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Obama May Soon be Forced to Embrace Marijuana Legalization


Feb 27, 2006

Obama May Soon be Forced to Embrace Marijuana Legalization

The President is opposed to legalizing marijuana. He's said so himself, and that's not likely to change without a fight. But the fight is on. Amidst mounting evidence that democrats can benefit from warming up to legalization, a new political calculus appears to be taking hold.

Democratic strategists are studying a California marijuana-legalization initiative to see if similar ballot measures could energize young, liberal voters in swing states for the 2012 presidential election.

Some pollsters and party officials say Democratic candidates in California are benefiting from a surge in enthusiasm among young voters eager to back Proposition 19, which would legalize marijuana in certain quantities and permit local governments to regulate and tax it.

Party strategists and marijuana-legalization advocates are discussing whether to push for similar ballot questions in 2012 in Colorado and Nevada—both expected to be crucial to President Barack Obama's re-election—and Washington state, which will have races for governor and seats in both houses of Congress. [Wall Street Journal]

There's a strong case to be made that democrats can mobilize the marijuana vote in their favor. But in order for it to work, President Obama absolutely must shield Prop 19 from federal interference if it passes in November. Think about it: if DEA is busy waging war on the will of voters in California with the President's blessing, it will cast a huge shadow over any subsequent effort to reform marijuana policies in Nevada and Colorado. Legalization initiatives in those states could indeed produce a heavy turnout of young voters, but Obama can't cash in on those votes if he's made himself an enemy of their cause.

In the event that Prop 19 passes, Obama will have no choice but to take a position well in advance of the 2012 election. He can either order the drug war army to stand down and allow legalization to take hold, or he can authorize the DEA to intervene and accept responsibility for the raids and riots that would surely follow. There's really no middle ground here, because any federal interference whatsoever will be regarded as a massive declaration of war. DEA's harassment and prosecution of medical marijuana providers has provoked no shortage of public outrage, even though the vast majority of operators have been left alone. Everyone will be watching, and Obama's first move will be perceived as a definitive indication of what his intentions are.

History tells us that politicians will almost invariably bend over backwards to defend prohibition, but that tendency is born out of the political presumption that there's a price to be paid for getting pinned with the so-called "soft-on-drugs" label. In Obama's case, those calculations will have to be thoroughly re-examined as the growing movement for marijuana reform penetrates far too deeply into his support base to be ignored, or worse, offended. A win for Prop 19 will provoke tremendous excitement among a majority of Obama's supporters and, if he has any sense at all, he'll be awfully hesitant to throw cold water on an event of such historic and emotional significance to the same people who put him in power.

It's anyone's guess how Obama will handle the marijuana issue in the years to come, but there's no question we've entered into a political climate that requires some significant deviation from the standard script. The old approach of scare tactics and propaganda won't work this time around, and he knows it. With or without a victory for Prop 19, the legalization of marijuana will be a leading issue in the 2012 presidential election and Obama would be wise to begin developing a more thoughtful position than what we've seen from him thus far.

For more, Chris Weigant has a good piece in The Huffington Post that makes a lot of similar points. I noticed it only after writing most of this and I generally agree with his analysis.
It's all going to come down to our nation's desperate need for money. The recession is killing everyone. They know that marijuana legalization would be a huge boost to our economy. It may be legalized for all the wrong reasons, but who cares at this point? Legalize it already!
I dont care how they do it just as long as they do. there goin to Tax the shit out of it but that should be espected
i doubt the first black president is gunna go down in the history books for being the one to legalize cannabis

heck i hope im wrong,
from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-weigant/if-california-legalizes-m_b_753514.html

What path Obama chooses will be important. Because we are assured of at least two more years of a Democrat running the White House (and possibly six). And even two years is long enough for the dust to settle politically in the state. Proposition 19 allows individual local governments to decide what they're going to do on the issue (whether they'll allow liquor stores to start selling packs of joints, for example). There will be many discussions at the local level on how to proceed, and towns and counties will take diverse paths, leading to experimentation with how best to implement the law. Two years of this will allow people in the state to get comfortable with the idea on a statewide basis, while still keeping local control of the implementation. Six years would allow the issue to fade completely into the background and for the battle to move on to other states elsewhere in the country (especially if California reaps a bonanza of tax dollars as a result).

