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wanting to roll.. will MAOI be out of system?


Dec 7, 2005
My friend tried X around 10 years a go.
She said she dropped on a few occasions but never thought much of it.. i found out she was on SSRI's at the time which is one explanation as to why she may not have rolled so hard.

COme 10 years on, she's willing to give biccies another go... whilst she is not on any anti dep's at the moment she did stop taking Aurorix about 3 months ago.

I'm aware of the dangers mixing xtc with MAOI's... so my Q.. given the drug has been out of her system for 3 month.. would it be safe for her to take a pill now?

3 months is fine.

Moclobemide has an extremely short half life.

For anyone else reading who is not sure...........there have been numerous deaths associated with using moclobemide and mdma together or close together.

My doctort now warns his patients because he didnt know till I showed him.