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Drugs (All Types) and


Apr 29, 2000
Drugs (All Types) and "Killing Brain Cells"

I have done some in-depth reading on this subject but nothing can really answer my question.
I quote "Anything that gets you high will kill brain cells", "A can of beer or a stick of ciggie is most prob killing quite a bit of brain cells.",
All right, i also understand that brain cells do not regenerate.
So would someone like to explain to me the actual effect of a drug such as alcohol/LSD/MDMA has on the "death" of brain cells? OR what is the actual case?
Can someone point me out to a website or something that can answer my question (and i haf seen dancesafe's slideshow countless times as well..)
Oh yeah, this is a little OT, but i once read somewhere that Humans only utlise 3-4% of their brains..
comments anybody?
www.dancesafe.org has a good mdma slide show showing how neurotoxicity works. Basic with mdma, you release shitloads of serotonin, so much so that your brain will temporaly "run out".. This leaves only dopamine in your "brain" (this is very abreviated), and this dompamine basically gets taken up where the serotonin should be and gets oxidized into a subtances similar to bleech (hydrogen peroxide i think), which of coarse then damages neurons in your brain. There are various ways to prevent or minimise damage as metioned many times all over BL.. EG 5htp, zoloft. etc etc.
Different drugsact on different parts of the brain and "can" cause damage in some way or another.. lots of info on www.erowid.org as well.
Well, few drugs 'kill' brain cells per-se. This is largely another myth probably propagated by the same ignorant folks who still think we only really use 10% of our brains. Stupid arse mofos... Believe me pal, as any 1st year psych student can tell you we use 100% of our brains, in a highly specialised and complex manner. Nothing in the brain does not serve an important function.
Anyway, back to topic. Brain cells.
A ciggarette is not going to kill any brain cells, an extended habit is. Cigarettes contain carbon monoxide which reduces the bloods ability to absorb oxygen, resulting in your brain getting less 02 than it should. Short term this is no problem, long term it is.
A stiff drink of alcahol is not going to kill any brain cells either, hey even getting completely smashed won't do any immediate damage. However, persist in putting a toxin in your body for a long term period, and you will experience a reduced capacity to deal with it, and can expect some problems and neural loss.
What I am getting at is it is not usually the drugs that kill brain-cells, but their secondary effects. With many drugs, these will not become prominent unless the drug in question is subject to some serious abuse.
However, with MDMA, it has been speculated (using quite a bit of ancecdotal evidence) that the gap between safe use and experiencing negative effects is quite small. Therefore, it is best to exersise more caution and respect around this drug than perhaps you would afford to others. There is no quantifiable measure of 'brain cell loss' atributable to any drug dosage... This is not how it works. It is a matter of erring on the side of saftey. If you have seen the dancesafe slideshow then put that knowlege into effect, 'cos its pretty much the extent of sciences understanding of how MDMA works right now. Its a risk, and only you can wheigh up the options...
The woods are dark and deep, and you have miles to go before you sleep...
[This message has been edited by -Thoth (edited 22 May 2001).]
[This message has been edited by -Thoth (edited 22 May 2001).]
Jesus Soma, thats compelling stuff. Somebody put it in a FAQ...
The woods are dark and deep, and you have miles to go before you sleep...
Just because is it written does not make it true. We have the 10 commandments, yet religous reasons are cited for being the major factor of wars throughout humanity's history (ha! think about *that* one!)
The author in that thread says himself that a lot of it is speculation and educated deductions.
Trust me, this may sound weird, but it's easier to understand!! Think of all your brain cells and neurons as a herd of buffalo. In the wild, the old, weak and sick buffalo are killed off by predators, which makes the herd a stronger, better functioning group. It's the same with your brain. The old and dysfunctional cells and nerves get killed off by drugs/booze, which actually makes your brain function better and creates stronger neuron pathways.
I don't know how accurate this analogy is, but it sure as hell makes me feel better about all my "habits"!!
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall be forever amused.
Uhh, sorry Insecurity, but that is a bunch of crap.
You only have so many neurons, and they do not regenerate like normal cells. Once you begin to age, these neurons begin to die off naturally. Our brains can withstand some loss, but if you have already killed off a whole bunch in your youth, then you are heading for trouble. Since you have less neurons to start with, the additional ones that die begin to impair normal mental functioning. Think senile dementia, alzhimers etc. Generally, losing neurons is never in your interest. Preserve those brain cells at all cost or you could start acting like a fusty forgetful pensioner sooner than you think.
The woods are dark and deep, and you have miles to go before you sleep...
[This message has been edited by -Thoth (edited 22 May 2001).]
Unfortunately Insecurity, it's quite healthy cells which get damaged by drugs... The body has it's own mechanisms to remove old/dead cells, we don't need to take recreational drugs to help that process...
And that's got to be the worst analogy I've heard... I really hope you don't seriously believe it... (and this ain't a personal attack... more concern really...)
Alright...looks like i have put some rumours to rest here.
I guess certain "facts" that we have been brought up with are hard to forget, even when you read up more about it in your later years.
yeah, i have seen dancesafe's slideshow and pretty much understand what is going on there. thanks for the link yeah?
thanks for the info ppl!!