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G jelly

Mr. Horse

Bluelight Crew
Jan 31, 2000
hehe,,,, people make mull cookies and cakes, so my friends thought it would be a good idea to make G jelly. I never got to sample the goods, and dont know how it turned out, but is there any reason why this WOULDNT work?
Silly druggies
That'd be pretty cool... only problem is that we'd all have to figure out what our dosages are again (ie: start with a 2cm cube and then top up an hour later with a 1cm cube, or something like that)!

I know! You could put a gel-cap with speed it, then cut it so your perfect dose comes with a nice cap of speed too...
Call it the "Gee-Wizz Package Deal™"!
dunno, the only issue would be that you have to heat up the jelly crystals+g+water in order to dissolve the crystals. Plus if you heat it wrong the effects could be disasterous.... Fear the layer of rubber jelly!
how would it taste?

actually i think it would be a very yummy idea, if u pile on the flavour crystals. blackcurrant G jelly...

but yes, dosage is a problem...
if the salty taste is too much, use it as a savoury jelly- aspic...mmmm... pate maison with g aspic on top...to be served at the next family bbq...lhehe
Would GHB and gelatin even set?
The point about the layer of rubber jelly is a good one... you cannot ensure that the G-jelly mix sets evenly. Therefore the concentration of GHB could be uneven throughout the mixture, and a "2cm cube" (or whatever) from the top of the bowl could be weaker/stronger than a similar sized cube from the bottom.
But! As you have come to expect, we on the forefront of drug technology have a solution:
Make your jelly cubes in an ice-cube tray. Each ice-cube compartment can then hold a known amount of GHB mixture (a single dose), and then set itself happily without mixing between compartments. Also this way if it doesn't set, you can try putting it in the freezer...

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
Use an ice-cube maker thingy... that way each lump is pre-measured and then you'll be set. The temperature thing shouldnt be a prob, it has a boiling point of arounf 280 Degrees C.
btw: the best combo ive used so far to mx with GHB (salty taste) would have to be blue powerade (or anyone for that matter) coz it already has that salty-ish taste, or STRAIGHT cordial, about a shots worth.
jelly is my fav food group. right after bbq shapes

*drools over thought of g jelly*
im gonna give it a go!
Another thing to remember people: It's going to take a lot longer to hit you, and therefore last for longer. So don't go and re-dose too early, because there might still be some jelly waiting to melt, and you don't want to accidentaly OD. Be careful!
well...i've seen the creation horsey's talking about and yes it does set. apparently tastes like crap. and it does work...or so they said (the people that ate it)...the problem of the dosages could perhaps be solved with for example: putting 70ml of g and then splitting the jelly into 4 equal parts (ie quarters) and sharing it between four people. everyone gets just under 20ml and a yummy big piece of jelly!!!