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info needed-melb.green apples.

Its Chaos

Nov 1, 1999
just got my hands on a couple of these and still havnt tested them.Anybody heard of?
These pills are tiny!Light Green with,Dark Green and White specks.
Good press of the apple logo.Apple with bite taken out of the right side.
5mm in hight.
6mm wide.
Beveled and scored on the back.
info appreciated

[This message has been edited by Its Chaos (edited 29 September 2001).]
yes, i have eaten those, they tested positive for mdma, and only mdma, and also pillreports said that they only contain mdma, I ate one of those and they had we fucked, and i would normally drop like 2.5 to 3.5 pills a night. They are very very lovey, and very very dancy, and very good communication with others while on them. Good luck, and most of all, enjoy them!!!!
the apples that were around in march were a very strong K/speed bikky.
make sure you test it first as the apples are notoriously bad for being duds (unless you like K bombs of course)....