!!
I think BT may be on the right track suggesting that it may, at least in part, be psychological. This last weekend, my girlfriend was so off tap from some meth we had, she had forgotten she had taken 1/2 a pill until it had actually kicked in.
This implies that it may be mind over matter in most cases. It will be interesting to see what happens in a couple of weeks at our next off tap experience.
This implies that it may be mind over matter in most cases.
Not necessarily... it may be because she took a lower dose. It's very common for a whole pill to make girls sick, just because she wasn't like that at first doesn't mean that it's not normal now for her to get sick from the same sized dose she used to take. Also meth decreases the positive effects of mdma in many people, it may also decrease the negative effects too. But yes it could also be psychological...