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To bulb or not to bulb


Aug 3, 2001
I havent ever had a bulb before... Im fully serious i havent, anyway I so very keen to give it ago however im not real sure what it does? I know that its NO2 and that it is simlar to laughing gas etc. Im hell curoius about is what it actully does eg does it starve my brain of oxygen? is it just a high from NO2 and how bad is it for me? Is there a limit to how much i should have?, does it worked better with lollies? can i mix it with bongs, beer, n other recreational substances? i have been at raves and have seen car parks littered with 100's of em it looks like a bit of fun... perhaps some of the bulb vetrans can give me some info/pointers
trick beats jungle monkey, drum freak bass junkee,happy hard so dam funkee, voodoo trance phat n chunkee
Nitrous Oxide FAQ - compiled by pinger
Welcome to bluelight...

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
One day you may even get introduced to the famous Bulburator.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
If you happen to meet Chemical_Night or Noc_turnal or someone that says something about TTC or 'the bulberator'... run, run as fast and as far as you can and whatever you do DON'T LOOK BACK.
See you on the flip-side.
the answer is YES!

Bulbs rock, start with one see if you like it. If not then, oh well stick to your bumpin and us whores 'll stick to the nangin'

gah, withdrawals!
just found the mother load .... you guys have kept the supply secret all this time, but don't worry it's a well guarded secret with me!
as to bulb or not to bulb? well it can't be too bad to try.... maybe you shouldn't get too carried away with it, so make the most of the experience, study it closely and enjoy what it has to offer. i think its best with acid.
Bulbs ain't much on their own, but with MDMA or Acid they're absolutely fucking earth shattering.
As for starving the brain of oxygen, let me explain:
Nitrous use CAN lead to the brain being denied of oxygen, however it is not a result of the nitrous but rather the fact that people hold their breath for so long that the brain doesn't receive any oxygen.
It works like this; you empty your lungs, inhale the balloon and hold your breath, you eventually exhale and begin to breath again. However, from the time you exhale all the air from your lungs until you start to breath again. Your lungs are not absorbing any more oxygen, there is still oxygen flowing through your blood and consequently reaching your brain. However eventually the oxygen is used up. So, if the time spent not absorbing oxygen is short enough that you might comfortably hold your breath with empty lungs, then no, your brain will not be deprived of oxygen.
For greater effect people inhale nitrous until they pass out, yes this gives greater effect, but it DOES deprive the brain of oxygen.
hahahahaha..............hey sketchy congrats on your first post champ!!!!!
now you wont feel out of place with us canberra bluelighters!!!!!!
and i told you once i get the bulberator back from DJC and fix it you can have a go......
the consciouness of self is the greatest hinderance to the correct execution of any physical action... u dont exist therefore there are no boundaries or limits
That is the answer!
[This message has been edited by shank (edited 07 August 2001).]
LOL madmick i have it right here waiting for your collection, or shall we have a sesion tomorrow night?? Hmmm...i think bulbs are in order.
*runs off to buy more bulbs*

Sorry, yes, to bulb or not to bulb....?? Well since bulbs are the answer to everything, i'd say BULB!!!

This msg has been brought to you from your friendly Bulb Whore ~ DJC
"We are the children of the revolution"