But at some point there's going to be a Republican in the White House. And things could get a whole lot nastier on the whole state/federal front lines of this battle as a result. Which is why it is so important to see how Obama's going to handle it now. If Obama starts in with a heavy hand, it's going to make it a lot easier for a Republican president to later ramp up a federal crackdown. If Obama gives the California experiment legal room to succeed or fail on its own merits, then it'll be a lot easier to make the argument later: "It's working, leave us alone."

Politically, at least in today's conventional wisdom, Democrats are terrified to support any common-sense drug policy change, for the most part. This comes from 30 years of being demonized by the Republicans as being "soft on crime," so it's understandable (but not really excusable) for Democratic politicians to be timid in this area. No statewide Democratic candidate in California has come out in favor of Proposition 19. In fact, not only have they all come out against it, but Senator Dianne Feinstein (who isn't even running this time around) is co-chair of the "No on 19" effort. This is going to be a political movement where (to paraphrase the old bumpersticker) the people are going to have to lead, and the political leaders will reluctantly follow, eventually.

But maybe, just maybe, if Proposition 19 passes and California doesn't descend immediately into anarchy as a direct result, and if Democrats see that they held a governorship and a Senate seat that they could easily have lost, and if the offspring of Prop. 19 starts appearing on ballot initiatives in other states in the near future... maybe the Democrats will start to see marijuana legalization in a different light. I could see a day not too long in the future where Democrats are actively promoting legalization state laws in an effort to boost their own popularity among the ranks of voters (especially young voters) because it is smart politics to do so.
Obama is not the first black president hes not even the 3rd black president and I think we all know that legalizing herb and taxing it much like tobacco will take us out of the "ressession (wrong spelling probably)" Although the deficit is purely influence by the fact that our paper money is useless as of now (hence all the cash for gold stores adverts ect ect) we dont have nearly enough gold or silver to back up 1/10th of all the us currency. This whole capitalist regime will be ending soon right after the last great depression ( going to happen in 8 months ) Also anyone who wants to regulate what you do or dont put into yourr body should never but up to anyone but the user. Goddamn fascists taking advantage of the moral majority sheep...
politics aren't even based on logic anymore, its based on biases and precomceptions,
but this is a very nessecary thing to happen,
legalization in the states will create a domino effect
politics aren't even based on logic anymore, its based on biases and precomceptions

True, but if every lying president isn't re-elected perhaps they will learn what they will have to do if they want to stay in office.
I'm just thinkin how funny it would be if cannabis legalization went down in history as getting us out of this recession, like WWII for the great depression.(I know there's more to it than that as far as the great depression but..) I mean it would a complete 180 from the bullshit propaganda.
Haha parades and 'cannabis day'...little kids having to write school papers about what their parents/grandparents did before legalization.

And so long as california/the president/dea doesn't fuck this up, and it improves the economy....no doubt it'll be a 2012 election issue.
This is in some ways good but also depressing because it so obviously shows that the only thing that a politician is allowed to care about is how to get votes and as long as some drug user minority is too small to be of any use as a voterbase then that minority is of more use to the politician as a scapegoat and as a group to be opressed. So even if MJ gets legalized it's going to leave a lot of drug user groups in the shitter.
True, but if every lying president isn't re-elected perhaps they will learn what they will have to do if they want to stay in office.

there's only so much a politician can do with such a strong opposition

look at obamas health care bill, people are throwing around the world socialist like its as bad as saying the n-word, personally i am a libertarian, but i can see the merits of socialism

why isn't capitalism synonymous with greed and considered a bad word,

why is everything sell , advertise sell,

obama has kept some of his promises, but with a political system so based on political parties, its hard to get shit done

and the country was already in a shit place recession and such